3 Ways To Get Through A Heartbreak by Rolland Berehr - HTML preview

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“Your thoughts, intentions, motivations and aspirations-whether they be secretly pondered in the heart, openly declared as desires, or formally written as goals- mould and shape your personal universe into something that is either grand and beautiful or base and hideous. Whatever you harbour in the innermost corridors of your thought life will sooner or later reveal itself in the outer arena through the people you encounter and circumstances you face” (Unknown).

The experiences we go through in life are shaped by the way we think and what we think, thus we define our lives by our thoughts. Your mind is so pungent and creative that if you harness it to think the right thoughts always you will have all the joy and happiness this world has to offer. You can create for yourself a good romantic relationship and change a bad one for the better with your mind. All you have to do is channel your thoughts towards that which you want and you will have it!

The writer of the book of Proverbs acknowledged and esteemed the power of thoughts that he remarked that, a man is a product of his thoughts.{13} Your life is dependent and influenced by the way you think, thus right thinking is an essential necessity. Your thoughts like a tree they bear fruit. If you think positive thoughts you will manifest positive things in your life and if you think negative thoughts, you will also attract negative things in your life. You can use the creative ability of your mind to create that ideal romantic relationship you have always wished for. You can start today to think right and be healed of that heartbreak.

The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is one of the most talked about universal laws or principles in our contemporary world. This universal law got much worldwide attention after the release of Rhonda Byrne’s international hit movie The Secret. There are so many testimonies of people who applied consciously the law of attraction in their lives and created riches and stable romantic relationships. The interesting thing about this law is that, whether you are ignorant of consciously unaware of its existence and how it works you are not deprived of it to work in your life. In other words, this law works is at work each and every day of your life whether you are conscious of it or not and whether you like it or not. Nevertheless, by being aware of it and applying it consciously you can take advantage of this universal law and get through that heart-breaking situation victoriously never to experience it again.

The law of attraction functions on the premise that you attract those things that you pay attention to, focus on or spend your energy on whether you actually want them or not. In other words, the law of attraction brings forth in your life whatever things you focus on whether you want them or not. This entails that, if you think negative thoughts, those negative thoughts will produce experiences in your life that mirror your negative thoughts. On the other hand, if you think positive thoughts, your positive thoughts will produce manifestations that mirror your positive thoughts.

In order for you to create that ideal romantic relationship that you want, you must take charge of your thoughts. If they are negative, you must make sure that you change them to be positive always. If you gripe about how your life sucks because your partner rejected you, abused you, took advantage of you or betrayed you, it will suck for as long as you keep on thinking and talking that way. If you complain about how incomplete you are and how difficult it is for you to find the right man or woman in your life, you will definitely be incomplete and it will be very difficult for you to find the right person who will love and treat you right.

Make a decision today, decide those things that you want to manifest in your life and change your mentality to focus on those things that you desire to see happening in your life.  Spending much of your time feeling worthless, defeated, rejected, used or abused will only attract more of rejection, abuse and defeat in your life. Spending most of your days vocalising how your man or woman cheated on you, used you, rejected you or took advantage of you will do you no good  except  to increase situations in your life which will leave you feeling rejected, used, defeated and taken advantage of. In other words, focusing your attention on how your partner wronged you will only increase the chances of you meeting romantic partners who will do you wrong. Yes you have been hurt and yes you are in pain but paying attention to all of that will attract more of hurt and pain in your life!

There are pragmatic changes that you have to make in your life for you to be able to condition your mind to think positive thoughts always. You have to be careful what you hear, read and see because the things you hear, see and read have a great impact, both positive and negative, on your thought pattern. The writer of the book of Proverbs knowing the importance of this wrote that, “above all guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (Proverbs 4:23).  Don’t allow any thought or ideas to enter into your mind, some thoughts and ideas are worth blocking because they do you no good. You have to get rid of everything around you that brings you sadness and reminds you of how you were rejected, abused, taken advantage of or betrayed. You have to stop reading books, newspapers and articles that doesn’t inspire you to see yourself and the world around you as beautiful and lovable. You have to avoid listening to songs and watching movies that well up negative feelings in you. Avoid spending time with people who don’t encourage you and who constantly reminds you of your hurtful past. Instead, spend much of your time reading books and listening to sermons as well as music that motivates you to see yourself as someone special. Spend time with people who see the best in your and who encourage you to see yourself as someone who deserve to be loved, valued and cared for. This helps your mind to stay in the positive lane which in turn will help you to stay positive in the midst of pain, hurt and disappointment.

