A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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In my opinion, in the future people will live in compact cities in order to protect themselves from all possible climates, both those found on earth and those found on other planets in space. These compact cities s Eri an as authentic spaceships, because that protection of its inhabitants would be greater than if they were formed by buildings. In these cities, no cement or bricks would be used, but they would be made with metal, glass and plastic mainly and assembled in their entirety from a plan. All parts of the city including vehicles or furniture would be mounted from prefabricated structures, even the paint was Scatter symbol to replace panels, this would make the work more enjoyable and easy. On the entire planet Earth there could be a thousand of these cities populated by five or ten million inhabitants each. Once the cities were built, the renovation process would be done in parts so that their occupants do not have to abandon them, except in those cases in which it was necessary to completely modify the design. Inside, all things would have defined colors because colors promote happiness and stimulate the mind. Its design would consist of a circle of about five kilometers in diameter and about a hundred meters high in its main structure, the size of the city would also be determined by the size of the planet or moon where they were installed. These cities would form a perfect circle and in their center would rise a dome surrounded by windows where the seat of government would be located, with that shape, its appearance would recall that of a planetary system. Hangars would be installed on its outer circumference where vertical take-off ships would land, which would be the main means of communication with other cities. In those planets that lacked atmosphere , all cities could be surrounded with domes and communication tubes so that the ships can circulate inside them, in this way, it would avoid that the reaction gases of the ships are lost in space, this would be necessary to be able to reuse them indefinitely.

The main difference between these cities and the current ones is that being a compact structure there would be no separation between their buildings and all the interior space would be used. Within the city all materials would be recycled and factories would be required to produce products within the necessary standards to encourage recycling. This system would be so complete that even human bodies would be recycled, first, the particles would be divided into the essential atomic elements and once this was achieved they would be returned to the normal productive system.

In these cities, life would be very orderly and there would be no unemployment or crime, to achieve this each city would be required by law to maintain the same number of inhabitants indefinitely, this means that couples could only have two children each there are fines for those who do not respect it. In this model of society, crime would also disappear, because the three factors that cause it would no longer exist. In the first place, because birth control determines that the number of inhabitants cannot exceed the capacity that the city has to feed its inhabitants, this would be necessary for the state to guarantee work. Secondly, because in the future, all the governments of the world will undertake an ambitious plan for the eradication of genetic diseases and one of its benefits will be to eliminate those genes that favor criminal behavior, it must be borne in mind that at this time up to 85% of the population have some type of genetic defect, although only a minority of them suffer from serious genetic diseases. Third, it would be necessary to strengthen the teaching of ethical values, because in the future, moral training will be fundamental in all schools. We must not forget that a genetic failure can favor crime but does not cause it, only when there is a moral degeneration does criminal behavior appear. In this society, religious organizations would no longer exist and this education would be supervised by the state and the parents of students. In the future, having a solid scale of values will be essential to promote coexistence, and the defense of justice will be the first of those values before any other, this will be essential to be able to maintain a stable and peaceful society formed by millions of inhabitants. Precisely, one of the greatest evils of today is materialism, which is the true expression of the antichrist, because it encourages disorder, promiscuity and is opposed to citizens being able to have a moral formation.

In these cities, all the inhabitants would live in rectangular or square flats and their size would be determined by their number of occupants. These floors would be simple and their size would not be greater than what is strictly necessary to satisfy the needs that a family may have. In these homes, simplicity would be combined in a surprising way with highly advanced technology. To get one of them it would not be necessary to save for years to be able to buy it, because all would be offered by the state in the form of rental property, this system would consist in that the house would be owned by the state, but when all citizens reach adulthood they could rent one for life with the condition of paying each month the real cost of the maintenance and manufacture of said house, once delivered by the state, the tenant would become an owner while he or she lives and consequently all the repairs that may be necessary It would be up to him to pay them, but if the tenant died or moved, then the property would go back to the state.

In these cities there would be no private vehicles, but in return, there would be a very efficient system of public transport and company vehicles. There would also be no strikes, because all aspects related to work would be regulated by law, this would prevent citizens from having the need to fight individually with companies. Over time, private companies will also evolve to become more participatory, because the power that in the past was concentrated in the owners, will be shared more and more with the employees. However, this process of change will not be the consequence of a political imposition, but rather the logical consequence of living in a united society. In this society, social differences would not be as marked as now, which would reduce the fear of entrepreneurs to share power, but in return they would also gain peace of mind.

