A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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The circle: This symbol represents on the one hand the limited nature of matter since it shows its size and consequently also determines the infinite nature of the space that surrounds it since it cannot be located in a circle. Its round shape also indicates the cyclical nature of the cosmos, because we live in a universe in which everything is recycled and everything is repeated. By not having a specific principle determined in that circle, it also indicates that the universe is beginning and ending at every moment. The material universe is limited, both in time and space, because matter is necessary to carry out events and it does not have infinite combinations, however, the universe does have an unlimited duration, because once the combinations of the Matter is finished, time will start again from the beginning, which in practice causes that unlimited duration.

The circle with respect to the square can represent the center point, the beginning, the egg, the command center, the number one or the five, the masculine sex, the heat, the golden color, the instability, the energy, the wisdom, the spirit, the crest of a sling. It can also represent the human figure as it is formed by five limbs or the vertical line in the cross that divides the vertical and horizontal dimensions. A white circle surrounded by a black square represents the contrast between something and nothing, the something that represents the matter of the circle and the nothing that represents space. From these two elements arise the sexes and all the polarities of nature.

The square: This symbol can represent the feminine, the stability, the intelligence, the crystalline, the cold, the horizontal line in the two-dimensional cross, the color red, the number four, the matter, the philosophy, the emptiness, the valley of a sling. Although the red color can be considered masculine and the feminine blue in general, however, it can also be the other way around depending on the plane where they are, in this case, the four in a square is feminine and blue, in contrast to the five which is masculine and golden, because five represents the circular sun and four the cold crystalline structure typical of the planets.

Triangle: This symbol can represent the evolutionary pyramid and the green color and is present in everything in which there is a progressive change from higher to lower or vice versa. It could be said that the triangle would be between the circle and the square since it contains the values of both figures. The color green represents the intermediate balance of things and therefore the ideal situation in most situations. Arguably the triangle is best represented as a green glass pyramid.

If we raise these three symbols on the horizontal plane, then the red circle would be located on the left and represented by the number one or two, because the circle is one but the red color represents two. In the center would be the green pyramid representing the number three. On the right side there would be the blue square representing the number four. Although each of these figures can also be represented in other colors, however, these three colors would be the most representative of the horizontal dimension. With the union of red and blue, green is created, which is the symbol of balance, and with the union of red, green, and blue, white is created, which is the symbol of justice because it contains the same proportion of all colors. . The color red represents energy, disorder, and the past. The green color arises from the balance between energy and order, it also represents the present. The blue color represents the spirit, the future and order. The horizontal dimension is generally female and the vertical dimension is male, but in exceptional situations they can also be represented the other way around.

With the union of these three symbols, the universal values of horizontal polarity can be represented, in this way, on the left the red circle would be located, in the center the green triangle would be located and on the right side would be the blue square, although vis From his point of view, the circle would be on the right side corresponding to the male side.

The cross: This symbol represents the two dimensions into which the horizontal is divided from the vertical. It could also be defined as two crossed circles, because in the universe everything is curved, therefore, what seems straight to us is because it only represents a very small part of a curve. In this scheme, one circle would be in a horizontal position and the other would be in a vertical position and to connect, the lateral line of each circle would pass exactly through the central axis of the other. These dimensional circles are as if they had three circles each, the central circle would represent the color red, the outer circle would represent the color blue and the circle between the two would represent the color green. Although the two circles have different positions, their proportions remain the same, that means that the central circle is always red and the central circle is always green and the outer circle is always blue, what changes is its position, going from horizontal to vertical.

In this position, the blue side of one circle would coincide with the red core of the other, in this way both circles would communicate. It is possible that this is the method that atoms use to connect with each other, electrons leaving through the positive pole of one atom and entering through the negative pole of another. The atomic electrons would do the same, exiting through their positive pole and entering through the negative pole, and at the same time they would travel the entire circumference of the atom, describing circles. When passing through the atomic nucleus, these communication particles could describe smaller circles adapting to the diameter of the particles in which they are, in this way, the particles would communicate all the atomic levels at the speed of light. This system would not only serve to communicate but also to renew all levels of the subject.

The vertical line represents the masculine values of the universe with all its immense number of versions such as: The heat, the color red, the summer, the day, the command, the exception.

