3 Ways To Get Through A Heartbreak by Rolland Berehr - HTML preview

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“God’s word is an inexhaustible spring of life” (Ephrem of Edesa 306-373 A.D).

God’s word is the most fundamental and effective cure for heartbreaks. Simply put, the word of God is the most effective medicine for healing broken hearts, thus Immanuel Kant noted that,the Bible is the greatest benefit which the human race has ever experienced. A single line in the Bible has consoled me more than all the books I ever read.” God’s word is full of cogent truths that show you who you are and the way God sees you and these truths have the healing power that you need to get through your heart-breaking experience.

The word of God has the power to right the wrongs in your life for instance, obsolete and deceptive belief systems that exalt themselves above the will of God for your life. Dear friend, you don’t have to continue walking aimlessly in the dark in your quest for the right solution to your heartbreak. God already has the answer all laid out for you. All you have to do is study and meditate upon His word and find it.

Yes! People might have rejected you, poured scorn on you, used you, abused you, took advantage of you and betrayed you. Yes! The world might have made you feel like you are worthless and robbed you of all your buoyancy and self-esteem. Yes! Yes! Yes! You are heartbroken and all your hopes for better days and a brighter future have been crushed. But wait a minute… before you let the negative energy around you pulls you down and let the people who have hurt you rejoice over your downfall, take the word of God and meditate upon its truths constantly, you will be very much amazed with what you will find. The healing that you need is all laid out in God’s word.

If you are heartbroken because your partner has rejected you and left you feeling so worthless, betrayed, used and taken advantage of, the word of God will tell you that you are amazing and very beautiful{6}. God’s word will definitely give you all the valid pretexts why you should be happy rather than wallow in pain. When God created you and decided to put you on earth He said to Himself that “THIS IS GOOD.”{7} And that settles it. Your existence is good in the sight of God and nothing and no one can ever change that. You are not an accident my friend. Your partner might have told you that you were mistake to be in his or her life but that does not mean you are a mistake to God. You did not come here on earth as a surprise to God. God carefully planned, created and planted you on earth for a specific purpose, therefore in His sight you are special. In His perfect sight you are perfect! Yes! Yes! Yes! A zillion times yes! In the eyes of the great almighty you are brilliant, unique and definitely the best of His creation.

God takes pride that you are His handwork. {8}He has great satisfaction in the talents that He gave you when you use them to benefit and inspire the entire human race. God is gratified with your beauty, intelligence and your whole being. Listen to what God said to Satan concerning Job, “have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him…” {9} Believe it or not, God says that very statement about you each and every day of you existence because you are His.  He boasts because of you. The fact that your partner failed to appreciate your beauty, talents or existence doesn’t in any way change the view of God concerning you and His thoughts towards you. The fact that your partner took you for granted and never returned the love you showed him or her does not ascertain that God does not love or care for you.

Nevertheless, God is not going to help you to get out of that heart breaking situation because He already did! He gave you His word. All you have to do is study what the word says and apply it in your life. Take charge of your life and control it according to the word of God and see the joy it will produce in your life.

The world treat us according to the way we view ourselves. Of equal importance, people around us treat us according to the way we allow them to and that’s a fact. If you want to be treated with love and respect first of all view yourself as someone who deserve to be treated with love and respect and those around you will respond accordingly. If you want people to appreciate and value you, all you have to do is let the word of God define you and adds value to personality. Treat yourself according to the precepts of the word and the world around you will have no choice but to appreciate and love you. Think, Talk and treat yourself as a king to be treated like one. Simple!

To show you that He loves you, God sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ to die for you on the cross before you knew Him and before you were conscious of your existence. This corroborates that, in the sight of God you are that special someone who is worth fighting for and worth dying for. That is why over and over again God has put different mechanisms to bring you closer to Him so that the devil won’t have control over your life and drag you to the pit. Dear friend, you were bought with the highest price-the precious blood of Jesus! I’m sure that does better to show you your worth and how special you are. You have a price tag written on you that states that you are worth the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Even if we are to take all the minerals of this world and coalesce them with all the currencies of this world, the value is not even enough to purchase you!

