Tears of a Child by Louise Kinnear - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Waking up with purring is not a sound I love.  Allergies begin and non-stop sneezing kicks off. Matthew sneaked in during the night and slept by my feet.  I felt him there but I was just too tired to put him out.  Why is this cat so restless?

Ugh, let me get up. OH wait, maybe Mary had her kittens. I can’t believe Abby is still sleeping. She must really be tired and exhausted after last night’s fun. I grabbed my slippers and rustled out quietly.  I tried to close our squeaky door as quietly I could.  With my back towards the passage and focused concentration, I pull it slowly and eventually closed the door.  As I turned around, I stared into a face I least expected to be home.  My father... “Ssht” he said quiet.  “I was just about to wake you up to show you something.” he said walking towards the bathroom. There was nothing in the bathroom but I could hear it.  Mary crawled under the bath, right to the back and had her litter there. “How are we going to get them out there daddy?” I asked.  He could see that I am very concerned. “They will come out when they are a bit bigger. As soon as they can walk actually, but I will try to lure Mary out to get to the little ones” he reassured me.  “Can I wake Abby up?” I asked quietly, thinking that he will probably say no. “Just be quiet, your mother and Suné is still fast asleep” I opened our door to find that Abby was awake already but did not want to come out of the room.  She was scared because she heard my father’s voice. “Come quick, I want to show you something. Well, I can exactly show you but I am sure you will love it anyway.” I said excitedly. “Daddy is home. Where’s mommy?” she said with a fearful face.  It looks like she is about to burst into tears any minute.  “It is okay Abby, I promise.  Let me show you something. Come on…” Abby eventually stood up and followed me.  Quietly she walks into the bathroom and turns around and says “there’s nothing in here Gabby, what’s going on?” I put my finger on my lips indicating her to keep quiet then she will hear it. “Is that what I think it is? Is that the new babies?” she asked.  She brightened up and her smile stretched from ear to ear.  This is so amazing. My daddy is in a very good mood, my baby sister has a smile from ear to ear and the silence in the house was there because of peace and not people ignoring each other. My father fetched his torch to see how deep the little kittens were.  I am too excited to leave his side.  I want to be the first one holding these tiny little kittens in my hands.  I have never seen little new born kittens in my life and today’s the day that I can, if my daddy can rescue them from the dark whole they are hiding in. My father tried all morning and half the afternoon to get to the little ones.  I was not going to give up.  I am still standing around just in case he gets to them.  Eventually my mother called us to go have lunch. I helped my father with putting away all the tools he used in his toolbox.  I could not help but smile, captured in my own thought, thinking of how cute Matthew is. He tried to wake me up but I chose to ignore him. Washing our hands side by side, my dad playfully bumped me with his hips.  “So kiddo, quite a situation we have here hey?” “Yup” I said nodding yes as I turned towards the towel rack to dry my hands.                                                                                  

“Mmm mommy, this looks really nice.” I complimented the food as she points to mine. As always, I take my father’s food to him where he gets ready to relax for the afternoon. Everything was back to normal and everyone enjoyed the rest of the Saturday afternoon.  There was no fighting.  The adults played cards and chatted while Abby and I was playing bunnyhop. Sunday school was compulsary in our home.  My mother believes that it will help us build a future with the correct choices and positve thought pattern.  I really enjoyed it.  I normally met a few of my school friends there and we spent some time together.  I really enjoyed the peaceful weekend. While getting up for school, I remembered about the little kittens that were still trapped under the bath. While I was getting dressed, I could not help but thinking of a plan of how we were going to get them out there.  I put my best school clothes on; making sure my shoes are polished and shiny that I can see my face in it. Rushing along as I try to rush Abby on as well.  Sheesh, what a morning!  I hate it when my mother works night shift.  Martha then tries to help us get ready for school while my mother is working.  Martha is our daily helper.  I don’t know what any of us would do without her here. I love her to bits.  She is wonderful with us and treats us just the way she will treat her own children. I love the fact that she is so reliable.  She helps my mother tremendously at home.  She cooks and cleans and makes sure that we bath while my mom rest before her long nights work starts. Running to the kitchen, Martha has already packed our lunches in our bags.  We had to just put it on our backs and run out. “Come Abby, we are very late this morning.” I wish I could stop time at a point. This running up a couple of street blocks with a bag that weighs a ton is not for the unfit. Finally running into the gate as the bell rings feels like music to my ears. I am completely out of breath but I made it in time.  And now I don’t have any time to tell my friend of the little kittens. Never mind, I will tell them during our first break.  But for now I am just very glad that we were in time for school.  I hate being late for school.  They humiliate you by forcing you to enter at the office gate.  If the office has to phone my father to say that we were late for school, we will never hear the end thereof. My first couple of classes after the assembly went very fast. I walked onto the field at first break and then only did I realise that I had my jersey on inside out.  I could not help but laughing at myself as I take it off to put it on the right way, and also realising that I have to share the news.  Finally, I see my group of friends standing near the staircase.  