A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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Today, there are many unscrupulous sects and writers who sow the world with lies just to make money, because of them, some people get to have real psychological disorders. Because the truth is that many of those writers of the so-called new era or personal self-realization are nothing more than simple amateurs whose hypotheses in most cases have been copied from books of dubious reputation and not from contacts with superior beings as they claim. They call themselves spiritual teachers when they are nothing more than simple con artists. The true mastery in philosophy or metaphysics is not acquired simply by reading books, but when one has the gift of intuition that is necessary to see where others do not see, a gift that is derived from spiritual progress. Therefore, the most prudent thing is to keep our principles firm and not accept any ideological hypothesis until we have clear our doubts.

Those false contactees or cult leaders are like psychopaths, they have no shame in lying or plagiarizing the work of others to get money or prominence, they are people without a soul. People usually believe them because they do not conceive that there can be someone so mean as to lie so continuously, but empty and insubstantial people often represent a false personality to give themselves more importance than they deserve.

Psychopaths are not only interested in money but also in power, because they have such a dominant character that they do not hesitate to lie in order to manipulate people, that is why they try to be seen as teachers when they are just scoundrels. When a person is evil, impulsive and dominant at the same time, they acquire the personality of a psychopath who is characterized by trying to impose their interests by force, therefore, they do not hesitate to lie to achieve their goals.

These scammers are easily discovered, because they tend to absorb like sponges all the lies that have been written about aliens, because they copy each other and the sum of everything they say is like a bad science fiction movie. That approach they make of aliens or the universe is as crude and mundane as the people to whom it is addressed, because a spiritually elevated person knows that all this is nothing more than a sum of lies.

Some sell books, others ask for donations from the followers under the pretext of maintaining the sect, but in an amount that does not correspond to the cost of the sect and that goes to the pocket of the leader. Other times they ask for money to build churches and the deeds are written in the name of the owner of the sect, then they sell the church under the pretext of building a larger one or somewhere else and the leader keeps the money, then the process starts again from the beginning. There are also sects that try n sexually use the adepts to get money from new assumptions followers who adhere to and paid only in exchange for sexual favors in this case it is to deceive the followers to engage in prostitution without charge for it. Another common method is to try to convince followers to give a large part of their salary to the sect, but all the goods that are acquired with that money are not registered in everyone's name but only in the name of the owner of the sect.

These methods are often used to scam the followers and in all of them there is the same common denominator which is the desire to obtain power and money. Sometimes they deceive people who feel lonely or depressed and believe that the sect is going to be like a family for them, and other times they use fear or vanity to adhere, because they scare them by saying that the world is going to destroy and only the members of the sect will be saved, and if that is not enough they try to inflate their ego. In this way, if the method of scaring is not enough, they use the promotion of vanity or evil that the adept may have to deceive him, because they make him believe that if he adheres to the sect he will be better and smarter than the others, it is say that in the end they end up paying in exchange for false flattery. Then, when they see that things don't fit together, acknowledging this truth becomes the main obstacle to leaving it. This phenomenon of paying for believing better than others is very common also in occult groups or Masonic lodges, but may also be exceptions, because the followers believe that by simply joining them will pert enecer a é a lite p rivilegiada and consequently consider that all what is outside them is ignorance.

Some of these scammers proclaim themselves contactees or channellers of aliens just to have a leadership position over their potential victims and with that advantage they try to manipulate them according to their convenience, now they are also very active on social networks or the internet being so enormous the number of scammers than the authentic cases that there are also are every day less in proportion, that is why it is so important to distrust everything they tell us and to analyze each situation with impartiality.

The great religious organizations of the world usually use the same methods of mental manipulation to obtain power, the only difference is that they hide their methods a lot as they are very widespread organizations. They all have in common that they try to nullify our mental freedom and our creative capacity because they are not superior beings nor do they represent God, they are only false prophets and minions of Satan. The world must free itself of this burden and understand that we are all creators because we are all part of God.

There are also scammers, who try to scare people by setting a date for the end of the world and, of course, they propose themselves as the solution to that danger with the intention of making a profit by creating sects or selling books. When that date arrives and the end of the world does not occur, then they invent another to continue with the same deception. It is sad to see how some people trust them to get out of danger without understanding that the real danger is them. It is true that one day there will be an end of the world, although no one knows the date, but the fact that there is an end of the world does not mean that it is the physical end of the planet, but rather it will be the culmination of a process of evolution technique and morality that will allow the world to see the light at the end of the tunnel and when that happens , the scammers and scoundrels who are the true definition of evil will no longer have more opportunities to continue deceiving people and then the evil will disappear from the land.