The horizontal line represents the universal feminine values with all their versions such as: Cold, winter, blue, most, the norm, obedience, night. The binary character of the universe and the numbers zero and one can also be represented with this cross. We must not forget that the division of the universe into positive and negative poles does not only exist in the sexes, but in all things that have polarity.

It must be taken into account that in this case the vertical line of the cross is considered as masculine and the horizontal as feminine, but they can also be considered the other way around, because everything depends on the plane in question and one thing can behave in a different if it is a different plane. This is so, because all things have within them the two polar or sexual values. However, the fact that all contain things n the two does not prevent sexual values than the same time can be defined in one of the two, because in a plane can be completely masculine and the next be completely feminine without this be a contradiction.

This means that a thing can have a meaning in a different dimensional plane than it has in another, therefore, to determine the meaning of a thing it is necessary to determine with respect to which plane it is considered. For example, the planet earth is female when it revolves around the male sun, but the sun becomes a star and is female when it revolves around the black hole that governs our galaxy. In the same way, terrestrial matter is feminine with respect to the sun, but masculine with respect to water, because the sea is feminine with respect to the matter of the continents. Also the spirit is masculine with respect to the soul, but feminine with respect to the body, because the spirit can be masculine but spirituality is feminine.

That means that the sexual attitude is determined by the behavior. In the same way, the woman would be the equivalent of the planets, that means that her function consists of turning around the man and therefore being his assistant. The man, on the other hand, must be the president of the marriage, but that function of president should only be to serve his wife, that is, to seek the good of his wife and children and make them happy. Therefore, it is difficult to determine who serves whom, because in reality both serve both but in different ways, it all depends on the point of view as you look at it, because the two sexes represent universal values that are equally important for the progress of the cosmos and both have the same right to be happy, even if it is in a different way.

It could be said that the color red is masculine and blue feminine, and each of these colors are located to the right and left of the horizontal line of a cross, each one of them is a specialist in its symbolism, but this gap is corrected with their union that gives rise to the balance represented by the color green, therefore, this color represents life. That means that although each one is positioned in a polar aspect, however, with their collaboration that apparent gap is canceled.

These examples of polarity occur in many things, such as human races, so if we consider the races represented by three colors in the horizontal plane of this symbolic cross that serves to represent polarities and balance, the black race would be represented because of the red color, the yellow because of the blue color and the white because of the green color because it is between the previous two, that is why it represents balance. The Arab or brown race, although it may be closer to white than to black in absolute terms, nevertheless, it has enough differences with it to be considered different.

The symbolism of color can also depend on the circumstances, because if we pose it in the vertical plane that is the one that represents evolution, then the white race can be represented by the color white or blue by its orientation to the north, which is feminine and crystalline and is represented with that color. As these colors are placed above, they also symbolize perfection. The fact that the white race is so far north of the planet but inhabits a temperate climate is due to the warm water currents from the south that bathe the European coasts. The black race is associated with the color red due to its excessive proximity to solar energy, which is responsible for the serious deterioration of its external aesthetic appearance. The yellow race can also be represented by the color yellow because symbolically it is the one that best represents it, that is the real reason why it is called that and not because of its skin color. This is due to the fact that the cold or extreme in which it has developed causes racial aridity in it. If you look at this breed from an intuitive or spiritual point of view, you get the sensation of seeing in it the yellow sand of the desert but without water. You could say that this race was formed in an overly polarized environment with an excess of matter and a lack of water. That strong contrast and aridity is what causes people to unconsciously associate it with the color yellow or acid, because from a certain point of view it is an arid and acidic race and acid can also be associated with the color yellow, for That is why people relate that race to that color intuitively without knowing exactly why they do it. This imbalance also occurs with other things such as music, because flamenco or hard rock produce the same sensation of aridity as the yellow race, that is because this music only takes into account the material or solar aspect of life but despises the spiritual side. The yellow race can also be considered related to the blue color for having developed in cold climates, so from this point of view it is also a spiritual race. This apparent contradiction is due to the fact that the river is spiritual but the cold or dry is material.