Should I run or should I walk, was the thought running through my head. I think a brisk walk will do it for me today. “Howdy gals” I said nearing the friendly faces. “Oooo, and what do we have here today?” while swopping lunch. We call it share-swopping. Sharon's lunch is always the best. Today she brought toast with boiled eggs & mayonnaise that's sprinkled with steak & chop spice. My mouth is watering for just a bite of her delicious looking lunch. "Sharon, you really out do yourself. Do you make your own lunch?" I asked, struggling to take my eyes off the last slice in her hand. I hope that she craves for some peanut butter and syrup. That is all I have and only two slices. "Here, I kept this for you." she said watching the expression on my face. I want to jump out of my skin, I was so grateful. I gave her both slices of my bread for her one. I can’t wait to wrap my lips around the slice of bread. I took a big bite, a huge one just to taste it and play with the mixture in my mouth. It feels like angels doing a happy dance on my tongue. I closed my eyes, tilted my head up towards the bright yellow sun to feel the happiness within me. “Oh, I did not tell you guys about the new addition to our family… We have kittens, brand new small tiny little kittens.” I expressed my excitement. Sharon loves cats and gave me her full attention.  “There is only one problem though…” I continued. “And what is that?” Sharron asked. “Well, the kittens are trapped actually.  They have been trapped the entire weekend or shall I say from Saturday morning.  Matthew tried to wake me up but I was too tired.” I could see the sadness in Sharron’s eyes. “Is there anything I can do?” “We can’t do anything but to wait for them to grow a little to crawl out” I tried to explain. “Crawl out from where?” Sharon asked inquisitively. “Mary had her litter under the bath, right at the back in the corner. It is too far for any of us to reach.” Watching Sharron’s concerned little face and taking another bite of my sandwich formed a different taste in my mouth.  “Not to be worried Sharron, we will get them out. While I am sitting in my English class, I stare out the window looking at nothing. I am lost in my own thoughts, my own world. All I can think of is the kittens that are trapped under the bath, Abby that hides her feelings too well from the universe and my parents that fight all the time.  Why do they always blame each other for everything?  Have they never heard of communication?  I believe that if you have issues with anyone, you should solve the problem. Don’t let it get the better of you.  Saved by the bell... Finally, I can go home. My mommy is probably sleeping now.  I really hate it when she works night shift. Walking down the driveway, I can hear Martha in the kitchen, preparing our lunch.  Abby is sitting at the dining room table already, waiting patiently for her food. I walked past her to put my bag in our room. She smiled at me but I know deep down inside, she is crying out for help.  Help that only a doctor can give her. What can I do? I am only 10 years old and I am struggling with things too.  All my friends enjoy music and love to dance and being a child, while I worry about when then next episode in my life will happen. I walk on eggs most of the time and it frustrates me. I just want to be the normal little girl my heart desires.  I always imagine myself on a beach, running free with my arms spread open as wide as an eagle’s wings and the wind brushing through my hair. I imagine the cold water splashing as I run on the shore where the waves foam towards the inland. I can taste the salt in my mouth every single time, I’m in my moment. “Hey wena, lunch!” Martha said. She startled me; I thought I was going to jump into my clothes cupboard. It feels like my heart wants to jump out of my chest. Phew... that was really a smack back to reality. Returning back to the kitchen, Abby finished her lunch already and is rushing me on so that she can do her homework. So loyal, is what she is.  I am eating as fast as possible and trying not to choke at the same time.  As I was getting up, she started taking her books out to do her homework. Hmmfff... I thought.  I will start that just before my father gets home.  It gives me less time to behave the way my daddy expects me to. The week went by so quickly. I just could not fall asleep last night.  It keeps on playing in my head over and over and over.  I am so ashamed. I feel so dirty... Who did he think he was? The nightmare just played in my head all the time. A family friend is what he called himself... All I wanted was the little kittens out from underneath the bath. Sunday morning I could not wait to get to Sunday school.  I need to pray that Jesus wash me clean and forgive me for my sins.  “Jesus, please help me get through this.” Walked into the house after Sunday school, it was filled with the aroma of a home cooked meal. I put everything that happened yesterday aside to get through the day. Thinking to myself, today is the day that I get the kittens out.  Mary wanted to walk out as I sat next to the bath.  Scratching her head and giving her some love and attention, I pointed to the back where her liter was laying and said; “Mary, you need to go fetch them now.” She turned around and started to walk to the back again.  I am hoping that I did not scare her off now.  I lifted myself to get up but something caught my eye.  She brought the first little kitten out.  A little brown one... so tiny and cute.  I hardly believed my eyes. “Daddy... daddy, come quickly!” I shouted.  She came out with another one. I just grabbed the towel that was in the bathroom.  As I started picking them up so gently and putting them on the towel, my dad entered the bathroom. He was standing in awe in the doorway. He stared at me and said with a broad smile on his face; “You did it my girl! You did it!” I could hear the excitement in his voice. Standing next to my father, I could not help but stand with great pride.  I am so proud of myself. “Well done Mary!” I said patting her head softly.  She is looking tired and exhausted.  I am sure she was relieved to have her little ones out of the hole.  I surely am very glad all her kittens came out there alive. I opened the door to our bedroom.  Abby was sitting there all in silence.  She is such a placid little girl.  “Come see Abby, they are so small and cuddly.” I dragged her out the room, but as soon as she saw the little kittens she melted. “Ah Gabby, they are so beautiful.” She said while picking up the smallest one. “Daddy, are we keeping them? Can we give them names?” Daddy turns around and said “I am sorry Abby; we have to find them new homes.  We have enough animals”