3 Ways To Get Through A Heartbreak by Rolland Berehr - HTML preview

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“No matter how rewarding these relationships can be, life’s experiences have proved over and over again that romantic relationships are one of the major reasons why some people are living miserable and painful lives(Rolland Berehr).

God created mankind to live happily on earth. The people we meet in life and the various human relationships we enter into were designed by God to make our life on earth exciting and worthwhile. The fact that we have met people along the way who have abused us, betrayed or rejected us does not prove in any way that God fashioned us to live miserably and heartbroken. The infinite variety of objects aired in nature proves that we are encompassed and protected by a loving God, who supplies us with all the essential resources necessary for our wellbeing hence we ought to enjoy life and enjoy it all the days of our lives.

There are many forms of human relationships that are created as human beings get acquainted with each other. These can be classified into five main types which are; romantic relationships, friendships, casual relationships, family relationships and professional relationships. Although these forms of relationships differ, their primary objective is to make our lives enjoyable, assist us in finding our calling and help us reach our maximum potential.

This book, however, deals with one form of human relationships which plays an important role in the day to day lives of human beings- Romantic relationships. Romantic relationships are largely thought of as friendships with the addition of passion, intimacy and commitment. One expert on romantic relationship concurs that, romantic relationships are based on understanding and these are the most rewarding of all human relationships. When you have a romantic relationship with someone, you share attitudes, visions, dreams, strengths and vulnerabilities with that person. There is also mutual support between each other; you and the other person grow and you are willing to learn from the other person and vice versa” (Matsumoto: What is a romantic relationship). Nevertheless, most people enter into a romantic relationship with the intention to enter into the union of marriage if the compatibility test passes.

No matter how rewarding these relationships can be, life’s experiences have proved over and over again that romantic relationships are one of the major reasons why some people are living miserable and painful lives. These relationships can be calamitous and dangerous the moment people fail to manage and deal with challenges associated with them effectively. Many people are bearing the brunt of rejection, abuse and betrayal associated with romantic relationships and their story on earth has been that of wretchedness, pain and sorrow.

Nevertheless, if you are one of those people who have been rejected, abused, betrayed, used or taken advantage of in a romantic relationship this book is for you. It motions counsel that is effective and practical to make you realise your self-worth and help you get through your heart-breaking experience rejuvenated and stronger. The counsel in this book has worked in my life and in the lives of many who have got hold of it and manged to apply it in their lives. I can tell you with no doubt that once you fill your mind with the thoughts in this book and apply them in your situation, you will definitely get out of that heart-breaking situation victorious, never to experience any heartbreak ever again in your life.