The political system would be a democratic republic in which all laws would be voted individually by electronic means and without having to leave home to do so. With this system, the humiliation of forcing citizens to go to polling stations once every four or five years would be avoided with the sole benefit of electing their leader as it is now, because the current system is not a democracy but an appearance of democracy. In the future, dictatorships will be forbidden by the world government and all countries or cities that want to be part of a united league would have the obligation to be democratic, although it would also be forbidden to force these countries to be democratic by force. This means that while dictatorships existed, the countries that had them would have some restrictions, but those restrictions would only apply to the leaders and not to the people as is now the case.

In this ordered society, each race would be divided by racial zones depending on the climate where they were found, so that in the latitudes where the European climate existed, only people belonging to that race could live and in areas with a very hot climate only Black people could live, with the other races it would happen the same, this system would continue like this until the process of adaptation and racial evolution makes them all the same, this will happen when all are like the white race, which is the most evolved by having arisen in the ideal intermediate climate. It would also be forbidden for one race to interfere in the affairs of others, therefore, each race would form a league of nations or cities with its own capital and then those capitals would meet in the world capital where all races would be represented by same. This headquarters of the United Nations would be rotated among all nations and races to make the distribution of world power more just.

In this social system, the government representatives would not emerge from the political parties because these would no longer exist since the parties are only an invention of the politicians destined to distract the citizens with their theatrical confrontations while they distribute power. For this reason, the profession of politician would be one more option than those offered in universities and the promotion system would depend on one's own merits and seniority. Once they started in this profession, they could dedicate themselves to it for their entire lives, although the most important positions would be rotating, this means that a man could be president for a maximum of ten years and then should leave the position, but after a time out of that function could run again if he wanted, but the normal thing is that the presidency of the government is reserved for those who, due to their age, were going to retire from the front line of politics. A council of the presidency would also be formed, made up of all the previous former presidents, however, the fact of being a minister, senator or president, would not imply great power, because being a political system in which all laws would be decided by the citizens, the fact of holding this position would not imply any exceptional advantage.

In the future, the health system would be much simpler than the one that exists today, this is due to the fact that, on the one hand, those diseases that would be of genetic origin could no longer arise, since all genes had been eradicated from society faulty. The other factor that causes diseases is the negligence of citizens and it would not exist either because the health system would first be focused on telling citizens what their bad habits are and only then would a chemical solution be sought and not the other way around as it is done now. In other words, the health system would almost seem like a moral training system, because today, most diseases are caused by bad habits of life and consequently it is enough that those habits change so that diseases disappear. But today, citizens do not want doctors to tell them what they are doing wrong, because they naively believe that all diseases can be cured with miracle chemical formulas. And to make matters worse, the pharmaceutical companies do not want citizens to heal either, because then their source of wealth would disappear. Finally, many doctors also do not want to give sermons to patients, although that would be their obligation, therefore, they limit themselves to prescribing chemical substances that cure some diseases but also cause new ones. In the end, patients end up committing suicide without realizing it because of the diseases that these medicines cause them and all because their arrogance is ahead of common sense.

Life in cities would be very orderly and citizens would always use the same hours to sleep and to be awake every day of the year without differentiating between holidays or working days, this is very useful, because although many people do not know it, the brain It has a biological alarm clock that remembers the time we get up quite accurately. This is important, because approximately an hour before we wake up, that biological alarm takes us out of deep sleep and little by little it activates all the mechanisms of the brain so that we can get up quickly and with all active faculties.

Because of ignoring this truth many detuned people that watch the Drowsy n do to keep us awake because he thinks it is daytime, then, it is usually enough to get up a moment and walk around the house for 5 minutes for the clock readjust by believing that it is another day. But, if the insomnia continues, it is best to avoid staying in bed lying down, because when we are awake the blood pressure becomes stronger which can cause headache and eye swelling, when that happens it is best to rest sitting on a sofa to keep your head up.

