A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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In ancient times, maintaining virginity before marriage was very useful to protect women, because in this way they made sure that their partners could only have them after committing themselves, in this way, the woman was protected by marriage before the possibility of having children. Furthermore, as this ceremony was public, everyone became a witness to the possibility that one of the spouses could deny the engagement. In this situation, reaching a virgin marriage in addition to being an example of responsibility was also a gesture of respect for the couple. However, to argue that virginity must be maintained throughout life to have a decent life is completely absurd, because if having sex was wrong, then how are children going to be conceived? For this reason, those who affirm that Mary the mother of Jesus conceived her virgin son, what they do is despise all women, because they are suggesting that the fact of conceiving a child naturally makes women lose some virtue. It is clear that with this attitude the Catholic Church makes a serious mistake, because the wrong thing is not to have sex, but to do it in an unworthy way. Because of this wrong way of looking at sexuality, Catholic monasteries have been filled with traumatized people who think that being a virgin is a necessary requirement to get to heaven. It is true that giving up marrying and having children to dedicate oneself completely to a task can make sense in exceptional situations, such as when a soldier has to go to war or those who risk being persecuted for their beliefs as happened with Jesus and the apostles. But defending virginity in an extreme way doesn't make sense.

At present, we live in a materialistic age in which dignity or morals are valued very little, but without a doubt this will change in the future and then all citizens will remarry virgins as they did in the past, because it is with the consummation of the sexual act as the marriage is sealed. This is also useful for requiring the partner to commit before the woman becomes pregnant. It is necessary to understand that a society that encourages disorder and promiscuity also favors crimes and violations against women, because in the past, virginity was considered a sacred value and consequently women were protected by the entire community until they got married. Therefore, those young people growing up in the midst of an immoral society are more likely to try to abuse women that those who as children were h has taught that sex is something that is only for those who previously committed. It is evident that a society that does not give importance to the virginity of its daughters is much more exposed to rape than one that does.

It is true that if a relationship does not work it is better to terminate it, but it is also true that those who lead a promiscuous life before getting married are much more predisposed to cheat on their partner than those who married virgins. It is also important to emphasize that sex is a good thing, even when you do not want to have children, because sexual desire is something constant that lasts a lifetime, and without it, it would not be possible to renew the species.

For this reason, when the moral value of virginity is exalted in the Bible, surely what is being appreciated is not virginity itself but the ethically correct attitude of those who reject promiscuous behavior, because if to be moral it was necessary to be a virgin Then no children could be born and that obviously doesn't make sense. It is possible that the cause of the confusion is due to a translation error or also to the fact that in ancient times it was understood that "virgin" was the one who came to marriage without having had sexual relations previously and not the one who spent his whole life without having them as is understood now. Therefore, if understood that way, all those who would have waited for marriage to have sex would remain virgins and morally blameless, regardless of whether they had children or not. We must not forget that in ancient times it was normal for couples to marry in this way, being considered a disgrace that the spouses did not become virgins at marriage.

It can also have a symbolic meaning when in the bible it is said that the child Jesus would have been born of a virgin, because perhaps what is meant is that the child would have been conceived naturally in its physical appearance, but its spirit would come from a upper world.