Reborn by Renato Ferreira - HTML preview

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“The best way to predict the future is to invent it”

Alan Kay

“No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it.”

Napoleon Hill

“The future belongs to those who believe

in the beauty of their dreams.

Eleanor Roosevelt

“You have to believe that the universe will provide.”

Steve Crosby

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act,

but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.”

Anatole France

“Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward

of this faith is to see what you believe.”

Saint Augustine

Sometime, in the near future…

Arica, Chile – It’s about 5:00 P.M., the mobile phone is ringing and Tony answers, it is his secretary Hanna telling him they will be arriving in 15 minutes.

Although a few years have gone by Tony looks younger, and somehow the expression on his face is of extreme almost contagious enthusiasm.

He folds his suit; hand tailored for him in Hong Kong, and packs it in his suitcase. In a few minutes the thump of blades announces the approach of this beautiful red helicopter. It lands, the door are opened and inside are Hanna and Captain Collins who says:

“Welcome, it is a pleasure having you aboard again!”

As they fly over the city of Arica, they over fly the Port and many warehouse roofs adorned with the Exbrus logo. The company seems to take more than a half of the port of Arica.

Soon they arrive at the airport of Arica, and as they approach they can see over 20 cargo planes in a line to take off and wow! They are Exbrus planes! As the helicopter door opens Tony is greeted by Carlos Costa.

“Hello, Tony, everything is set and your plane is ready to take off. And we have some wonderful news today. We broke our record again! The planes were all full today!”

And Tony replies: “You are part of this! You are making our dreams come true. Congratulations to all our team! We could not have done it, if it hadn’t been for everyone’s faith and belief! Just like fishermen get together to pull the boat out of the water, we have made it together as well and I am proud of all of you!”

“Thanks and congratulations for tomorrow! Replies Carlos.”

Tony had done it again; he made Arica the distribution center for South America. And it became Exbrus’ main hub. The location, the local laws and Tony’s vision made it happen.

As they board the jet, they are greeted by Captain Monica and the first officer, Nicole “We are ready to take off whenever you wish!”

The sunset makes a unique view of Arica as the private jet takes off. During the flight the videophone rings and it is Arthur from Auckland, New Zealand, Exbrus Hub, and Tony answers:

“Hi, son!”

“Hi, Dad, I am calling to congratulate to you, I know tomorrow is a big day for you and I want you to know that I will be there with you!”

“Thanks, son, congratulations to all of us!!...”

The conversation goes on for a few minutes. Tony rests for the next two hours since they will stop in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

They land in Belo Horizonte and Tony has a meeting with the local Exbrus hub manager. A young man named Alvaro. They made the “Take Off Minas Gerais” project become a reality and it is now Brazil’s main hub for Exbrus Corporation.

And at every place he goes there is excitement in the air. It is hard to describe. Alvaro is so motivated from meeting Tony. He tells him about all the challenges they have ahead, but everything is working as they have planned. Before he finishes the meeting, Alvaro says:

“Congratulation to you for tomorrow!”

And Tony again says thanks and assures them that everyone is part of this.

As they fly away from Belo Horizonte Tony places a call to Harrison, Amanda and Tatiane and talks to each one, telling them how much he loves them. He thanks them for all of those good thoughts his children had during difficult times, and tells them how important that had been for him and for lots of people. Again he mentions the fishing boat, if it hadn’t been for everyone pulling in the same direction we could have never made it, he explains. And they all say: “Congratulation for tomorrow, Dad!”

Tony sleeps for a while because he will have a long day tomorrow.

It is about 6:00 A.M. the next day. They have just left from New York’s LaGuardia Airport to a Manhattan hotel. At the hotel Tony takes a shower, calls for breakfast and puts his Chinese suit on. He looks brilliant now!

As he walks down the streets of New York he gets a copy of the Wall Street Journal, and the headline says:

EXBRUS to go public today!

The market has a very high expectation of the stocks for Exbrus Corporation, the fastest growing logistics operator in the world with over 100 locations worldwide…

The president of The New York Stock Exchange welcomes him to the opening day and Tony says:

“All dreams can come true, all you have to do is: To believe and have faith. I am the living proof of this and today my message to everyone, especially to our new stock holders, is: You’ve got to believe it! And you must have faith!”

As Tony finishes his speech the bells sound and the Wall Street Stock Market opens.

A few yards away a beautiful, sensual woman in a red dress has been gazing at Tony. Her look is like the one that Nancy Reagan used to have when staring at President Reagan. While Tony was speaking she was admiring him from a distance.

Tony comes close to her and says:

“Thanks for being at my side. For you I would do anything, even if I needed to publish a book, and make it a best seller, just to find you!”

“I love you!”

Wow! We have got to stop. What happened? Well, let’s come back in time again: After this book was published, of course, Tony made sure that all the financial and logistics people in the world knew about the book.

And the investor that he always believed someday would find his ideas feasible, finally appeared, after reading the book; the investor found Tony and helped him to make it a reality. And of course today he (the investor) is making more money than he could have ever imagined. And Tony is so glad to do it for him!

Tony found a friend and mate, also after the book was published, as she was also reborn and they have been together for some time now. Although they have no intention of ever getting married, because they understand that their spiritual bonding is much stronger than any signed paper and it is showed when you look at them. They learned to be best friends and mates at the same time.

She helps Tony in several areas as well. When you are around them you feel that love is in the air, because they love each other so much.

Well, at this point you may be asking what happened with me...

This book made a difference in my life as well. I discovered a friend I never knew I had. Getting to know Tony was the best thing that has ever happened to me in my whole life! To be around him is something that is incredible. Together we make a team!

After publishing this book I was invited by several people to give seminars about “The Life Manual”. And boy! This has been wonderful, helping other people to achieve their goals, and find their mission, destiny, or whatever you may call it, is something out of this world. Making people realize that they can be creators made me the happiest man on earth. My current project is to write a “Movie Script” for this book, and who knows? Maybe someone will actually like the idea!

Tony has helped lots of people and he has always managed to be with me wherever I go. Tony’s mate has done her part as well, showing the power of the woman, showing women how to be sensual and feminine...

The other day in a seminar a reporter asked me what were my business aspirations and I paused and said:

“There will be always challenges and this is what I love!”