A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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One of the most important requirements to be able to meditate effectively is to have the courage to think differently from the rest, because in reality, most people are incapable of thinking about something like that, it is as if from a certain point of view They were in a state of hypnosis and were not able to understand anything beyond what the fashions or group concepts mark, because their will is summarized in copying what others do. This behavior could be defined as a state of mental dispersion by which the individual mind submits or disperses in the behavior or attitude of the group with which it is related for fear of possible reprisals that they could suffer in the case of thinking differently, or also because too much trust in them. When a person behaves like this, it is as if for them only the physical part of life existed, based on the action of their body, but without recognizing the spiritual part, in which it is necessary to discover our existence as individual beings and trust in our ability to think and influence the world around us. These scattered-minded people do not see beyond what their group marks and do not understand that the world has to be built from the inside out, that is to say that first it is necessary to meditate to understand what we must defend and only then choose with whom relate. But people with a scattered mind, first look for a group or political party with which to feel protected, but without thinking enough about the attitude of that group, because what they are looking for is someone who provides them with a borrowed mind since they or cannot or they don't want to reflect on the world around them to find the truth. This is how destructive sects grow, the followers give up their will to these leaders, hoping that they will help them without realizing that this leader is not an enlightened one as he claims but a psychopath thirsty for power. That is, they accept what he says without discussing it at any time as if they equated it with God. The truth is that by acting in this way they are betraying God, because they accept any charlatan as their representative only for laziness, not wanting to spend time searching for the truth, and as a consequence they fall into his networks of lies paying times a high price. Therefore, we must discover our creative capacity and not accept anything in advance without a fair and impartial analysis, because only in this way will we discover the truth and the world can progress. Dispersed-minded people confuse their mind with the group attitude and think that people are wonderful and that everything will be fine, but they do not understand that for this to be true it is necessary to distrust what surrounds us and work to convert that dream actually. It would be great if what they believe were true and thus be able to trust those around us, but until the world is no longer dominated by materialistic interest and selfishness it is necessary to strive to break the membrane of conformism that prevents us from seeing the light and breath pure air. These people are so outgoing that they go to city parties as if dominated by a hypnotic impulse associating party with profit, when they are nothing more than vulgar taverns for alcoholics to satisfy their addiction. They do not understand that to have fun it is not necessary to gather a huge mass of people or alcohol, nor do they need worldly entertainments such as carnivals or Halloween that turn cities into vulgar circuses destined only to promote consumerism and enrich the municipalities that during Those days they behave like mafia organizations, because they abandon their duty to serve all citizens by blocking the streets to dedicate them only to that orgy of noise and alcohol, without caring about the people who do not want to participate. These scattered-minded people are unable to meditate deeply, this attitude condemns them to see only the materialistic side of life, therefore, they have to understand that to be happy it is necessary to reject coarseness and drugs, and discover that within of your soul there is a mind that can find the truth for itself. It is necessary to open what in India they call the third eye and which is based on understanding the truth through the use of our mind, in order to improve our own faculties to the maximum, because when a person does not understand it is as if he does not see.

It is necessary to understand that the true party does not arise by organizing false and mundane entertainments, but by living in harmony with nature, because if a person wants to be entertained, he does not need a city hall to block an entire city so that everyone comes en masse, because it will always be more logical that people use the premises for that purpose in an orderly manner. Another wrong behavior is to choose certain dates to give gifts, because the logical thing is to do them only when necessary, because if everyone gives a gift on the same day to the same person, this can be found with a multitude of gifts at a time and none the rest of the year, this system only serves to promote consumerism and vanity in children, who due to this habit suddenly receive a number of gifts they do not need. It is necessary to understand that it is not necessary to do everything en masse or at the same time as others, we have to learn to discover ourselves.

Mental dispersion is not only the consequence of our own lack of effort or caution, it also occurs when we have a genetically out of focus body, that is, the poor finish of our body makes it more difficult for us to understand the reality of the world around us and reduces our biological intelligence. Because in reality, up to 85% of the population has hereditary genetic diseases that diminish their potential as human beings and consequently the potential that humanity can develop. These genetic deficiencies in most cases do not cause serious consequences, but they reduce the quality of life and in the long run they favor the appearance of other diseases. Our bodies have been evolving for billions of years, but this process of fighting for progress is continually slowed by the attack of chemical or radioactive substances that attack our genes, destroying the fruit of so much evolutionary work. Throughout the history huma na only we could fight these diseases through sexual selection trying to have healthy couples, but this system does not work when it comes to hidden diseases naked eye. For this reason, it would be desirable for governments to initiate a program for the eradication of these diseases, so that it is possible to extract the maximum benefit that genetic evolution can provide. Because our bodies are actually machines at the service of our spirit and having a genetically defective body is like building a telescope with a dirty lens, that means that it will not matter how hard we try, because as long as these defects are not eliminated we will never achieve precision that it would be desirable to have. For this reason, the silence that pharmaceutical companies show on this issue is surprising, because it is evident that the day that a program for the eradication of these diseases worldwide begins will also be the day that their influence on the world begins to diminish in theworld.

It is striking to see that most people, when faced with an intellectual dilemma, the first thing they think is what will be the attitude that their political party or social group will have regarding that issue and only after knowing that the attitude of their group is they go on to consider whether it makes sense or not. That is to say that when they believe that their group is going to reject that dilemma then they will try to find reasons to reject it as well in order to avoid colliding with the attitude of the majority, because many people prefer to reject the truth if they avoid staying out of fashion or group to which they are linked by fear of possible reprisal. That is, many people do not follow a fashion because it makes sense but because others do, and often stupid customs are followed and in contradiction with previous fashions just because that is what those who spread the rumor of what fashion is determine. . This explains why during the Second World War the support that the Nazis had in Germany was so intense, but that also explains why they are now rejected with the same energy, that is to say that this rejection is simply due to the fact that they lost the war and consequently they are no longer a threat to those who despise them. In other words, they can be criticized without fear of reprisals, but they cannot be publicly supported, because in this case there would be retaliation by those who won the war or by those who obtained their positions for praising the victors.

