Body & Spirit Books

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Showing results: 41-50 of 306
Psychics and Seances

Psychics and Seances

Annette de Jonge | Body & Spirit
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Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Annette, an involuntary psychic, began at an early age to question why she saw and heard spirit people and had nocturnal visitations by different species of extraterrestrials.Her quest to find answers led to attending psychic development classes and along the way learned that she is a...

The Desire of Ages

The Desire of Ages

Ellen G White | Body & Spirit
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Like the rejected stone, Christ, in His earthly mission, had endured scorn, contempt and abuse. He was “despised and rejected by men a Man of Sorrows and acquainted with grief." But Christ is a well of water, springing into eternal life. The person who accepts Jesus will be transformed. His fear...

The Truth about Angels

The Truth about Angels

Ellen G. White | Body & Spirit
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

This book describes the connection of the visible with the invisible world, the mission of angels of God, and the agency of evil spirits. There is a growing tendency to disbelief in the existence of demons, while holy angels are regarded by many as spirits of the dead. Everyone is exposed to the...

We Are Not Alone

We Are Not Alone

Annette de Jonge | Body & Spirit
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

The Earth has been visited for eons by various species of aliens, recorded by many cultures through legends and ancient art. Reading this book you may wonder have I, the reader, had an encounter that has been blocked from memory? This book offers clues, ways to find out.Alien implants, nocturnal...

Perceptions of Reality Book Two

Perceptions of Reality Book Two

Annette de Jonge | Body & Spirit
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Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Book One touched briefly on Quantum Mechanics and the widely accepted theory that what we see as our reality is illusion. We are now challenged to extend our perceptions with the paradigm of thought that the reality of the life we live can be seen as little more than a computer game, with us as...

The Mystic Quest – Piercing the Veil of Conditioned Perception

The Mystic Quest – Piercing the Veil of Conditioned Perception

Anonymous Monkey | Body & Spirit
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Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

An introduction to Buddhist techniques of mental cultivation

Other Perceptions of Reality

Other Perceptions of Reality

Annette de Jonge | Body & Spirit
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Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Exciting times are here as incoming energies bring change and create new opportunities to our world, universe and dimensions interpenetrating our third dimension. Quantum Mechanics opened our eyes to the fact of what we see as our reality is illusion. We learn of infinite possibilities and that...



Ellen G. White | Body & Spirit
Rating:     Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Prayer is the breath of the soul. And yet many find it hard to pray. Prayer is the secret of spiritual power.” The atmosphere of prayer and devotion throughout the day is an important part of spiritual life—especially in these last moments of Earth's history. If you are uncertain if God hears...

How to Maximize the Power of Yoga

How to Maximize the Power of Yoga

Samantha Calfornia | Body & Spirit
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Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

How to make the most of the power of yoga brought to you by the wings of success. Yoga physical health, why yoga is useful, postures, basic sitting poses with benefits, balance between relaxation and body control.Yoga for relaxation and much more.

Darshana Upanishad

Darshana Upanishad

Thirunavukkarasu Sivasubramaniam | Body & Spirit
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Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

Darshana Upanishad is one of the twenty Yoga Upanishads. It is a treatise on Raja Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga of eight limbs.