If the world cannot fathom that you are worth dying and fighting for, it does not mean that it is a lie that you are worth dying and fighting for. If the world fails to treat you like someone special it does not mean that you are not special. Infact, it is your fault that you have allowed people around you to treat you as they see fit by not allowing God’s word to permeates your whole being and define you. My friend, you have to be conscious of your worth and value illuminated in God’s word. You have to know that that person who has rejected you has lost a treasure in you so valuable that God Himself had to send His only begotten to die and fight for it.{10} Let it sink in your heart that you are special. Allow your heart to absorb the truths embedded in God’s word and get to that level where you comprehend that the person who betrayed you, used you or taken you for granted is the one who lost and not you. The moment you allow God to work in your life through His word, I can tell you with no doubt that no one and nothing can make you feel worthless, rejected, betrayed, used or taken advantage of and you will never be heartbroken when people decide to leave you or betray you.

Constant study of the word of God will definitely assure that God will open other avenues or places where people will accept and treat you well. Take for instance the story of Joseph in the Bible, his brothers rejected him.{11} They made him feel so cheap and worthless when they threw him in the cistern and later sold him into thraldom. In contrary, look at what God did, He opened doors for Joseph to become the second most powerful man in Egypt. Come to think of it, as his ten brothers were busy rejecting Joseph on this end, God was busy opening the whole of Egypt to accept him on the other end. The story of Joseph is one of the inspiring stories were God turned rejection, betrayal and abuse into a blessing. Now, the amazing thing about God is that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He can do for you what He did for Joseph thousands of years ago if you apply His word in your life. God is not a respecter of persons and most importantly He always has something better for you, the sooner you accept it the better.

The world is close to 7 billion people now. God can still give you someone who can love you like you are the only person in this world. Don’t be stuck just because someone has rejected you. Don’t cry your eyes out just because someone who is too blind to see your worth used you, betrayed you or is taking you for granted. Get up and believe that God has someone better for you. As surely as the Lord lives there is someone out there who is willing and ready to love you whole heartedly and care for you deeply.

It is normal to feel pain and hurt especially after someone you loved and cared for deeply rejected you, used you, abused you or took you for granted. Right now you might be having all sorts of negative feelings beaming and exalting themselves all around you. But let me tell you something that heartbreak will work out for your good!  The word of God pontificates that all things works together for good to those who love God.{12} Notice one thing, the word does not say some things but rather all things. This means that even your mistakes, that rejection, abuse and betrayal will work out for your good! God does not want you to be embarrassed or to live in sorrow, so He makes sure that whatever happens in your life whether good or bad it will work out to your advantage.

God is about to open endless opportunities for you to be in places that you never thought you would be. God is about to open doors for you to be in the presence of elevated people just to turn that heartbreak into a blessing. The Almighty is about to open doors of opportunities for you that ‘seemingly happy people’ will kill for. Just believe and apply His word in your situation and see how He will turn your tears into tears of joy.

Stop wallowing in pain and allow God’s truths to take charge of your life. With the word of God at your disposal there is no reason for you to keep on feeling dejected and worthless. With God’s truth in your heart, you don’t need to have a plethora of books or human counsel to help heal from your heartbreak. You don’t need to keep on wasting money, time and energy on human effort, all you need is the word of God and it will produce in you what it talks about. Contemplate upon it day and night, meditate upon its truths and then apply them in your life, in no time you will be the happiest person this world has ever seen!

So what’s your point Rolland?

The point that I am trying to drive into your spirit is that, in order for you to live a happy, joyous and heartbreak free life you have to make God’s word your point of reference in all circumstances in your life and let it be your source of inspiration, motivation and happiness. Build your confidence, self-esteem and self-image on God’s word and live according to what the word says. The moment you become aware of your true identity and worth the world and those around you will definitely treat and love you accordingly. I can tell you with no doubt that, once you accept your true identity found in God’s word, you will taste no heartbreak, rejection and betrayal again in your life.