Body & Spirit Books
Words From Walden
Words From Walden embodies the ideals set forth by Henry David Thoreau two centuries ago.My name is H Davey Thoreau, and I, too, went to the woods to live deliberately. This book explores esoteric evaluation and outstanding observations accompanying such magical memories and intelligent...
Star Beings
It is thought that life on Earth came from bacteria, but rationalization makes that seem implausible. So how did humanity get here?What if an advanced species from another reality seeded humanity on this planet and why?What of the ancient writings that state their royal line is a hybrid mix of...
The Remake of Sodom and Gomorrah is a book that touches on the subject of unnatural affections, identities, and lifestyles because it is a matter that grieves the heart of GOD. The world is rebuilding a spiritual and consequently a ‘physical’ Sodom and Gomorrah, and the evidence is on earth...
My philosophical ideas 3
This book represents a journey through the world through meditation.
My philosophical ideas
This book represents a journey through the world through meditation.
The book of truth and life
This book represents a constructive criticism to an increasingly decadent world.
The Gate Way to Heaven
The Gate Way to Heaven: is a guide to living a Christian lifestyle.Are you born again?How can you be born again?First you have to confess Jesus as your lord and Saviour and he will cleanse you from your sins. Salvation is a gift of God. John 3:16
Insights into Nature Spirits and Earth Energies
This book, Insights into Nature Spirits and Earth Energies seeks to further extend our awareness of reality where readers investigate topics such as: The custodian spirits of the landSuggestions on contacting the unseen spirits of the natural world Four different earth elemental typesCrystals...
In Search of Reality
This book, In Search of Reality replaces Other Perceptions of Reality as it seeks to further extend our perception of reality where we question topics such as: Is life like a roll of film where nothing exists beyond the present moment? Past lives and reincarnation: Do they exist? Why do we need a...
The Master Key System: Practicing the Law of Attraction in Daily Life
The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel is the cornerstone text describing how to apply the Law of Attraction in daily life. By following the principles laid down in this seminal text, any person can manifest happiness, health, and wealth. This edition has been compiled and edited by The Master...