A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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Today it is normal to refer to biblical prophets as a species of visionaries or philosophers who supposedly acted as spokesmen for God in the world to communicate their teachings to us. However, few people realize that in reality in many of these cases it would be more logical to regard them as religious leaders rather than as mere transmitters of divine ideas. This is the case of prophets like Samuel who, in addition to being a religious leader, had the power to choose kings, since Samuel was the one who chose the kings Saul and David. That is to say that although this is not stated clearly, it can be understood by reading the Bible that in reality the functions of these prophets more closely resemble the role that kings currently play in a parliamentary monarchy. In other words, in ancient Israeli society, the religious chief would have the same power as the king and the latter could only hold the position if it was previously approved by the religious chief. In this situation, the king would be like a prime minister today. He would indeed be a King, but provided that the religious chief approved it. It can then be deduced that the qualification of "prophet" could serve to reaffirm oneself in office by assuming that being a religious leader also implied being the voice of God on earth. In other words, this supposed communication with God could be used in order to establish itself in the position of religious leader before society. This is similar to what the church of Rome does when it describes the pope as "infallible" so that citizens assume that the church and God are the same.

However, it is fair to say that in the Bible there were also prophets who did not hold any religious office and were even reluctant to take up that role at first. It is also fair to recognize that philosophy and religion are useful to promote the progress of humanity, since the function of religion is to try to explain those phenomena that, although real, cannot yet be fully explained by classical science. Nor can we deny based on these circumstances that these prophets had the ability to communicate with superior beings, spirits or extraterrestrials, since there are many things that the world still does not know and that official science tries to ignore saying that they either do not exist or are difficult. To prove. The truth is that modern science abuses an arrogant attitude by trying to deny everything that it cannot measure or weigh. Because if they were really impartial or scientific, they would do a serious investigation to clarify the truth of spiritual or UFO-type phenomena, because the evidence exists even if they do not want to recognize it, but the inability to determine all the circumstances that revolve around to these phenomena they provoke the arrogant reaction of scientists who choose to deny everything, angry at not being able to put these phenomena in their test bottles. But it must be taken into account that in nature there are many things that are difficult to understand exactly and although some of these things are strange, it is not a reason to deny their existence.

The truth regarding the claims of biblical prophets we may never know exactly, but only a fool considers that the Bible must be accepted as it is written without admitting other possible explanations. Perhaps it on other things as truth and falsehood are intimately mixed da s without it easy to determine what things are true and which are not. But we must not forget that in the universe there is not only a material world, there is also a spiritual world, although scientists do not want to recognize it. It is difficult to know if these prophets were helped by superior beings or not, but even if this were not true, we should not therefore underestimate the philosophy that is immersed in religion, because it is in charge of the important function of explaining the spiritual part of religion life.