One of the main mistakes people make is that at the first symptom of the flu they go to bed and do not get up all day, this is a serious mistake, because in addition to unbalancing the rhythms of sleep, it bloats the body. To combat diseases, it is best to exercise as long as they allow it, because standing still and doing nothing reduces blood risk, which makes it difficult for antibodies and nutrients to reach the organs, which delays healing. This error is also frequent in hospitals, because the bed is abused in excess, forgetting that exercise speeds up the rate of healing. For this reason, in the future, treatments will be aimed at preventing diseases and curing them by eliminating the causes that cause them rather than trying to cure them with medicines, this will allow the use of medicines to be much lower than the current one. When that happens, the myth of posing drugs as the only possible solution to disease will be over.

In an evolved society there would not be massive city festivals either, because for that there are already places for that purpose, so that each citizen can use them at will. In this society, the beginning of the year would be celebrated on the winter solstice in the north and the summer solstice in the south, but it would be a simple one-day celebration and would not last into the night. This would be a healthy society that would not take drugs and would seek happiness with all that science and peaceful life can provide. Because drugs damage the brain reducing its sensitivity and consequently its ability to feel happiness.

Due to the usefulness of living life in an orderly manner it would be prohibited to as public weekdays except for workers them to work on holidays, so that any act intended to celebrate or remember something, they always would on the day s free set for it. This means that each seven-day week could have a maximum of one or two consecutive days off and those who wanted to have more days off would have to take the entire week in order not to interfere with the work rhythm.

The vacation system would also have an order and two fortnights or one consecutive month per year could be used. In compact cities, the climate would be the same throughout the year and therefore, the number of inhabitants who would be on vacation would be the same every month of the year, this would allow the tourism industry to function normally all the time. With this system, all citizens could make a trip around the world each year, but the rest of the year, they could only travel through the closest area, an area that would not be greater than 15% of the planet. This would be done in order to avoid unnecessary energy expenditure, but on small planets or moons these restrictions would not exist.

In the future, it will also be possible to make trips to other planets, but the most logical thing is to reserve them only for those who perform representative functions, as in the case of political or scientific activities, but they would not be allowed for the rest of the citizens, except in the case of colonization trips, in order to make resources sustainable. Neither will space trade exist, except in those things that it was not possible to obtain on earth, that is, a citizen of one planet will not be able to buy a product from another, when the materials are the same as those on his, regardless whether you can afford it or not, because the ecological damage and waste of energy that space travel would cause would make it unacceptable.

In these cities, all citizens of both sexes would wear the same uniform similar to a uniform, and it would be made up of a single piece of cloth and a main color, although it could also be divided into two halves but of the same color. With this suit, it would be a question of strengthening the feeling of unity among all citizens, because in reality, each one of us is a part of that great machine that is the city and we are all important for its progress. Wearing the same suit we all assume that responsibility, but the state also assumes that we are necessary and important. This suit would have a single main and homogeneous color for the most part without squiggles or asymmetries, because that is how justice is represented. This suit would only be an extension of our body and therefore, the logical thing is that if the body has a single color, the suit also has it. However, in order not to be monotonous, each citizen could use the color they prefer and the work suits would be differentiated from those for a walk using emblems or color stripes different from the main one, although it would be different only in a minority part of the suit, for example on boots, gloves, or belt. Underwear would be somewhat opposite to outerwear, because outerwear would represent the crystalline horizontal dimension and the inner the solar vertical, the outer would have long extremities and the inner short extremities, the outer would have dark colors and the inner light colors and both would have different colors. In this evolved society, hair dyes, lip paints or jewelry would not be used, because what is valued is not superfluous appearances but the true qualities that each one has.

Neither would there be cash or inflation, and all companies would be required by law to pay their employees the necessary salary to be able to live in a dignified way. In return, workers would be required to do their jobs properly. As it is a society in which work would be guaranteed by the state, begging would be prohibited. This means that if a person due to simple vagrancy or negligence did not want to work, then he could not ask, and if he did not respect the law he could be committed to a penitentiary center where he would have to work to live, because even in a prison nothing would be free. It must be borne in mind that evil will not disappear from society simply by asking the scoundrels to stop being it, it is necessary to create the conditions so that no criminal finds an interest in continuing to act in an antisocial way.

