A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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I do not mean to say that having debt is always wrong, because if it is an exceptional case such as buying a house in the case of a citizen or avoiding the consequences of an economic crisis in the case of a government, then it may make sense, but as long as the money that is requested is within the margins that we have to return it. What is neither dignified nor logical is trying to base the economy on debt continuously, as some political parties suggest.

They say that with debts growth is achieved, but what growth is going to have a country that has to pay a lot of interest on those debts? It will always be better to base growth on a competitive economy than to live on accumulating debt. Furthermore, a country that is competitive and functioning may even lend to others in exchange for interest and thus increase its wealth.

Because in the end whoever lives by asking ends up being dominated by whoever lends him for that, it is a mistake to believe that one can live beyond our means through debt. A permanently indebted economy ends up being a drugged economy, because its economic behavior does not depend on its own efficiency but on borrowed money that must be repaid, which in the end can lead the country to ruin. Furthermore, we must not forget that the debts contracted by governments in international markets may be subject to an unforeseen increase in the event of a rise in the risk premium. That means that by getting into debt they put the future of the country in the hands of others.

It is also hypocritical that the same parties that propose debt as a panacea claim to be called "progressive", as if that word were their property, because progressive is the one who favors progress and not the misery that living in debt causes. It is true that there are countries that have such a strong economy that they are not afraid of getting into debt, but, in that case, the risk is much lower as they are competitive economies, but weakening the economy of a country with debts when it is already weak is an act own of fools.

Another thing that citizens do not usually take into account is that the money that comes from loans is much more exposed to disappear due to corruption than that that comes from taxes, because it is easier to spend it without giving explanations than that collected from fo Normal signature, but of course, those political thieves, then they will say that the debts that they have contracted, the citizens have to pay.

For this reason, the communist politicians seem paradoxical to me, who say they seek the good of the workers but, nevertheless, propose indebtedness as a solution for everything, because by doing so, they condemn the workers to pay for debts that it was not necessary to incur, because if you don't have money to buy what you want, then the right thing to do is save until you have what you need. Contract debts in an exceptional way and in an amount that is acceptable may make sense, but whoever tries to live with the money of others permanently is a fool, because sooner or later they will have to return to reality.

Trying to make the economy work with borrowed money in addition to being a consumerist measure is also polluting, because if the economy goes bad, it will always be better to adapt to the situation by living with what is produced and sharing it with those who are in a worse situation instead of think only of producing more and polluting more. Because what makes the economy strong is not living off debt, but creating solid economic conditions to make it more competitive. Those who act in this way forget that those who have more merchandise are not happier than those who know how to adapt to circumstances with humility. But politicians cannot resist the temptation to ask for money, because this way they create a false and momentary economic growth with which they try to trick people into voting for them again in the next elections, it is like an indirect way of buying votes, But by doing so, they are lending money to citizens that later those citizens will have to repay with added interest. What those hypocritical politicians never explain is that the money they ask for on behalf of everyone is for only a few to spend.

It is true that the theoretical objectives that communists claim to seek are good, but the consequences of what they do are bad, because in reality, communism leads to the opposite result of what the theory says. Because his demagogic theory is based on proposing things that no one would reject, because they tell workers what they want to hear, which shows that it is only a bait to cover up what is behind it. The truth is that the methods that communism uses to achieve these assumptions are completely wrong and in the end they end up ruining the economy of the countries where they are applied.

Because when a government dedicates itself to maintaining vacancies by giving them aid in exchange for nothing, what it is favoring is the ruin of companies, because if instead of encouraging its citizens to work it accustoms them to living off the public budget, then it will be companies and its workers who will have to maintain that social cancer represented by those who without a real reason try to cheat the system to live on social benefits. This situation causes companies to lose competitiveness by discounting the work that these individuals should and do not do. In the end, many companies are forced to close and the whole society is harmed by having this myopic vision of the economy.

Similarly, capitalism is also good in theory, but if applied uncontrollably, it can lead to the enslavement of citizens just like communism. History has shown that the market economy is the best, because competition between companies favors technological and business progress. An example of this is China, because when it accepted the free market economy it experienced spectacular growth, and that, without a doubt, is the best there can be for workers. In any case, the duty of politicians is to create the laws that are necessary to guarantee that the rights of workers are recognized. It is also essential to ensure that no worker is left abandoned in the event of losing their job, because that is the best way to show that we all belong to the same society. All this shows that no political party has the solution by itself for all problems, therefore, it would be best if citizens, instead of limiting themselves to supporting parties, demand that they be allowed to choose the laws, in this way they avoid falling in party networks.