A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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When the universe was created it also began to be predictable, because the more it is organized, the more the subsequent direction of its evolution is determined, because each time a new universal law is created it is determined that subsequent events must be in line with it. Therefore, it is difficult to differentiate whether something can be considered an invention, a discovery, or an act of clairvoyance. Because once the first atoms are organized and the physical laws are defined, the destiny of science itself is also partly conditioned. That is to say that in many aspects, the progress of science and its inventions are also a discovery, because although it is undeniable that a discovery is something new and is difficult to achieve without effort, however, it derives from understanding the most appropriate path that offers nature and its physical laws for each problem. In reality, nature always follows the inertia determined by its previous steps because the same physical laws exist anywhere in the universe.

All scientists or philosophers are inventors, but they are also discoverers, because for their work to be possible, they have to adapt to already existing natural laws. This also explains why the different religions of the world are so similar, because deep down they share the same universe and therefore are destined to reach the same conclusions sooner or later. And if that coincidence does not exist now, it is only due to the lack of knowledge that still exists about the functioning of the universe. Therefore, in the end there will be only one religion, which is the one that is derived from the truth.

The fact that the universe has the same physical laws in any place, determines that the metaphysical understanding of its operation is not impossible, because although space is infinite, the material universe and its laws are limited, this means that a philosopher can reach to understand the keys of the cosmos even if only in a generic way. So your biggest limitations will be your ignorance, your prejudices, your intelligence, and the breadth of knowledge you had when starting your job. Because, although time exists in the universe, the laws and fundamental universal truths are constant and eternal regardless of it, that is the key to philosophy, the ability to discover those truths that are constant outside of time. For this reason, the difference between a seer and a conventional scientist would be that the seer uses his sensitivity and his spiritual intelligence to progress and not technical devices, but he is also a researcher although in a different way. The seer uses his intuition to deduce the future based on the own inertia that nature follows as it is conditioned by natural laws. It is as if the universe were a pyramid and the first laws located at the base condition the second and the second in turn condition the third located at the top. This means that we can all contribute something of ourselves in the process of cosmic evolution, but at the same time we have to adapt to the universal laws that we have received. When the universe began, physical laws were created to govern it, but in turn these secondary laws were based on fundamental truths that are eternal and always the same. These basic universal laws are constant regardless of time and place because truth, of course, cannot contradict itself. The existence of these constant laws is what determines progress, because in order to create something new it is necessary that the pillars on which that progress rests be kept constant. This means that when the current cosmic cycle began, first the universal truths that are eternal and constant always acted regardless of time and place and then the laws that depend on the will of the beings that populate the universe were created. It could be said then that basic universal truths condition or limit by up to 50% the possibilities we have to choose our future, but in turn, we have another 50% possibility of being able to shape that future. These laws would have two dimensions, one that we could call vertical that corresponds to things that could not be changed so that the universe can progress and another horizontal that corresponds to those things that because they are more secondary if they would be subject to our own will. This is necessary, because without rigid foundations the universe could not move to more advanced stages of evolution.

In reality, we all have a certain ability to predict the future, because predicting is equivalent to deducing, because if we run out of money we can deduce that we are going to have financial difficulties, if the electricity from home goes we can deduce that the refrigerator is going to defrost, and since there are a thousand of these examples, current scientists are already able to predict even the future of our sun millions of years from now. A seer also deduces like us, but his conclusions are deeper because he has a greater sensitivity. It is also possible that this capacity that authentic seers have is due to the fact that the separation that occurs between the spiritual mind and the human mind after reincarnation does not occur in them completely, if this is true, when they predict they would be serving of a quality of his spirit that only appears in very exceptional cases.

The capacity for clairvoyance that we all have can be amplified, for this it is necessary to accept the existence of the spiritual world and above all that the impossible can be true, because one of the greatest brakes for the mind is to insist on limiting what nature can do. If we accept that the world we know is not the only possible one, we can open the window of the mind to see the real world and everything that we do not yet know. Clairvoyance is a spiritual quality and being humble amplifies it because humility belongs to the crystalline dimension of the spirit.

An evolved spirit, has a great capacity for intuition because he knows that clairvoyance becomes more intense depending on how close it is staying the minds of the blue frequency of the spiritual dimension. Whoever enters the spiritual world, acquires a deeper vision of things, this is so because the spiritual world is less dense than the material world and consequently more sensitive and transparent. This causes a mental vision with a greater perspective of things and an increase in intuition.

When a being endowed with spiritual vision looks at an object or a color, he not only sees the material object but also the metaphysical meaning it has, it is as if things speak to him, but not with words but with sensations, it is as if he could see the structure behind the image. Sometimes clairvoyance is amplified when due to an accident we approach death, this is so because death or the afterlife belongs to the dimension of the spirit that governs clairvoyance. When this happens, a part of the spirit is no longer connected to the matter part of the brain, then that part of the spirit acts from the other plane communicating the spiritual and material plane, then the phenomena that are normally considered clairvoyance take place.This is shown because many cases of clairvoyance begin to occur after suffering a serious accident. In this case, clairvoyance does not appear as a consequence of a high spiritual level but due to a simple accident, that is why some qualities are favored but others are also damaged, only when that clairvoyance is the consequence of a spiritual evolution are all intact integral. This is what in India they call, awakening the third eye.