Other scammers claim that all the evils in the world are caused by reptilian aliens, but do they believe that mammals cannot be evil? Because if they think like this they prove to be very naive It is not at all impossible that intelligent beings based on a biological system such as reptiles can exist, because on a planet with a very high ambient temperature and that would remain that way indefinitely, only cold-blooded animals would make sense, as happened in the past, when reptiles were the masters of the Earth. However, nature waited for the planet's temperature to drop before favoring the appearance of intelligent beings. In any case, if there were reptilian intelligent beings at some point in the universe, it is evident that they would have to face the same or similar problems that terrestrial man has had to live, and consequently, it is also logical to think, that they would act in a similar way in similar situations. It has also been seen that reptile mothers have the same interest in protecting their young as mammals, which shows that the type of biology does not have to influence too much moral behavior, especially when it comes to higher species. For this reason, those who associate reptilian beings with evil beings is because they want to pose the question in a simplistic way, as if everything were summed up to a question of sides in which the mammals, that is to say that we, would be the good ones and the rest of biologies that may exist in the universe would be the bad guys. E writers hese pretend to be our allies and protect us from evil, and use fear these supposed beings to disguise actually bad they are, and they want to take away money using lies and fear.

Mean people are willing to believe anything that enlarges their ego, so when scammers present aliens as bad and ugly beings they immediately accept it, because by proposing that earthlings are morally superior, by accepting it they are giving value to themselves, that is to say that in the end they deceive them using their own vanity, But, only a stupid would believe, that a being that is ahead of us in thousands of years could be inferior to us in something.

In my opinion, it is very unlikely that there are reptilian extraterrestrials, because I consider it more likely that nature is inclined to use the biological system of the mammalian type in higher species, because it allows to regulate body temperature better, but, if they did exist, without a doubt they would be much better than us, because the progress of any civilization cannot be complete only with the development of technology, moral progress is also necessary. Because if these beings are technically many thousands of years ahead of us, then it would not be fair to pretend that they were at the same time inferior to us in moral values.

I does not seem logical to think that there are intelligent aliens with insect form or other, for example we have our planet that is filled with thousands of species all different and yet only human h to come to develop intelligence completely, surely This is so, because intelligence is associated with this shape, therefore, it is most likely that all intelligent beings that may be in space are similar to us, except for simple differences such as height.

I do not think likely to exist in other beings planets based on silicon or other atomic elements as substitutes for carbon, because as the universe has the same physical laws in all galaxies, MI s mo so it seems more logical that the carbon the element common to all of them to develop biological forms.

But the scammers, try to show the aliens as wolves so that we do not see that the wolves are them, and they scare us by pointing to what we have in front of us to distract us while they approach from behind and thus hide their true intentions, they show themselves as our allies, but they only intend to take away our money and increase their ego at our expense. It is the same mental manipulation technique that the Nazis used, first they flatter their victims by telling them that they are the best so that they are more inclined to accept their dominance and then they choose a social minority to blame it for all the evils, in this way, they use the fear of that minority to hide that they are the evil ones, so they can steal the goods from that minority without producing social reactions against it. Finally, when they are in power, those who had supported them also become their victims, when they annul the democratic systems to provoke a dictatorship. It is also the typical way of acting of any abuser, because they use a combination of threat and flattery to control their victims.

In my opinion, degenerate aliens do not exist, because it is a characteristic of evolution that technological progress goes hand in hand with moral progress, regardless of their biology, that is why these scammers only manage to deceive those who do not they want to accept that they are the inferior or degenerate beings. These individuals use ancient mythology to invent false evil aliens, as they do with the Anunnaki of Sumerian mythology, because how can anyone believe that the aliens were going to use primitive humans to get gold, considering that they have vastly superior technology and consequently can be obtained more easily? In addition, primitive humans had very rudimentary and ineffective methods to obtain this metal.

There are also scammers who use the reverse system and claim to know or be the representatives of beneficial extraterrestrials from the Pleiades or other stars, these are not different from the previous ones, because just as they try to take advantage of the credibility of people to create sects or simply enrich themselves by selling their books. It must be borne in mind that the pleiades are young blue giant stars predisposed to explode and it is unlikely that there are planets like ours in them, because rocky-type planets like the earth arise from the ashes left by the explosion of those stars. . Blue stars are made mainly of hydrogen, on the other hand, to create planets like the earth provided with all the chemical elements such as iron or carbon that are necessary to form organic life, it is necessary for these stars to explode and with their ashes form the planets. Therefore, it does not seem very likely that there are advanced civilizations around these stars.

