A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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This is one of those topics that speculators like the most and those who try to take economic advantage of the mystery. Some say that in that place the ships and airplanes disappear because according to them there are dimensional doors to other universes, others say that the disappearances occur because aliens take them away. But all of them look the other way to the most logical explanation, which is the weather, because there are very frequent storms and hurricanes of enormous magnitude that can easily destroy both ships and airplanes. These storms can also cause electromagnetic disturbances that disrupt compasses. Furthermore, there are already many ships or planes that have been found on the seabed. On some occasions ships have also appeared without their crews, in these cases the most likely explanation could be piracy or accidental fall into the sea.




Another myth developed by fans of speculation is the Nazi UFOs, it is true that during the Second World War the Germans developed many interesting military projects, but there is no solid evidence that shows that they could build something similar to a flying saucer just like we understand it now. It is also said that they were able to build a secret base in Antarctica, and it is true that during the Nazi era they sent an exploration expedition to that place and perhaps built some structures, but as in the previous case there is no proof that shows that have been able to build or maintain a complex base before or after the war. Nor is it reasonable to believe that this base had been built in secret through the use of submarines, because the submarines that existed at that time were diesel type and their low cargo capacity and high fuel consumption made it almost impossible to build a base in that place. I also find pathetic those who claim that the aliens gave them the necessary technology to build the flying saucers or the secret base. Do they really consider aliens foolish enough to give such technology for nothing to a group of unscrupulous individuals? Because if they think like this they prove to be very naive. In my opinion, the entire Nazi UFO story has more to do with misinformation and deception than actual events. It is possible that those who started with the alleged contacts of the Nazis with aliens invented it for money or for fear of the dictatorial regime that existed in Germany.




In 1947 there was news of the alleged discovery of an unidentified flying object in Roswell New Mexico in the United States, soon UFO fans said that the army had a crashed alien spacecraft. But the most likely explanation is that they were the remains of a test rocket as the country was at the beginning of the space race. Another possible explanation could be Project Mogul, intended to detect Russian nuclear explosions by using balloons piloted by Japanese prisoners. As both projects are secret, this would explain the secrecy of the army. Because if it really were an alien ship, what sense can it make for aliens to forget about their injured compatriots? The most logical thing is to think that having a technology that is surely ahead of us in several thousand years, it is most likely that the rescue tasks would have started immediately after the accident occurred, and when the military got there, there would no longer be a trace of the crashed object. Currently, you only hear about alleged flying saucer accidents, but people make the mistake of judging the ability of aliens by comparing it with our own, but, we must bear in mind, that with all certainty the probability that these devices have an accident is a million times lower than that of land vehicles, because without a doubt, their ships have numerous systems to replace damaged parts and the probability that these beings will abandon the crew of the damaged ships it surely drops to zero.

This is the most logical, because if the aliens are on our planet, surely they will not have done it by resorting to small isolated ships, but by building bases on the planets, the moon and the earth, in which they will obviously have many of these ships that they could use in the rescue. For this reason, those who believe that the earth's military possess ships or extraterrestrial beings are underestimating the capacities of those beings, because being as evolved as they are supposed to be, the only possibility that this is possible is that they themselves have voluntarily agreed to give up those ships or their crews, which seems highly unlikely to me.




Another theme that friends of sensationalism continually resort to is claiming that aliens are trying to invade our planet. This belief is one of the most absurd of all, because if that were true, they would have had thousands of years to do so when our civilization was in the stone age. They affirm that the cause would be in the scarce number of planets provided with liquid water and oxygen that there are in our galaxy, but, they do not take into account, that through the use of technology all the planets of the solar system can be inhabited either in their surfaces, or in the case of giant planets on their moons.

Another fantasy is to claim that the human being was artificially produced by aliens. This belief does not make much sense, because the numerous archaeological remains show that the evolutionary process from ape to man followed a normal developmental rhythm that considerably reduces that option. In my opinion, the myth of the carnal union between gods and men arises from the widespread belief in antiquity, in the existence of a spirit provided with eternal life within each human being, which makes each man also have something of divine within.

Most likely, the extraterrestrials are only interested in knowing our planet from a scientific point of view and without any imperialistic desire, since for that they have thousands of uninhabited planets at their disposal. Another activity that they probably do is to promote the progress of humanity, because if they are already here it makes no sense to miss the opportunity to help the inhabitants of this planet, although the logical thing is that they do it indirectly, so as not to hinder their own rhythm of evolution.

