A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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In my opinion, in the future, food will end up being completely of plant origin or rather it will no longer be of animal origin, because an evolved society does not need bloodshed to achieve the nutritional principles necessary for a healthy life. It must be borne in mind that a society that accepts the death of animals without being necessary may inadvertently be favoring violence among its own fellows. This is so, because blood calls for blood and a soldier who has killed in combat is more likely to commit a crime upon returning home than a normal citizen, the reason is simple and that is that once the soldier kills for the first time He partly loses his fear of killing, it is not that that makes him a murderer, but it makes it easier for him to become one. I do not intend to discuss here whether or not it was necessary to eat animals in the past, because it is evident that there were many villages that only had this way of life, as was the case of fishing villages, but in the future, technological advances will allow for man to completely detach himself from the association between food and bloodshed and that will undoubtedly make humanity more peaceful. In addition, once the human being colonizes the planets and moons where it is difficult to grow plants, they will surely opt for the production of artificial foods, these foods will have the same nutritional qualities as vegetables and a similar texture, so it is possible that in those places is left to grow indefinitely plants. In any case, this could be considered more as a matter of principle than nutritional, because it is reasonable to think that a vegetarian society will always be more peaceful.

A society that wants peace must strive to achieve it, therefore, ideally, firearms can only be used by the armed forces or the police. Nor does it make sense that in many countries the use of firearms is prohibited to the population, but instead it is allowed to have them if it is to use as entertainment, in hunting or in competition, the logical thing would be for them to be prohibited or to be allow them all, because the life of an animal or of the victims that may be caused by the improper use of these weapons must be more than a game. A society that allows the use of weapons indiscriminately not only shows that it is a sick society but above all that it is a disunited society.