A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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Today, it is common to see the myths of antiquity as mere children's stories without any real basis, but the truth is that in most cases they are based on half truths, because primitive men had a reduced capacity to understand the natural events that surrounded them, which is also the case today, because they not only had difficulty understanding the events that occur every day, but also what happens exceptionally. Today, we live in an age of scientific self-sufficiency because scientists believe that they know everything and therefore it becomes an obstacle to objectively understand the events of the past as it happens with the myth of vampires. Actually the so-called vampirism occurs when the spirit of a deceased tries to return to human life trying to steal the body or energy of people in order to revive its previous existence, this does it because it does not understand that the correct way to do it is through reincarnation. In these cases the victims of their possession may feel strangely tired. Because of this, some people may think that the deceased has not died and escapes at night from the cemetery to torment the living and suck their blood. The truth is that it has not sucked their blood nor has it escaped from the cemetery, but it is true that it continues to exist in a spiritual form and can disturb the peace of the living.

When a being is in spirit form it is quite weak and consequently has very little capacity to influence the material world, however, these beings who refuse to leave sometimes manage to increase their strength by absorbing energy from the environment that surrounds them, For this reason, it is normal that it is quite cold in the haunted houses. Some claim that they can use the spiritual energy present in human or animal blood to thicken their spirit and thus believe that they have returned to corporeal life. It is also probable that they use the material particles that they find around them to densify their spirit and thus be able to influence the material world. In any case, if this is true, this would be a useless effort, because the real way to return to human life is by moving forward through reincarnation and not going backwards as they do, because from the very moment it occurs At birth, people's spirits were solidly attached to their body, and it is impossible to separate it from it by force through an attempted possession.

In this, the Catholic Church has a lot to blame, because they teach their followers that there is an afterlife but they relate it to the resurrection of the corpses on the day of the final judgment instead of accepting the most logical thing that is reincarnation in a new body, then, those spirits who after dying prefer to return to human life quickly end up believing that their only option to get it is to steal a body. Nor should we forget that the resurrection spoken of in the apocalypse is something symbolic and there is no reason to understand it literally as the church does.

Most spirits, after their bodies die, advance with illusion towards the spiritual world, because they seek that mythological heaven proposed by the church, but spirits that do not have a clear conscience for having committed crimes also fear that they may be sent to the mythological hell, therefore, they remain in that limbo of indecision between the two worlds. In reality, heaven is not found in the spiritual world, but neither can it be found in the earthly world, because in reality " heaven " is the world that the earth will become, when people understand that life Human must be lived in line with spiritual values. In other words, the earth will be a paradise, when people understand that they must give spirit and its values the same importance that they give matter.

One of the methods used to ward off these intruder spirits is to place salt around the place that you want to protect, since apparently this substance bothers them. It should also be clarified that an evil spirit can try to possess a house or a person, but that does not mean that it can do it whenever it wants, because this only happens in an exceptional way when the border between the human and spiritual dimension is broken and these entities pierce. This can also occur when the spirit is claimed with methods such as the Guija table, then the spirit creates a link with the place or person with which it is desired to relate in a similar way to how an airplane does with the control tower through the transponder. Once this link is established, the spirit can return to that place with relative ease, that means that to avoid that unwanted presence it is necessary to break the link that the entity uses to reach its victim. All these facts would be easier to solve if scientists lost their fear and arrogance and accepted these events naturally, because the evidence exists, another thing is that they want to accept it.

Other ancient myths are the appearances of fairies or goblins. These events could be caused by the spirits of people or also by those of plants or animals. Because, although each plant or bacterium does not necessarily have its own spirit, however, it is reasonable that they have one for each species that deals with managing all those aspects that relate to their life. Because nature contains many more things than we think and therefore we must be more humble in our conclusions and in what we think we know.

Another myth is the alleged contacts with the gods made in the sanctuaries of ancient religions, today they are analyzed from the point of view of an exclusively materialistic science and therefore are considered as the product of simple superstitions, but in my opinion, those beings with whom the ancient religious communicated through complex rituals were not gods, but neither were they fantasies, because they were the spirits of deceased people who pretended to be gods. Although, in this, we can also include extraterrestrial beings, because if we accept that they have been among us for many centuries, then it can be assumed that they could use the method of posing as gods, to establish communication with men without they consider its presence strange.