An ideal way to establish these contacts would be to use the belief of the primitive tribes in mythological gods, in that way, they would not be too surprised by their appearance. However, although these beings are perfect for having finished their evolution process, that does not mean that their teachings will produce the desired result, because in the same way that excess light dazzles, excess knowledge can cause a rejection effect. in the population, when primitive beliefs collide with the truth contributed by them.

It is possible that in the past these beings have tried to give us a technical, moral or philosophical teaching, but that does not mean that the primitive tribes have accepted it, because surely part of those teachings would have been rejected and would not have reached our days. For this reason, it is reasonable to think that in the definition of some religions they could have participated, but it is impossible to know what part of these religions are the fruit of their teachings and what part are the result of primitive superstitions and manipulations that they books or religious teachings may have suffered throughout the ages. Because religious books, even if they were truly inspired by them, would have passed through many filters, the first would be to understand the message that would surely be misunderstood, in the second these teachings would have been modified to adapt them to their own myths, in order to avoid misunderstandings possible contradictions between these teachings and their own beliefs, the third would be the modifications that could arise with the translation, whether intentional or by mistake, and the fourth would be the deformation that current religious organizations could make in the writings or in their interpretation so that favor their interests. That means that we should not become obsessed with religious books or the dogma that religious organizations use to prevent us from giving our opinions, but we must add knowledge and with them draw our own conclusions, because there is no religion in the world that cannot be improved.




In my opinion, it is absurd that these creatures can exist and it is even more surprising that there can be someone who believes in them, because how is it possible that on a planet inhabited by billions of people there can exist a being of great size? covered in hair and in human form, or an animal the size of a whale in Loch Ness, without being able to definitively demonstrate? It is clear that if this happens, it is because there are economic interests behind it that are the real engine that causes the alleged sightings. Put more clearly, surely it is those who benefit from tourism such as hotel owners or employees who organize the false tests to attract tourists to those places. Misunderstandings can also be caused by mistaking a bear with a big foot or a submarine's periscope for the head of the Loch Ness monster.

The giants of antiquity also seem to be more the consequence of myths than of realities, these stories could arise from the disease called acromegaly that can cause some individuals to be taller than normal due to the excessive secretion of growth hormone, It is possible that this genetic anomaly has also occurred in entire villages, but in that case they would be taller than normal but not exaggerated as those interested in myths would have us believe. In ancient times, most people did not know how to read or write, so historical events were transmitted from generation to generation orally in the form of stories and legends told around the bonfires, but the interest of those who told these stories to make them more interesting little by little they were losing their realism to become more and more fictions to the liking of the listeners that is how so many mythological tales of antiquity were invented. In this way, a real event that began being told as it had happened, over the centuries ended up being totally different from the original story. Therefore, when faced with these stories, it is best to have an intermediate attitude that consists of not denying that there may be a part of truth in them, but neither accepting them as they are told to us.




We also currently have those who try to create expectations with the positive or negative blood group RH. Because they say that if scientists cannot explain the origin of the different blood types it is because one of them must be of extraterrestrial origin. But they forget, that scientists do not have to prove anything, because if these blood groups are present on earth it is simply because they belong to it, and if someone questions this, then it will have to be him who shows that they are not the consequence of natural evolution. In my opinion, what these individuals do is look for any scientific fissure to deceive people and get economic benefit from it, because in this matter the most logical thing is to think that if there are different blood groups, it is for the same reason that there are different races that is the need to adapt to different terrestrial climates. Nor should we forget that each man is different, because regardless of the race to which he belongs, they all have multiple genes inside them, some more evolved and others more primitive, in addition, contemporary man also contains genes from other species previous to homo sapiens, therefore, it is perfectly logical that differences can be given from one person to another.




Another fantasy is to affirm that civilizations like the ones we have today existed in the past, because what was called "flood" was nothing other than the floods and the rise in sea level that resulted from the thaw derived from the end of the last one glaciation, therefore, it does not make sense to say that in previous periods there would have been advanced civilizations for the simple reason that there is no evidence to prove it, because if a civilization like ours had really existed in the past, only a handful of supposed evidence but thousands of them , in addition, at present there is a large industry destined to produce false archaeological objects to sell them to the right public.

What, on the other hand, has existed are civilizations that, although primitive, were nevertheless very advanced in the handling of stone, which made possible the large number of constructions such as the pyramids that we have today. It should be borne in mind, that the last glaciation lasted one hundred thousand years and in that period the planet was frozen in most of its surface leaving too far from the peri previous odo in the Earth had conditions suitable for development of civilizations like the ones we have today. It also makes sense to believe that both in the past and in the present our planet is being visited by extraterrestrial civilizations, if we take into account the large number of evidence that exists of this provided by people of total credibility such as professional airplane pilots.