In reality, the yellow and white races would be identical, if it were not for the deterioration that the yellow race experienced in its aesthetic appearance as a consequence of the intense cold or Siberian, let us not forget that the world was subjected to an ice age for many years that determined the appearance of these characteristic features. The same happened to the black race because of the intense heat in Africa. Because in reality, all human races have had the same time to reach the same evolutionary level and if that is not the case today, it is because the aggressiveness of the different terrestrial climates has only allowed that to be possible with the white race, for being in the most balanced intermediate climate. The mild European climate is ideal for harvests, but it has also led to the emergence of a more beautiful breed, because when you look at the sweetness that the face of an average European shows, you can deduce the climatic balance from which it is derived. That is, in order to survive, human races have sacrificed aesthetic beauty in exchange for adaptation to the climate. For this reason, in the horizontal plane of the symbolic cross, the white race can be associated with the color green that represents balance and life, because it is located between the other two colors and has half of each of them which represents the perfect proportion.

But, if we consider racial evolution according to the vertical plane of the cross of dimensions, which is what determines progress, then the division into three racial groups would become four, thus the black race would be at the lower level, the brown race It would go later, the yellow race, which in this case could also be associated with the color green, would go in third place, and finally the white or blue race would be at the top, for having the ideal aspect that everyone has to reach. Some people think that talking about evolutionary differences in human races is a sin or a taboo that cannot be talked about, but when I decided to write this book I did not do it to earn money or receive prizes, but to tell my discoveries to who can appreciate them, and in the same way that a snail does not have to feel offended because a swan is genetically superior, neither does a man have to feel hurt when recognizing his own limitations.

For this reason, if an extraterrestrial civilization were to come into direct contact with terrestrials, the most logical thing is to think that it would never allow them to go to their planets or cities, because progress does not consist only in studying in schools or reading books, it is also imprinted in our genetic code because evolution causes genes to change to adapt to it. This means that the evolutionary difference of thousands of years that would separate them from us would not exist only in the technical or scientific aspect, it would also have its version in the entire genetic code of your body. For that reason, it is absurd to believe that the mixture of races and cultures with different evolutionary levels can be done without prejudice. However, this is a truth that scientists try to avoid in order not to clash with current beliefs, therefore, they try to find evidence or supposed evidence to avoid that their conclusions may be against the position assumed by the system.

It is true that all men belong to the same species, but it is also true that this species is divided into different races and the fact that there is a different evolutionary level is not due to an innate deficiency of any of them, but because the necessity to adapt to the extreme climates of the earth forced them to exchange beauty for adaptation. This means that racial differences occur mainly in the aesthetic sphere but only in a more secondary way in the interior sphere. The truth is that each race is different and therefore it is good that each has its own lands, its own countries and its own institutions, but we must not forget that within our body there is an immortal soul that is the same in all races. Some day, when the climate of the cities can be controlled, all races will evolve until they are equal and then there will no longer be any impediment to the complete union of all of them. Nor should we forget that there are many ways to be united, and the fact that it is good for each race to live without mixing does not prevent all of them from living together peacefully.

If we consider the cross of dimensions as two crossed circles and then try to represent the human figure in the horizontal plane, then the head is located in the center of the circle and therefore represents heat, the color red and the command center, in this case the body represents the crystalline stability of blue color and occupies the entire outer circumference. The navel of the figure coincides with the color green, which forms a circle located between the center of the circle and the outer circumference.

But if we consider the human figure within a vertical circle, then the cross of dimensions is raised upside down, in this case the heat and the red color are still in the center, but now the feet are also in the center and the head which is situated on the periphery. Now the vertical line is white and crystalline and represents the universal laws, those laws, they support the universe as if they were its backbone. In this case, the head represents intelligence, the color blue and spiritual values. Stated in this way, the color green would also be located between the center and the periphery of the circle. It can be deduced from all this that in the universe male or female values exist twice and act in the same way both in the vertical and horizontal dimensions. In other words, the head in the horizontal plane represents the color red, command and the male sex, but in the vertical plane it represents spiritual values, the color blue and the female sex, this means that all people have masculine values and feminine at the same time, but this, in no case cancels the sexual orientation that each person has, because these differences act on different planes. Regarding the order of command, this is a specifically masculine quality, but that does not prevent the man from having feminine qualities or the masculine woman, it all depends on the plane in question, because both in a man and in a Woman can be given at the same time the wisdom that is masculine or the spirituality that is feminine, sexual orientation only indicates an inclination positioned in a single vital aspect.