Another example is biblical facts. The burning bush that spoke to Moses may well have been a charred tree burning in a lake of natural oil. Or the plagues of Egypt, which could be caused by the ashes that fell there after the eruption of a volcano on Santorini island in approximately 1600 BC. This eruption caused a rain of ash that destroyed crops, caused plagues, a tsunami and the exodus of the Hebrew people. This means that the Hebrews most likely left Egypt unimpeded, and may even have been forced to leave, considering that the volcanic ash destroyed the crops and consequently caused a famine during several years. The legend of the Egyptian army swallowed by the sea could also have its origin in the tsunami, later, the Hebrews used the fact to make their story more attractive by relating the event to them. This event could also cause the legend of Atlantis. The disaster began with an earthquake and a large volcanic eruption that caused the destruction of the Minoan civilization located on the island of Crete. This civilization was very important in ancient times and was made strong through sea trade between Greece and Egypt.

Even the life of Moses could be invented, using events different from the real ones in order to build an attractive story for the Hebrews. Let's not forget that the bible was not written until several centuries later, once the state of Israel was established. This means that when it was made they had to be based on the traditions and legends that at that time were told about its origins. There is no reason to doubt that Moses really existed, because that may have been the name of the leader who led the Hebrew people during the exodus. But, the period of the supposed presence of Moses in Egypt, coincided with the period in which the Semitic tribe of the Hyksos ruled that country for a short period of time, so it is possible that when they say that a Hebrew belonged to the family royal in Egypt could be inspired by a king Hicso who was also a Semitic like them. To complete the life of Moses, the childhood of King Sargon I of Acad who was born in Mesopotamia in year 2 would be borrowed. 300 BC Because like Moses, this king was also left by his mother in a river and later rescued to later become king, it is clear that the story is too similar to be accidental. In the past, it was normal for truth and fantasy to mix to make stories more interesting.

An example of this is the miracles of Jesus, which were surely the consequence of exaggerating reality, in order to show his life more interesting and thus be able to attract more followers. That is, although they were facts based on real events, nevertheless, the most fantastic part of those facts was invented. Thus the cure of a person in a coma was transformed into the resurrection of a dead person. The spiritual relief of a blind man could be converted into a cure for his blindness. The surprise purchase of wine could be considered as a miracle, or a lucky day in fishing, it was turned into an event exclusively attributed to Jesus. This is not surprising, since it is what is commonly done with people belonging to the nobility or royal houses, because when they make a mistake, it is always the fault of others, but when they do something worthwhile it is recognized and exaggerated to the point of infinite. For this reason, it is despicable that there are countries that qualify as democratic, but nevertheless try to grant some people attributions totally incompatible with democracy, as is the case with the monarchy, because reserving political offices in a hereditary way or giving them legal impunity is not only a It is a way of denying the equality of all citizens before the law, but it is also a way of granting divine honors to those who are nothing but people. It can be considered justified that every country has a government, because without it it would not be possible to administer it, but that does not mean that the rulers are therefore infallible, much less divine. For a king to qualify himself as a divine being as was done in ancient Egypt is not only a falsehood, but an act of cowardice intended to try to preserve power by creating distance from the people.

However, when it comes to the ability to cure diseases attributed to Jesus, it is possible that it has a true background, because there are those who affirm that Jesus was an Essene and it was common in this religious group to teach some knowledge of medicine to their followers, but without reaching the results attributed to it.

Little is known about the magicians of antiquity, it seems that they were religious who could do surprising things, sometimes they used simple tricks, other times they used the properties of some chemical substances and other times they did it through contact with spirits, this part used to be kept secret for fear of scandal or repression. But unlike today, in the past the existence of that other world that spirits represent was quite accepted among people or religious people and through these contacts they tried, among other things, to guess the future or ask the deceased for advice on family matters. In this case and unlike the previous ones, these strange facts were not done by magicians as people usually think, but rather were the spirits that collaborated with them. Therefore, the only miracle that is logical to expect from someone like Buddha or Jesus is the gift of the word, because the true and greatest gift of a philosopher is his wisdom.

