Reborn by Renato Ferreira - HTML preview

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Every time someone writes a book many assume that their resume must be full of professional accolades such as university degrees, technical skills and so many other things required by our society.

Well, I like to think of my self as a kid, maybe a teenager. My experiences have been simple ones such as:

I tried to drive a big tractor when I was nine and almost hit my home, trying to jump start it; I have walked in a swamp and got stuck there, and had to wait for my father to rescue me;

I once started a big fire by mistake; I have loved so much and yet discovered it wasn’t true love! I have walked on rain and got used to it!

I made a hiding camp just for me, and used to stay there when my mom would try to get me for something I did wrong; I tried to count the stars of the sky, unsuccessfully;

I stole flowers from the neighbors’ yard; I had fallen in love, but was so afraid to tell her; I had woken up at the middle of the night and could not go back to sleep;

I have stolen candies from the supermarket and when I got home my mom made me go back and return it; I challenged the big kid at the school and got knocked down;

I have thought that I was superman and tried to fly; I felt on my ass trying to climb up a ladder; I have talked with the mirror and thought that I was Merlin;

I already felt alone in the middle of thousand people, missing just one person; I have tried to forget some people and discovered those same ones are so hard to forget;

I have made many people smile and those same people made me cry; I played with the pan covers thinking it was a driving wheel and I was Airthon Senna;

I have tried to run away from home and came back a minute later; I ran so fast, so I could avoid someone to cry; I believed in people, yet the same people betrayed me; I have gotten drunk and couldn’t remember a thing from the night before;

I love to write and to dream about the almost impossible and I have traveled to so many places, met so many people, yet the place that warms my heart the most is called home;

I have slept in the grass and saw the Moon become the Sun; I cried to see friends leaving, but discovered that soon new friends arrive, and life is full of this coming and going without reason.

There have been so many things, picture frames taken by the emotion’s lenses, which have been kept by this safe called my heart.

So, as you can see, I am a human being trying to learn all of the things that this beautiful planet Earth has to teach us.