A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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We continually see the world full of racial disturbances and everyone talks about it but without pronouncing the key word of the problem which is LANDS, because the best solution to resolve interracial conflicts is to divide the territories and give each race the proportional part that corresponds to it. They can create their own independent states. Why does a black have to bear the humiliations of the whites, when he can have a country where the policemen, the judges or the politicians are of his race? It will always be better for each race to live separately and in peace rather than to live mixed up and thereby favor discrimination. That is why I find it surprising the white supremacist groups that exist in the United States and that defend racial separation but at the same time forget to recognize other races their right over the land. Because, unlike Europe, most of them are immigrants, and also the blacks were taken by the force, therefore, it is absurd to deny them their right to land. White people who claim to be in favor of recognizing their rights to racial minorities also seem hypocritical to me, but just as supremacist groups refuse to recognize their right to land, with that attitude they pretend to give support without being true.

Meanwhile, left-wing parties, as if they were a reflection of the ancient and materialistic Athens, are favoring miscegenation only for profit motives in order to economically exploit these minorities and without caring about the social damage they cause, because people publicly proclaim the supposed benefits of miscegenation, but privately they feel uncomfortable with it, although they do not dare to admit it. It will always be better for each race to have the lands that correspond to it than to live facing each other and each with a weapon to kill their neighbors as it happens now. With this attitude, what they are doing is putting the profit motive before the dignity of the people. They say they seek the good of those races by favoring miscegenation, but all they are doing is selling their country for a handful of votes. This is so, because every time the Democrats rule they open the borders to immigrants knowing that later most of them will vote for them when they obtain nationality, in this way they are falsifying the elections by exchanging votes for the residence permit. Under these conditions, Republicans have no option but to follow the policies of the Democrats if they want to govern, this is in a way what they have been doing since the end of the Second World War, but especially after John F. Kennedy and Ly ndon B. Johnson, because encouraging miscegenation, immorality or bad feminism, are policies supported by Democrats but now also accepted by Republicans as if it were an unquestionable truth. This is encouraging left-wing parties to go a step further to try to get everyone to assume that their policies are the only possible even though that is not true.

This all stems from one side of the trauma caused by the second war world, because it makes what and the think people who oppose the Germans implies necessarily accept miscegenation as if it were the same thing. This is a mistake, because miscegenation was already rejected by the majority of North Americans and Europeans before the war so there is no reason to relate one thing to the other. But on the other hand, there is also the interest of governments to benefit from the rrota of Germany in that war, because even if people do not like the mest lifting, I do not want to recognize because that would also mean recognizing that the losers the war was right about something and that could undermine the authority of the victors and with it their plans to dominate the territories of the other races.

This interest of governments to promote mestizaje to justify global domination is carried n do people suffer a blackberry contradiction l, because they know in the depths of his soul that miscegenation is tá wrong and anti naturally, therefore, they feel uncomfortable with it, but, at the same time, from the organs of power they are told over and over again that it is their obligation to accept it. D fter the war that did not have too much, because although miscegenation was accepted in theory, however was not accepted in practice, but today, those speculators who try to obtain positions of power in this situation are driving me NDO miscegenation because they give them equal dignity and are only interested in power regardless of the consequences, this, is causing increasing discomfort of the population is greater. This situation is pushing the people to decide whether to follow his heart and definitely rejects or accepts miscegenation what power tells them it is b ueno but know that it is not. It is ta, is in short, a struggle between the soul and mind suffering duped try not listen to your soul, because it merely believe in what they have said they have to believe since childhood. People must free themselves from this trauma and understand that this feeling that struggles to get out is not bad, because what is bad is trying to use support for miscegenation to justify the invasion of the territories of other races. This happens, because those who are dominated by greed think that a society that supports miscegenation will also support the invasion of the territories of other races, as has already happened in Vietnam, Iraq in 2003, Panama and many other nations. But in doing so they are selling their race and culture for the sake of profit. And all this because people are not able to understand that each race was made by nature to live in different territories and in different climates.