In nature, metaphysical symbols are repeated innumerable times, this is because the laws of nature are the same everywhere, therefore, the same schemes are continuously repeated but on different planes. For example, the planet earth is a large version of the vertical dimensional circle, because in the center is the heat in red and in the upper part is the blue sky as in the diagram. The human form would also represent the vertical circle, because the feet would represent the lower part in red, and the head the upper part in blue. In the horizontal circle the human form would be shown upside down, in this case the head represented in red would represent the command center and the rest of the body in blue would represent the majority ruled by the center. This shows that within us the two dimensions exist equally, in this way the head from the male point of view contains the command center, but from the female point of view it contains spirituality and both are coordinated to make our mind is balanced.

Another example of this model, but horizontally, would be the solar system, because the warm sun is at the core and the cold planets are at the periphery. In a city the scheme of the horizontal circle or the solar system is repeated, because the town hall located in the center represents the central sun and the governing body, and the rest of the city and its neighborhoods are as if they were the planets revolving around to the central nucleus in a submissive and feminine attitude. When I say submissive, I am not referring to a slave, but rather to the fact that control is given to the center, but only in exchange for agreed conditions. This voluntary transfer of power only makes sense within a democratic model, because in this system the capital governs, but in exchange for complying with the laws agreed upon by all, and if that is not met, the population can stop granting it the right of representation. . The same happens in companies, because a worker obeys the orders of his boss, but if the contract is not fulfilled, he can always report the situation or change jobs. It must be taken into account that although the government is strong, the population is much more numerous, which produces a balance of power. This means that the relationship between the sexes or the vertical and horizontal dimensional planes is reciprocal, that is to say that each of these planes yields half of its functions to the other, but in exchange for obtaining an equivalent benefit from the other party.

We can also see how universal symbols are expressed through all things by looking at the hair style, because the long hair of the woman represents the straight line and the feminine values and the short hair of the man represents the circle and the masculine values. This means that when we choose the haircut we are identifying with our own sex, therefore, when a woman no longer wants to have more children, it is usual for her to cut her hair short like men to imply that it is no longer so feminine as before. This is done unconsciously without fully understanding the reason. The progressive decrease in female hormones that occurs with age also implies a loss of femininity, which also encourages women to cut their hair shorter.




This figure is important because it is the geometric shape that best represents the man, since by joining the arms, legs and head, they give rise to this figure. It is as if the number four that form the limbs were joined with the one that represents the head. Symbolically, the right hand represents universal masculine values, and since command corresponds to that value, therefore, most people are right-handed. The left hand represents the feminine values of the cosmos and consequently acts as a support for the right, otherwise it would be very difficult to coordinate the two hands, because when there is a leading hand, the mental processes necessary for decision-making are reduced. The legs represent the earth, the color red, energy and matter. The navel in this case represents the center, the green color and life, therefore, a child when he is in his mother's womb receives the food that gives him life through the umbilical cord located in the center of his body. The head represented in this case by the blue color symbolizes that the duty of man is to progress upwards because the command center is located above the other values.

This symbol is also the most characteristic of the flying saucers for being circular and luminous like a star. With their shape and luminosity, these objects are intended to provoke an emotional reaction to those who see them to encourage them to seek the truth. Because its circular shape recalls the sun, the command center and therefore God, and therefore tries to teach people that without order and morality it is impossible to progress. The light is also useful, because it serves to provoke the desire to seek the knowledge that frees man from ignorance. We must not confuse the symbol of the sun with the worship of the sun that was done in Egypt, because the sun has benign symbolic values just like the earth does, but it is a mistake to worship him as a god, because God can never be something individual as a person, a spirit or a thing, God can only be that which is common to all beings that populate the universe. A flying saucer, just like the number five has a double main structure, it is like a number four topped by a dome that represents one and the command, therefore, five is the number that best represents it.

It could be said that a five-pointed star represents a male sun when it is the center of a planetary system, while a star would have six points and would be female, when it revolves around the galactic nucleus.