Journey of My Life by Ganga N Prasad - HTML preview

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Our Paati is the best grandmother in the world for us because she always treats us with special love and respect on all occasions. Whenever she is with us our home is enlightened and the family comes alive with happiness. She encourages us to work hard at home and at school to achieve something better for us in life.

She always guides us and instructs us as to what is right and what is wrong. She has taught good values in life  and moulded good character in us right from the young age and helped us to understand the moral values in life to honour and respect our parents as well as everybody around us. She has always been a jewel that we will treasure and praise for  the rest of our life.

May she live for many more years and keep us blessed and happy. Veeru



I like my Paati very much because of all the things she does for me when I am around her. I always love the way she makes my cocoa, cooks my breakfast of roti and curry and she is real fun during festivals such as Diwali and Christmas when she prepares my favourite sweets such as gulab jamun and samosas. She even buys gifts for me and gives me cards with money in it. I use that money to buy my school  supplies. When she used to return from work I would always ask her what she had brought for me and Paati would take out chewing gum from her purse to give me. I remember that day well when she brought me a Barbie doll. But best of all whenever she took my brother and I to town for shopping she would always treated us to lovely lunch and delicious dessert.

Every morning before school and after cooking the roti Paati would braid my hair. I also enjoyed playing cards, passing the ball and playing touch rugby. I am always careful not to be rough with her. Sometimes we would ‘fight’ but we always forgave each other because we loved and cared for each other. One of our favourite pastimes was to watch Hindi movies with her and my brother on Saturday afternoons. I  also appreciate her helping me with my school work when mum is busy with other chores. I love my Paati very much and admire her for everything she does for us. We thank God for giving us such a kind, considerate and patient person as our grandmother. Nishtha.



My Paati is very kind, loving, and sweet. She has a very caring heart. I could never ask for a better grandmother. If I could describe Paati in one word, it would be: herself. My Paati is someone who will stay with me forever. She is priceless. Aayush



It is only incredible what happened in the lifetime of our grandmother. My Paati is a source of inspiration, a source of strength that is difficult to locate. It takes a great deal of self- determination to leave behind the confines of the cane-field to trade your knife for a typewriter. It takes self-determination to leave behind a tiny island for an even bigger one. I, for one, could solely imagine these things but I certainly hope I can find this strength within my lifetime. In any case, my Paati is and will be remembered as one who crossed the barrier to achieve the seemingly unachievable for one reason to better her and the ones she loves. Nirav.






Grandmother Gangamma with Nirav and Aayush



Grandmother Gangamma with Emanual and Nishtha