When John F. Kennedy tried to impose racial mixtures, he believed that the differences between them would thus disappear, but not only did they not, but rather they increased, this is so because if you put many races together in the same place, what you get is not having a single race, but many mixed. In the same way, if you put water and oil together, you don't get a different liquid but two different ones in the same space. This shows that ignoring reality does not make it cease to exist.

The truth is that miscegenation is lowering the spiritual frequency of the United States, which favors chaos and social anarchy and feminism is killing the birth rate, this will most likely determine that China will surpass them as the first world power in a few years. It seems that this country is entering a phase of social degeneration reminiscent of the imperial era of Rome, because the behavior of some presidents such as George Bush Jr. or Donald Trump is very reminiscent of the emperors Caligula or Nero. But the truth is that both Democrats and Republicans are to blame for this situation, because to benefit from their victory over Germany they favored miscegenation and now that miscegenation is destroying the cohesion of the country, that would not have happened if they had not put it ahead the profit motive over dignity. Because just as a tree with rotten roots cannot bear good fruit, in the same way a disunited country cannot.

It is typical of both people and nations that when things go well but there is no solid code of moral values, a process of social degeneration occurs, this is what caused the Roman Republic to become a system totalitarian before the empire disappeared. This happens, because people or dominated government s for vanity rely too pensa NDO that this positive situation will last forever regardless of what they do and leave the grounds and humility that had them strong indeed causing disorder, waste and consequently the loss of everything achieved. Therefore, when things are going well, it is necessary to defend dignity and common sense more than ever to prevent vanity from dominating us.

Unlike them, China is experiencing a period of rapid growth because its foundations are solid due to the fact that it is a united and racially homogeneous country just as the United States was in the past, in addition, it has the necessary humility to live mainly on its own resources by making your economy competitive instead of getting corrupted by continually borrowing like others do. The only thing missing to be a model for the world is to improve the labor rights of its citizens and favor the creation of a democratic model.

It is not that there is anything wrong with immigration, but to avoid that causing social chaos it is better that both race and culture coincide, because it is absurd to mix a society that is in the stone age with another that is in thousands of years more advanced. What is clear is that the United States is going from being a traditional and white country to another mestizo and without a defined culture, the difficult thing is to know what the result of that change will be.

The United States, like ancient Rome, considers that those countries that have a different political system make them inferior and consequently make them susceptible to being invaded because they are considered barbarians, for this reason, for the Romans, they favor technical progress or defending their republic gave them, according to their point of view, the right to invade and enslave those who did not have those social systems. This, evidently was not more than a simple pretext, but it was used in those times and is still used today to cover up that the coercion or invasions that are made to other states are out of greed and not to help them as the invaders claim, this it is what happened with the invasion of Iraq in 2003, which was made using lies even at UN headquarters to conceal the economic interests that had n behind.

At present, the difference that exists between dictatorships and democracies is simpler than you think, because as with a dictatorship, in democratic countries the power that politicians give to the people is limited to a simple vote each four years to choose electoral proposals that to a large extent then do not comply. It is clear that a democracy is better than a dictatorship, because a government whose decisions depend on the many will always be better than another one that depends on the few, but the difference is less than what is thought and many times the suffering of the civilian population Of the countries that have such dictatorships, it is not the consequence of the malfunctioning of their political system but of the commercial sanctions that are applied to punish the rich but that only poor citizens suffer. Because in reality, there is no difference between the dictatorships that exist now and the absolutist monarchies that existed in the past. It is fine to favor democracy, but this cannot be allowed to be used as an excuse to impose political systems or destroy countries that do not submit.

It is also regrettable, that in the twenty -first century there are organizations like some NGOs as they did in the past slave traders loaded their ships only illegal immigrants to gain publicity and affiliates increase their incomes and all with the connivance of governments they hope to avail themselves of the cheap labor of these immigrants. Because those, whom they pick up at sea, are not rescued castaways as they say, but people who are picked up from the same ships on which they embarked, for that reason, when the word `` rescued '' is used, the reality of what happens. It is you is an act of apparent frivolity, because modi fies the meaning of words to cover up what only a traffic per systematic Sonas established and designed to publicize these organizations and thus increase their income and membership.

