A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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Today, many social discussion is there around the usefulness of euthanasia. In my opinion, it is not only useful but even sometimes necessary, because current advances in medicine are causing many people with severely impaired health to be forced to live beyond logic. Because it is evident that when, due to extreme old age or a disease, the quality of life is below an acceptable minimum, it makes no sense to prolong life artificially, because by naively trying to help the sick person, they are actually harmed by force him to live in a decrepit body incapable of producing the least degree of happiness. In the past, it was common for living beings to never live beyond the limit point for an acceptable quality of life, because in nature there are two methods that serve this purpose, one is predatory animals, which are responsible for selecting the animals weaker and by hunting them they avoid the final agony that occurs when the extreme deterioration of the organism is reached, and the other are viruses, which like a kind of cleaning service are dedicated to looking for dead organic matter to decompose it, but, as to these tiny beings a weakened living being is not very different from a dead living being they try to destroy it in the same way.

It is not that the ultimate goal of viruses and bacteria is killing animals or people, but just make sure of that only live those beings capable of having an acceptable average health, and if that fails try to cause death quickly, because its function is not to kill but to clean. In this way, they avoid the slow final agony that living beings would have if these microorganisms did not exist. It is true that predatory animals also hunt the young, which is unfortunate, but in the case of older animals they can be useful by causing the moment of death to be quick, in addition, predation avoids the slow decomposition of corpses. In fact, predatory animals have most likely evolved from scavengers. It is also true that viruses sometimes kill young people with a long life to live, but this only happens when the immune system of the victim is unaware of that virus and consequently is not prepared to defeat it, as is usually the case. Because microorganisms are actually nature's cleaners tirelessly dedicated to breaking down dead matter for the sake of the living.

Nature is designed so that viruses cannot harm healthy people, but when hunger occurs in a population due to an economic crisis, immune defenses decrease and viruses attack malnourished people because they mistake them for organic matter dead, although this may seem cruel, these microorganisms are only trying to keep the natural environment clean. Furthermore, when it is evident that a person or an animal is going to starve due to lack of food, it is preferable that the microorganisms act to avoid suffering a slow final agony.

Therefore, it is surprising that the Catholic Church shows its anger at euthanasia, does it bother her that remedies are found to avoid the agony of the terminally ill? Or is it rather that it bothers you that euthanasia robs you of the clients with whom you can bill human suffering? because at that moment of weakness is when people are most vulnerable and consequently more exposed to speculators who try to snatch their savings. With this type of behavior they show which side they are on and it is evident that they are not on the side of the common good. We must not force a person to live in conditions that we would not want for ourselves, it is better to let their spirit run free when the body is unable to offer a reasonable quality of life.

One of the main reasons that explains the conflict between animals is their inability to control the world around them, which leads to confrontations and the appearance of viruses and bacteria, luckily, in the future, humans will not have those problems, because being able to control all the biological circumstances that surround us through knowledge and technology will make it much easier to avoid situations that favor confrontations.