The Journey Of My Life So Far by Faisal Babangida - HTML preview

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Chapter two


What Makes Hon.Kevin Peter (Garkuwan Fali) A Great



As opposed to just being a politician, this means having the integrity and willingness to stand up for what is right, even if it means resigning from his position for the sake of his people.


Hon Kevin Peter Girma is someone with good communication and interpersonal skills, who can work with a range of other people, regardless of political party or opinion to achieve the greatest good for the general people.

Hon Kevin Peter has a strong character, with both conscience and charisma, he is willing to listen to the need of common people and represent them faithfully.

He is not a relativist. When he believes something is wrong, he plainly says it is so and does everything in his power to fight against it.

When something is right, he is willing to overcome any opposition to preserve and spread it.




A statesman, fears argue, is not a tyrant; he is the free leader of a free people and he must possess four critical qualities:


Bedrock of Principles


The statesman builds his platform on a foundation of firm, unchanging, fundamental truths. These are the things he believes at his very core, his overarching philosophy.

Just as in the foundation of a house, storms may buffet the structure, opposition and challenges may arise, times will change, but the foundation remains.

A statesman may change the details of his policies and his methods for achieving those policies, but only inasmuch as those short-term tactics of expediency serve the purpose of furthering his bedrock of principles in the long







A statesman has a clear vision of what his country and his people can become. He knows where he wants to take them and what it will take to get thereFears argues that a statesman’s foresight is one of his most important qualities, as he must be able to recognize problems on the horizon and be able to come up with solutions that are good not only for the short-term, but for the long-term as well.

The statesman keeps in mind not only the here and now, but the world future generations will inherit. The ability to build a consensus to achieve that vision

A politician may have bedrock of principles, a moral compass, and a vision, but if he lacks the ability to build a consensus around his vision, his efforts to change policies, laws, and the course of history will largely be in vain.


A statesman, who again is a free leader of a free people, must enlist those who serve with him in the government to support his initiatives, and their willingness to do so rests on the pressure they feel from their constituents to align themselves with the statesman’s vision.


Thus, a statesman’s success in building a consensus ultimately hinges on his ability to convince his countrymen of the soundness of his philosophy.


Hon Kevin Peter has a clear vision of what his country and his people can become. He knows where he wants to take them and what it will take to get there.


Foresight is one of his most important qualities, because he must be able to recognize problems on the horizon and find solutions good for both the short term and long term.


Only the here and now, but the world that future generations will inherit.


He is a truth-seeker, which means he is more likely to do what's right than what may be politically popular at the moment.


You know where he stands because he says what he means and means what he says. He elevates he elevates public discussion because he knows what he's talking about.

He does not engage in class warfare or in other divisive or partisan tactics that pull people apart. Hon Kevin Peter is not a tyrant; he is the free leader of a free people.


Kevin Peter builds his platform on a foundation of firm, unchanging, fundamental truths. These are the things he believes at his very core, his overarching philosophy.

Just as in the foundation of a house, storms may buffet the structure, opposition and challenges may arise, times will change, but the foundation remains.


He is someone with courage to stand up and say what need to be said rather than just tell the public what they want to hear.


Hon Kevin Peter leadership style focuses on coalition and building a better tomorrow. He Has Positive, Constructive, Dynamic, Creative And Effective Leadership.

One of the qualities that Kevin Peter poses is he is secured and he have nothing to hide or protect.


True leadership happen when people want to see the work done and they care little about who gets the credit.


From an experience of my childhood , I recall, I came home from school one day crying because I had been given only a small part in the children program while my playmate got the leading role.


After drying my tears my mother (Maryam Babangida) took off her watch and put in my hand.” What do