In this society, there would not be retirement either, there would be an age limit to exercise each job, but not an age to do nothing, because all citizens, including the elderly, would participate in the productive system, but people with an advanced age would do so they would do more as counselors to the youth than as normal employees. Crafts workshops would also be created for them where they would train their minds by making small pieces for commercial use, because it is absurd to carry out tasks making objects that later are not going to be of any use. All citizens would have their hours and days off, but dedicating all the time to leisure is a way to hasten death, because leisure activities are fine if they are for a while, but it is not logical that leisure occupies all the time, Therefore, it would be best to divide the day into three sections, one for sleeping, one for working, and one for free time, but, in the case of the elderly, work time could be cut in half as long as your health allows it. In the future, citizens will no longer dye their hair, because unlike what happens now, the elderly will no longer be expelled from active society and will be held in high esteem, therefore, the white color of their hair will not be cause of shame but of appreciation and respect for all. Upon reaching old age, most people will die naturally, but in the event of a disease that seriously reduces quality of life, there will be no problem in applying euthanasia if requested by the patient voluntarily.

The animals and plants would be located outside the cities, this would be done because it would be tried that the animals live in their natural environment and not as simple toys of the citizens. It must be taken into account that human civilization belongs to a different dimension from animals or plants and therefore there must be a place of their own for each one. It is true that people have to live with the rest of the species that populate the earth, but each one must do so in their natural environment. However, that would not prevent people from going to see them whenever they want during their free time. In addition, keeping animals in homes would be prohibited as this custom is considered the latest form of slavery. It is true that many masters treat their pets well, but an animal does not have to be anyone's pet and it is necessary to recognize their right to live in freedom with their peers. Therefore, it is unfortunate to see so many couples who instead of having children have dogs, just because of the laziness of not wanting to fulfill their duty of being parents, because it makes no sense to play at being parents with animals, the right thing to do is to be parents of truth.

In this society, energy would come from the sun and the use of nuclear energy within the planet would be totally prohibited, because it is absurd to use this energy when so much solar energy is available, an evolved society does not simply consider how to get more energy and then waste it as is done now , but first we look at how much energy can be obtained without damaging the environment or the health of citizens and then that energy is distributed according to the needs that each city may have. It is surprising that after the Harrisburg, Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear accidents or those that have occurred in nuclear submarines this type of energy has not yet been banned on earth, and then those governments that promote that energy have little shame to conceal contamination of fish, meat, or milk as a consequence of these radioactive leaks.

In the future, the cities of many planets would be more hygienic than the laboratory s medicine today, because the planets or moons lifeless own the colonists Enter r t an bacteria, even the s of their own bodies so they they might consider worlds free of microorganisms. This would not be a problem to live, because food would be produced artificially without using vegetables, but its characteristics and texture would be similar to what we know. This would also be useful from a medical point of view, because there would no longer be a place for infections, as the bacteria that caused them have disappeared. Oxygen would also be produced artificially by electrically separating the water atoms.

In this perfect society, religion will be the backbone of the entire system and within religion the defense of justice will be its greatest value. This will be possible, because in the future citizens will lose their fear of confronting religious organizations and will demand their right to seek the truth for themselves. Because these organizations act as a filter when they pretend to have exclusivity in communication with God, but this, they do not do to serve God, but to serve satan. This is so, because for them religion is only an instrument to obtain power and wealth betraying their true duty, which is to seek the good of the citizens. Therefore, in the future, religious organizations with all their ceremonies and dogmas will disappear from the face of the earth, and then God, that is to say the truth, will descend to earth and remain there forever. In reality, these organizations have become evil, because they refuse to accept that humanity needs a religion but not a religious organization, because in an evolved society the right thing to do is for religious teachings to be taught in schools by teachers and managed by the state and parents of students. These organizations try to compete with governments to obtain power, but it is not them who have that function, but the civil population through the vote. This contradiction makes those who have been enriched by religion up to now refuse to abandon their current source of income, therefore, they react badly by not wanting to humbly accept the consequences of progress. When that happens science and religion will shake hands and will be one, because until now, that parallel power that are religious organizations have prevented this from being possible by trying to impose their dogmas based on lies to gain power and compete with governments for world domination. Unfortunately, scientists have not denounced these deceptions to help the truth prevail. Then, religion and science will try to find an understanding, because in reality, religion is also a science that is as important or more than the rest, so, in the future, it will be the first thing that is taught in schools.