Before the word "fascism" was used to identify those who supported the extreme right, but now it is used to identify those who do not accept democracy, because they equate one with the other, but, if we understand it that way, then by fascists we must consider both the extreme right and the extreme left, because many communists also support leftist dictatorships and therefore are also anti-democrats. This shows us how political formations use words frivolously to induce citizens in a previously planned direction and hide that they are the same as those they criticize.

Another example of mental manipulation is when politicians encourage young people to participate in wars using the patriotic argument as bait not to give them anything in return, because when they ask them to risk their lives, not to defend their country, but to attack others Abroad, soldiers risk their lives, but the only ones who benefit from these wars are politicians and businessmen with the business they hope to do, therefore, citizens must not fall into the trap and must demand that the armed forces be professionals so that each man can voluntarily decide if he wants to participate in the army or not. Thus, if they want a man to participate in a conflict, they will have to pay him for it, and that soldier will have a tangible benefit for his sacrifice. Because the life of a young man is worth more to him or to his parents than a vulgar sheet of tin, which is what they give them in exchange for their lives.

The fact that the population is so inclined to have a single thought also explains that after the war the world was divided into blocks, for that reason, in the western bloc it was thought that everything related to the eastern one was bad and in the eastern bloc was thought to have everything related to the western as well. It is true that there was a dictatorship in the Soviet Union, which is objectionable, but it is also true that the political persecutions that the McCarthyists carried out in the United States against those who did not agree with the fashion or thinking of the majority were also equally rejectable, and the surprising thing is that being a country that presumed to be a model of democracy, however, nothing was done to stop these persecutions against freedom of thought, even many people were judged only for their political opinion . This process of favoring single thought is also frequent in religious organizations, for example, Islam was imposed by force in most of the places it arrived and therefore, it is unfortunate that many of those who now follow that religion they do so believing that their ancestors joined voluntarily, but are unable to understand that if they joined it it was by force or under threat of paying more taxes than those who agreed to join. Something similar happened with Christianity, because at the beginning, this religion was prohibited by the Roman state and the people who adhered to it did so voluntarily, however, once it was established as an official religion in Europe, it became almost mandatory belonging to it at the risk of being persecuted for thinking differently. This is so, because religious organizations in union with governments knew that whoever controls religion can have control over the citizens who adhere to it. But, it is important not to blame religion for what religious organizations do in their name, because a religion is only a sum of philosophical ideas about life and the universe, which is good and necessary for the progress of humanity, On the other hand, a religious organization is a company that uses religion to obtain power and wealth and for that reason they proclaim themselves representatives of God as a way to nullify any attempt to favor freedom of thought on the part of those who are under their control. This is not divine but diabolical behavior and can only end when citizens get rid of them and begin to think freely.

All this shows us that the established power acts in the human mind as a powerful force of gravity that considerably hinders our ability to think impartially, therefore, it is our duty to first try to find out what the truth is regardless of the truth prevailing opinion and if we discover that the truth does not coincide with that opinion, then we must learn to live with the two realities to avoid that knowing it harms us.

Actually, the mind can adopt two positions, one is the passive one in which we dedicate ourselves to work and seek pleasure through the use of the senses and physical experimentation, and another is the active or spiritual one used by philosophers and inventors, in the one that the pleasure is obtained with the search of new emotions discovering the secrets of the universe to transform the world. These scientists and philosophers turn a dream into reality so that it can be enjoyed by those who, due to life circumstances, cannot do it for themselves. This is so, because most people cannot dream like inventors or philosophers do because work and family draw them to matter that is coarser and rougher, while philosophical tasks can only be found In the subtle and spiritual world, the problem is that the spiritual world can only be reached through concentration, but to be happy, it is also necessary to perform material tasks. This shows that they are actually two poles of the same thing and both are equally necessary, because material life offers the possibility of enjoying experimenting with what science and progress offer us and spiritual life represents the pleasure of discovering what It is possible to do to improve this material life, but, without one being better than the other, one is action and the other reflection, one is experiencing what has been created and the other is discovering and then experiencing. This means that it is not a question of choosing between matter and spirit or between the life of the sensations that derives from physical experimentation or those that derive from meditation, the solution is to take into account both things so that they are in balance, because to be happy, it is necessary that our material life is in line with spiritual values.

In reality, there is nothing wrong with living a physical life, based on the pleasures of the senses and the experimentation of our body if it is done with justice and dignity, because for that we have a material body, in addition, the ability to invent or changing the world is a secondary task that scientists and philosophers already do. This means that the correct thing is that people dedicate 85% to physical and extroverted experimentation and only 15% to spiritual and introvert meditation. Therefore, it is only necessary that a small part of the citizens do it the other way around. Because in reality, the work dedicated to changing the world carried out by scientists or philosophers is intended to serve society and only when these inventions are used in practice do they find their meaning. This process of continuous change that the world is experiencing today will not last forever and it only makes sense when there is a difference between the world we have and the world we have to reach. This process, at the beginning of civilization, was very slow and however, today it advances very quickly, this is because the less remains to finish the evolutionary process, the faster the speed of changes. This means that the world has little time to finish its current process of evolution. When that happens, discoveries will continue to exist, but at a much slower rate of change than today. This is so, because all the discoveries that have been made in the past and present are aimed at completing the process of technological evolution of humanity in order to make the world become an adult planet of the cosmos.