Another way of keeping your mind positive is to be grateful. Despite the fact you are heartbroken, you also have to admit that you have somethings to be grateful to God about. Being grateful opens up your eyes to see how loving, merciful and caring God is. The more you become grateful about all the good things in your life, the less you will focus on the negative things that have happened to you. I recommend that you to write a list of all the things you are grateful to God for. When you find yourself thinking about the pain your partner caused you and how heartbroken you are, I want you to take out that list and focus on the good things you have written there. This will help you to switch effortlessly from negative thoughts to focus on positive ones which in turn will help you to maintain a positive and healthy mind.

You have to stop thinking about what happened no matter how difficult it might be. You have to leave the past behind and move on. Change your thought pattern and start to focus on the relationship you would want to manifest in your life. Start to feel good about yourself. Drawing from the word of God, accept your true identity and start to value yourself and see yourself as someone beautiful and lovable. Instead of feeling betrayed, used and taken advantage of, start to see yourself with that person who loves you. Create a positive mental picture in your mind of the relationship that you want and focus on that mental picture over and over again until it produces what you want. “As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over again the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives,” (David Thoreau).

It is now important at this stage to point out that thinking positively is not enough to grant you that happiness and ideal romantic relationship you desire, you must add feelings to your thoughts. It is one thing to think of yourself as someone special and it is another thing to really feel that you are special. This is the key. You must have that deep conviction within you that you are special, lovable and valuable. You must have that note within you that really believes that you are worth fighting for and worth dying for. You have to feel it. You have to really know beyond any doubt that no one has the mandate to look down upon you, reject you, abuse you or betray you. The moment you add feelings to your thoughts you will realise that things will start to change in your life and they will start to align themselves with your thoughts bringing closer to you that which you want to manifest in you life.

After adding feelings to your thoughts you have to act now. For you to attract something after you have thought about it and your feelings are in sync with your thoughts you have to act like you have received it already. That’s faith. Your thoughts and your actions should not contradict each other. R. Byrne postulates that, “when you want to attract something in your life, make sure your actions don’t contradict your desires.”{14} If you desire to be happy and be healed of your broken heart start right now to act like you are happy and healed.  If you desire to be in a happy romantic relationship, start to act like you already have that person who makes you smile and treats you like you are the only person in this world. Start to make changes in your life that support your thoughts and feelings and you will have that which you desire.

Story of my life

When I was in college, I was in love with this girl… ok let me call her Tasha*. Believe you me, she was one of the most beautiful girls on campus and me being an average good looking guy it seemed so impossible that a guy like me would date such a girl. I remember how my friends laughed their lungs out when I told them that i wanted to ask her out on a date. To them it seemed so impossible for a guy like me to get the attention of that girl. But listen to what I did, first of all I made a decision within my heart that I was going to win Tasha’s heart. I then created a mental picture in my mind of the places I would go with her, the songs I would sing to her and things we would do. I pictured her smiling at me, holding my hand and playing with things. Most importantly I imagined myself going with her to church to meet my pastors and friends as well as my family. I moved on to think of her all around me to actually feel her all around me! The mental picture became so real to me that I could actually smell her scent, feel her touch, hear her voice and see her smile. I went a step further, to actually act as if she was already in my life. I deleted all the numbers of the girls I was flirting with and I actually announced to my friends that I had won her heart which they did not believe anyway! It took about three weeks to do this, and guess what happened, I bumped on her in a supermarket on a Saturday… To cut the long story short, I went on to date Tasha for two good years to the surprise of my friends and many people at the campus! (Full story in the book: A world without the Devil.)

If I managed to do it, definitely you can do it to!