Then there are sincere writers who try to tell the truth without exaggeration, although they are a minority, therefore, we must be suspicious and not deny any hypotheses beforehand, but we must not believe in someone just because they say they are not lying. We must not forget that in the universe there are many wonders and surprising things and the fact that there are many scammers who spend the day thinking about how to deceive us does not mean that for this reason there are also surprising but real facts. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to differentiate them by seeking the truth without prejudice.

Currently, there are many who say they have seen flying saucers or extraterrestrial beings and each one describes them in a different way, in my opinion , this does not happen because there are many different races, but because they show themselves to us not as they are really, but in the way that they consider most appropriate to show themselves, because when we see one of their ships, it is not because they have been distracted, but because they really want us to see them so that we become familiar with their presence in order to make the day closer in that can be shown to us openly. It is also possible that those humanoid beings of small stature that are usually seen are not authentic living beings, but machines with human form operated by remote control, that is, they would not have the capacity to act autonomously as occurs with a robot, because being remotely controlled what they would do is represent the will of those who handle them, that means that if someone talks to them, who they would really be talking to is with the beings that control them from ships or base stations. This would have the purpose of avoiding the risk of suffering any damage during their missions, either because of people or animals in the case of being on the ground, or because of the possibility of being attacked while in the air. Furthermore, these robotic bodies would be immune to the deleterious effects of high accelerations attributed n the UFO. With this system, the risk of biological contamination would also be avoided.

Another myth is the propulsion method, because there is a generalized opinion that they work by means of an anti-gravity system, but if we take into account the large number of descriptions that exist about UFOs, a clear conclusion cannot be drawn about it. Some models may work with a system that rejects Earth's gravity, but it is also possible that they work by repelling the planet's electric or magnetic field. Other models could work by flotation such as balloons, this would explain its great luminosity, because by heating the interior air to a high temperature, flotation would be achieved by reducing its density. Another option is that they work by reaction using rockets. They could also work with a propeller system built into the fuselage. But most likely they will use ships with different propulsion systems and choose the most suitable one depending on the circumstances.

Some say that UFOs cannot exist because they defy the physical laws of nature due to their great accelerations, but how do we know if what we see are their ships or the image of their ships? Perhaps all this is part of a program so that the population gets used to its presence and in those cases in which there is some risk they prefer to use images of their ships instead of the authentic ones. It is also possible that in some cases a spirit is being mistaken for a UFO, it is true that people associate paranormal activity with ghosts, but there are many cases in which luminous spheres have been described inside haunted houses. This is possible, because in reality a spirit is a sphere of energy, although it normally manifests in human form. Nor can we rule out that aliens prefer to manifest themselves in spirit form on some occasions. It is true, that in most sightings UFOs are usually described as objects of large size and metallic appearance, but we do not know for sure what things a spirit can do, and it is evident that the properties that are attributed to UFOs as luminosity, speed and sudden change of direction could also be applied to spirit beings. For a materialistic society like the one that exists right now on earth that denies life after death to speak of spiritual beings seems inconceivable, but the fact that they do not accept it does not mean that it cannot be true.

Therefore, when we speak of superior beings, we should not rely too much on our knowledge of science to give an opinion on how they can be or how they can act, because their superior technology uses systems that go beyond what we consider predictable.

In any case, we have to understand that what we know about them is not what we have managed to discover, but what they allow us to know. This is so, because our ability to understand the truth is limited, therefore, they give us the filtered information to adapt it to our own ability to understand.

Nor do I think likely that there has been any contact between the aliens and the governments of earth, because as long as the technological or moral level of this planet is not completed, the cultural difference that exists between the two civilizations cannot be avoided. We must not forget that some beings who are capable of coming to Earth from other stars have to have such advanced technology that they do not need to agree with anyone to do what they consider appropriate, because when scammers speak of pacts between human governments and aliens propose something as absurd as saying that it is necessary to make a pact with ants in order to study them. They study us according to their principles and laws, but they do not need to establish pacts with inferior beings to carry out their projects. The truth is that for aliens, humans are not men but the sun or prototypes of men, because although in the physical aspect there are exceptional cases in which almost perfection has been reached, on the other hand, in the intellectual aspect there is still much to do.

It is not that aliens have any problem in dealing with men, but there are few on earth who can be considered as such, because for them "men" are not those who run governments or have large companies but those who have a great spiritual level, therefore , they only communicate with them individually. This means that humanity will not be able to be considered an adult society in the cosmos and consequently to establish normal communication with the rest of advanced civilizations that populate the universe until the evolution process is complete.