The Journey Of My Life So Far by Faisal Babangida - HTML preview

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Chapter 3




Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the mastery of it.

Courage. It has several names: Bravery,Valour,Fearless,Audacity,Chivalry,Heroism, Confidence,

Nerve...and a few nickname; Guts,Grit,Gristle,Backbone,Pluck,And Spunk.




But whatever name, it’s never met its match.


Courage that’s  another word of inner strength, presence of mind against odds, determination to hang in there to venture, persevere, and withstand hardship.


One of the great qualities that Hon Kevin Peter have is his courage!!!


Faisal Babangida quote; great leaders are people who are not afraid to fail; they have the ability to accept their failures and continue on, knowing that consequence of trying.


The law of failure is one of the most powerful of the success laws because you only fail when you quit trying.

Leadership grows from courage and integrity, and their seeds lie in everyone.


These character traits are primarily learned, not innate. And no matter what your past present, cultivating their role in your life can make your future bolder, more decisive and more successful.


Courage is the ability to do what needs to be done, regardless of the cost or risk. Integrity is the ability to do the right thing, no matter what the doubts or temptations.


A leader who can consistently do the right things, when they need to be done, is a leader with courage and integrity.


The process of building courage and integrity starts with very small moments, out of the spotlight, where only you are there to judge.

It begins when you first consciously exercise courage in the face of fear, when you first exercise integrity in the face of doubt.

Like any other skill, your ability to perform is a function of how much practice you have.


This practice compounds like interest over the long run and builds the stock of capability and internal resources you will need when confronting the big moments in your career.

If you consistently exercise courage and integrity on a small scale and push yourself gradually to higher levels, your stocks will be high when you need them. There are no instant-hero formulas.


Hon Kevin Peter's positive attitude is what makes him a great leader, a positive attitude is a person's passport to a better tomorrow. A misty morning does not signify a cloudy day.


Throughout Hon Kelvin Peter's political carrier so far he never backed down on any challenge.because of his courageous heart.