With this, I intend to show that the fables and stories of antiquity may have a foundation of truth even though they may have been stated in the wrong way. But, it can also happen that the existence of extraterrestrial spirits or beings is naively rejected just because it seems too surprising to us. Because we must not forget that we live in a miraculous universe, if by miraculous we understand the surprising things that science can offer, because the fact that something does not happen every day is not a reason to reject it or to think that it is in contradiction with the laws of nature. But how can you tell the surprising but true from the false miracles? The key is to have intelligence, intuition and time to meditate, but, as these qualities are difficult to gather, the normal thing is that most people are not able to differentiate one thing from another, for that reason, they are usually trusted, sometimes too much, in the deduction capacity of the prophets or philosophers, but we must not forget that the fact that someone describes himself as a philosopher does not mean that it is true, therefore, it is our duty to apply common sense to everything that we they count to differentiate the lie from the reality.

Another myth was the supposed divinity of the Egyptian kings. The Egyptians had a system of government based on a totalitarian monarchy that encouraged the worship of their leaders, therefore, they made all those striking constructions that characterized them and whose main mission was to impress the mass so that they considered them as divine beings and thus ensuring their privileges and staying in power. Today's people are impressed with everything Egyptian, but they do not understand that the majority of society was made up of simple people and all those impressive statues and decorations that they made were only intended to create a fictitious distance between the government and the rest of the citizens.

Due to the increase in global temperature caused by the end of the last ice age, North Africa was undergoing a process of desertification that was pushing peasants towards the banks of the Nile. This excess population favored the Egyptian government to use them as a hand of cheap labor to build the pyramids, but the fact that there were people from so many different places caused the pharaohs to be afraid of a possible uprising, therefore, they created all that decorative framework in order to be seen as divine beings and therefore inaccessible. The increase in global temperature also originated the myth of the universal flood, because with the melting of the poles, rain and flooding increased, in addition, the coastline advanced several kilometers around the world, which must have been perceived as something catastrophic by the populations located on the banks of rivers. The desertification process of North Africa caused by the increase in global temperatures could be the cause that began to cultivate the lands in Sumeria and shortly after in Egypt in order to make the most of the fertile lands that still exist remained. This process of desertification could push nomadic pastoralist tribes such as the Hebrews to emigrate to Egypt from North Africa or Arabia where they were first used in crops and later in the construction of the pyramids.

This migratory process also occurred in Babylon, which surely favored the construction of other pyramids called ziggurats there. It is possible that the pyramids not only served a religious purpose, but also served as elevated observation posts for priests to study the stars. Perhaps that is what the drawing carved on the sarcophagus of palenque represents, a priest observing the stars using a complex astronomical device. In ancient times, the observation of the stars was important to know the seasons and organize the harvests, therefore, astronomy was an indivisible part of religion.

The reduction of fertility in the lands of Mesopotamia may be related to the origin of a sexual festival related to the goddess Ishtar, Inanna in Uruk. During the festival, it was considered well regarded that the population had sexual relations because they naively thought that this could stimulate the fertility of the land that was becoming poorer. This caused the Hebrews to consider Babylon a land inhabited by people of low moral standards. This sexual behavior was based on a mistaken belief, but this was preferable to human sacrifices that were made in America for the same reasons.

At the end of the Würm glaciation that had kept the planet frozen for 100,000 years, many lands in the Middle East were desertified, causing the beginning of my gratory currents towards Europe and India. In time, these settlers would be the germ of the Greek and Roman civilizations. These settlers were ethically similar to today's Europeans because during the ice age their Mesopotamian lands had a climate similar to the current Mediterranean. The fact that the European climate was warmer and warmer caused the old inhabitants of Europe to be progressively displaced by the new ones, as they were better adapted to that climate and were technically superior. These settlers outnumbered the ancient inhabitants of Europe in everything, because during the ice age the European continent was covered by ice, which made their progress difficult both in terms of the number of inhabitants and racial or technological development. This increase in global temperature had the same effect on humanity as the yeast in bread, because it caused a significant increase in population and the beginning of contemporary civilization.