3 Ways To Get Through A Heartbreak by Rolland Berehr - HTML preview

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“Some heartbreaks in life are God ordained. There are some people we hold on to who are not good for our purpose and future. God knowing our inability to let go of these people, He makes them hurt us so much that we are left with no option except to let them out of our lives” (Rolland Berehr).

As social beings, much of our joy comes when we interact with others. We develop relationships because we are innately social and therefore the need to belong to a social group. When we commit to relationships we become happy, comfortable and relaxed but when we fail to handle these relationships we end up having heartbreaks.

It is now universally acknowledged that relationships are dynamic and they go through five notable stages which are; acquaintance, build up, continuation, deterioration and termination. It is during the deterioration and termination stages that many people experience a heartbreak.

There are numerous reasons why romantic relationships come to an end. Death is one of them. However, for the purpose of this book I will be dealing with that heartbreak that occurs after someone has been rejected, betrayed, abused or taken advantage of in a romantic relationship and this brings me to the working definition of the term heartbreak in this book. A heartbreak is a sorrowful experience that one goes through after he or she has been rejected, abused, betrayed or taken advantage of in a romantic relationship.