A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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In the universe, there are an immense number of different beings and each one of them represents a different will, if only a single being existed, differences of opinion or insults could not exist. However, it is good that there are multiple beings in the universe because each one of them brings variety, novelty and new emotions to the others as a consequence of the relationships they establish with each other, because being different beings they also create different situations, but, the The fact that they are different wills also determines that the existence of ethical or moral laws is necessary that provide an adequate means for everyone to be able to relate safely. However, despotic people act as if they were the only beings that exist and without thinking about the consequences of their own actions. This behavior occurs when there is a big difference between what you think can be done and what you can actually do. They are aware that they act with evil and against the rights of others, but they insist on their attitude because their arrogance prevents them from understanding that by acting in this way they are leaving a valid behavior in a civilized society and consequently they are exposed to suffering reprisals. Arrogance is like a disease of the soul, because those who act like this behave as if they were the only beings in the universe, which is not true and they think that whatever they do, nothing can happen to them, this is obviously a wrong belief, as a result From this attitude they end up living an unhappy life because the fact that they do not recognize the rights of others does not imply that others will not fight for their rights. Some think that to correct a moral deviation it is enough to give advice, but they forget that despotic people behave in this way because they have assumed evil as their reason for being, this means that only an energetic attitude on the part of the law or citizens can make them change.

The universe is populated by multiple beings, each with their own life and their own will, this determines that moral standards are necessary to make peaceful coexistence possible. But it is also necessary that there are laws that punish the crime. Because it is not possible to create an evolved society if the law is not capable of preventing crime. For this, it is necessary for the law to apply a punishment large enough so that the offender does not want to commit a crime again, but at the same time light enough so that the punishment does not turn into abuse. For this reason, a society that wants peace must consider the right to self-defense as one of its greatest values, because it is impossible to put an end to evil if the same energy is not applied to crime that he applies when he commits his crimes. When a person acts with justice and fights against criminals at that moment he becomes the hand of God, because with his action he contributes to the progress of all humanity. It is also essential that society reaches out to those who do not have what they need to live, so that it is possible to end begging, so it will be easy to know who commit crimes out of necessity and who do it out of evil.

A society that wants peace also has to end the mediocre penalties that are applied in some countries to those who commit crimes through misappropriation, because this is the method preferred by politicians when they steal from public budgets. In order to ensure their impunity, these individuals created laws that establish ridiculous penalties regardless of the value of what was stolen when the crime is committed using their own work or when there is no physical violence. This is how bankers, politicians, and all manner of corrupt individuals rob society knowing that they have the law on their side. With these types of laws, it does not matter if a banker steals the savings of a lifetime from the elderly, or if a politician empties the state coffers, because after a negligible period in jail they will be able to leave without having to return the stolen. There can be no peace in a society if its laws are made to protect criminals with sham penalties. It is true that losing a large amount of money is not the same as losing a life, but many people need to dedicate a lifetime to earn that money. L to civil peace is only possible when criminals fear the law and not decent citizens to criminals. Citizens have to remove the blindfold and understand that this theatrical act that politicians do every day when they insult each other is not to favor democracy but to favor their privileges, because they know that they have power with them independence of the party that wins the elections. That means that only when the laws can be voted on individually this deception can end.

From a moral point of view, there are several aspects that regulate the relationship between people, one is the belief in the cyclical nature of the universe, who thinks like this, considers that the best option is to defend total justice because they think that what one does to others in this life it will one day happen to ourselves in our future reincarnations and consequently, any act of injustice that we do now will eventually happen to us. This belief is based on considering that all beings will live all their lives and consequently the hypothetical benefit that can be produced by acting unfairly in the present would have to be returned some day in the future. This would be so, but assuming that this unjust act has not been punished in the present. Keep in mind, that although a cosmic cycle can last billions of years, however, for eternity any amount of time does not mean anything. In this case, the important thing is not the time, but to think that sooner or later it will happen to you.

Then there is what could be called police justice, which is derived from self-defense, in this case each individual is in charge of defending their own rights individually or by delegating those functions to the police or the army. In this case, the act of justice is immediate and is not subject, as in the previous case, to a hypothetical cyclical process. The truth is that in human conflicts it is police justice that intervenes in 95% of cases and only 5% is exposed to change due to the application of cyclical justice. This percentage would correspond to acts of injustice that had not been discovered, but it must be taken into account that this depends on chance and not on who commits the injustice. It must be taken into account that the so-called police justice intervenes in all areas of life from family relationships to work, this means that any act of deviation can find many forms of correction.

In the case of those who defend total justice, the logical thing is that they add both forms of justice, so that one can resort to police justice as a normal means of self-defense, but, at the same time, defend total justice as a form of behavior towards others. That is, he would consider legitimate defense as a fundamental means to do justice, but at the same time he could defend total justice by believing in the cyclical nature of the universe. This is in my opinion the best option.

There are those who think that the cyclical nature of the universe does not exist and consequently the actions that we do to others will not have a direct impact on us in our future lives, but even if that were true, in no case would it imply that justice ceases to be fundamental in human life, because the fact that we do not accept that there is a cyclical justice in the future does not prevent the existence of a police justice in the present, this form of justice is the most important of the two whether there is a cyclical character of the universe as if not. This means that it is necessary to defend justice as the main moral conduct in any case if we want to be happy and live in peace with the rest of the citizens.

It can also happen that someone accepts the existence of the cyclical character of the universe and consequently assumes that all beings will truly live all the lives and all the situations that occur in those lives, but, nevertheless, they think that it is still better to defend the justice with exceptions. This could happen, if you think that defend the full justice could cause some comparative injury in the present with respect to those who do not accept and consequently was worse than the supposed future benefit they could get. In this case, these people would also defend justice as the main norm of conduct but accepting exceptions.

Unfortunately, there are people who, due to their own vanity or because of a misunderstood overprotection of their parents, end up choosing being unfair as their main behavior, because they think that whatever they do, nothing will happen to them. An excess of optimism can also favor this behavior, because when we are happy we all believe that things are easier than they really are and when we are sad we believe just the opposite, therefore, when things go well we must not lose consciousness common or forgetting to live with dignity, because accidents often go too closely linked to overconfidence. In human relationships it is similar, because when overconfidence degenerates into vanity, it leads to loneliness, bitterness or prison. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that in the universe we are not alone and the fact that someone does not want to take others into account, does not mean that others will not act accordingly to their behavior. It is not bad to be happy, but we must not allow optimism to lead us to arrogance, we must try to be happy but applying common sense. A society that wants to be peaceful needs to have strong laws that demotivate criminals, but it also needs a strong code of moral values that teach citizens that only with justice and dignity can happiness be achieved.