Each person should fight for the good of their race but respecting the independence of others, unfortunately Germany forgot this fact, which led to the appearance of two world wars. The problem with the Germans is that they are bad losers and have little perspective of the things that surround them, because they prefer to ally themselves with anyone in order to achieve their ends, an example of this are the many times in which they have betrayed their brothers from race or religion to ally with Muslims or Asians against Europe and only because of the envy they feel towards England. Because the existence of rivalries between European nations should never be a reason to lose perspective, by acting in this way they have expelled themselves from the world vanguard. Surely, this lack of perspective is the consequence of having been outside the Roman sphere, which is where the avant-garde of European civilization developed in ancient times, this impaired its technological level and consequently decreased its ability to participate in world events by same level as those nations that were inside. Distrust of Germany towards its western neighbors probably began with the attempt of the Romans to invade his country and was avoided p or Arminio, this Roman failure prevented the invasion of its territory, but also determined separates tion with its western neighbors yes They had come under the control of Rome, thus creating a cultural separation between them.

It must also be said in favor of the Germans that they were not the first to try to defend the integrity of their own race against miscegenation as many people think, because long before them the Hebrews had already opposed racial mixing. This shows that the fact of considering a thing as good or bad often depends on the color of the glass through which it is viewed. Unlike the Germans, other nations favored racial mixing only out of greed and not caring about undermining the unity of their country. For this reason, when the North Americans considered bringing slaves to America, it was like making a pact with the devil, because they tried to get wealth in exchange for destroying their racial integrity, and now it is precisely that lack of integrity that is destroying the roots of their country. The truth is that all nations have made mistakes and reprehensible behaviors throughout their history, although now it seems that it is only interesting to show in the media those committed by Germany, but in my opinion, fighting for the defense of their race is not it was one of his mistakes but one of his successes, although that, at present, is not considered politically correct. They did well to defend the integrity of their race, because if you have neither race nor culture, then what is left for you? It is evident that during the Second World War the Germans committed crimes against other races, but, people should ask themselves who is worse, the one who destroys other races as the Germans did or the one who destroys their own as the Westerners do today.




Have nothing to do with these peoples who have remained among you, do not pronounce the name of their gods or swear by them, do not worship them or bow down to them, but remain attached to Yahweh your God, as you have done up to this day. Yahweh has driven out great and strong peoples before you, none of them have been able to resist before you until today. One of you alone persecuted a thousand, because Yahweh your God fought for you, as he had promised you. Put all your efforts to love Yahweh, your God. Because if d and either way you turn away to join with the rest of those people who remain among you, and if contracting ma trimoni you with them I joined s to them and they to you, be understood with certainty that the Lord your God, will not continue to drive these peoples from before you, but they will be for you a snare and a snare, a whip in your sides and thorns in your eyes, until you are exterminated from this good land that Yahweh, your God, has dice. Joshua 23: 7


When the world finishes its evolution, there will only be one race and one religion. It will be a single race because due to its natural evolution in the end they will all be the same. And it will be a single religion, because with technical and philosophical progress the truth will be available to all, therefore, it will no longer make sense that there are great differences of opinion on fundamental issues. This will cause that only one religion remains, which is the one that is derived from the truth. But, until that moment arrives, it is our duty to preserve our values against the chaos that miscegenation supposes, or the mixture of cultures beyond all reasonable criteria, because the progress of humanity is not achieved by mixing everything, but by preserving the most evolved and discarding the most primitive. It is not wrong to join different opinions, what is wrong is to join people with different evolutionary levels. Because we live in a world in which some countries are in the space age, but others are close to the stone age, therefore, progress is not achieved with miscegenation, but by helping the most backward countries, so that Reach the technological level of those ahead.