A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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The universe is made up of atoms that in turn contain other smaller particles in their interior, in turn these particles are made up of other particles that are not made up of any particle, therefore, these last particles could be defined as the original particles that make up the cosmos.

When the universe began, in theory there was only nothing, but since nothing cannot exist by itself, it is necessary that something exists as a way to justify its existence, this means that both nothing represented by emptiness, and something represented because of matter they have always existed, both need each other because there cannot be only emptiness or only matter, both must always exist, because it is through their contrast and comparison that their existence is evidenced.

This metaphysical reality exists within each elementary particle, because in its interior there is only emptiness and in its exterior there is only matter, or in other words, if we go towards its interior we will find a spherical surface with which we will collide as evidence of the existence of the material particle, but within that area alone there are void that is composed of other particles, therefore, this particle is considered empty or is considered material may depend on whether the direction is raised toward the ntro or towards outside. These particles are not made up of other particles and are indestructible, but they can divide of their own accord to form more complex beings made up of directly connected particles. That means that if these particles are permanently separated without there being any direct connection link then n different beings will be created, these beings, although they have common pasts from that moment on, will have different futures until the end of the cosmic cycle and come back together to form the original particle again.

This bipolarity that is present in the first particles is the origin of the universal polarity that also derives in the sexes, because sexuality is only one of the innumerable versions of polarity that exists in the universe. Thus the female sex would be related to the void and the male sex would be related to the matter.

Other examples of masculine polarity are: The sun as coordinator of the planets, salt, the masculine sex, matter in contrast to water or emptiness, science, technique, rock music, the right, activity, the crest of a sling, the color red, the circle, the vertical line, the sound, the progress, the action, the heat.

Other examples of feminine polarity are: The earth in its passive attitude towards the sun, Spirituality, philosophy, the color blue, pop music, water, space, the valley of a sling, sugar, cold, the left, passivity, the straight line, the horizontal line, silence, humility, rest, emptiness.

The vertical and horizontal dimensions can also rotate, in that case the poles are reversed so that the horizontal dimension is male and the vertical female, it all depends on the circumstances.

Those people who have intuition will surely notice the sensation of perceiving the color red when thinking about things that have masculine characteristics, and in the same way they will feel the sensation of seeing the color blue when thinking about things that represent feminine values.

As there are two versions of polarity, it was necessary for the universe to determine the existence of a single command element that governs the two poles, this is necessary because in the decisive moments in which a decision must be made quickly that sexual division must disappear in order to coordinate as if it were a single will. The need to achieve that balance determined that from that moment on the universe became coordinated by the male sex, this does not mean that one sex is better than the other, because the two sexes are just as important, but this is necessary because the universe can only progress if each sex occupies different planes and functions. What determines that a sex is male is precisely the fact of acquiring that active function of command, but that command only makes sense if it is dedicated solely to promoting the good of both sexes, in this way, the female sex allows itself to be governed, but only with the condition that this government dedicates itself to favoring the common project shared by both sexes. An example of this coordination in a single command is the preference of the right hand over the left in the human species, because each of our hands belongs to a polar value, therefore, so that mental processes can lead to actions quickly, it is necessary that one of the two hands acts as a representative of both, in this way, the left hand finds its balance by acting as an assistant to the right. If the universe had not acted in this way, progress would never have existed as both sexes mutually annulled each other and under these conditions anarchy and chaos would reign.

The original particles are black on the inside and white on the outside, empty on the inside matter on the outside, the inside represents the number zero and the outside surface represents the number one. The particles of matter represent the number one and the empty space that surrounds them represents zero. They are actually two versions of the same thing so it depends on your point of view as you look at it. However, the number zero is white and one is black and the particles can be defined as white and the space as black, this means that depending on which plane they are in, they can appear with the inverted aspect.

When the current cosmic cycle ends, all the particles will come together to form the original particle in which the essential values are expressed. When that happens, the particle will divide again to form another universe that will actually be the repetition of the previous one, this will be done the same as how a movie is repeated, because even the same time will begin again, then, all the souls that are formed with the separation of the original particle they will live other lives different from the one they had previously, that means that the universe will not repeat itself completely until all beings live all the lives and the experiences that they could have in each of those lives. This means that the universe has two wheels, one is the one that represents the time that repeats itself with each new cosmic cycle, and another is the wheel of souls, who live a different life in each new repetition of the cosmos, it is as if the material universe was just a shell through which the souls move, which in turn are outside of time and are eternal.

The universe formed by multiple beings is only the consequence of the division of the original being, because we are all equal and we are all eternal, therefore, in the end we will all live the same situations. Seen in another way , it is as if in the universe only one being existed, so that when we look at another person it is as if we saw ourselves in another time, because what he lives now is what we we live in our past, but it is also what we will live in our future, because deep down, all beings are derived from the same original being, therefore, the existence of multiple lives or multiple life experiences is nothing more than a secondary subdivision of the life of that original being. When this being first divided, it created different beings with its same nature and at the same moment of time, but since these beings are derived from the same original being, they can also be considered as part of the same being indirectly, because in reality, each u not one of those beings only represents a stage in the life of that greater being since in the end they will all become one again before the universe begins again.