A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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Throughout history there have been many people endowed with great inspiration such as Zoroaster, Enoch, Buddha or Jesus. These men were virtuous in their effort to understand the world and share their ideas with others. But there was no shortage of organizations interested in making their popularity financially profitable, as is the case of the Catholic Church. So from a humble man named Jesus they fabricated a mass myth. First they began by comparing him to a king, with the lie of the supposed visit of the wise men from the East later converted into kings, or the children's story of the star of Bethlehem, which was possibly a comet that happened on the dates of his supposed birth. , but used timely. It is evident that they forget the phrase of Jesus "my kingdom is not of this world", Jesus was looking for a spiritual kingdom, but the church showed him as a material king, in order to impress the masses. When Jesus pronounced that phrase, he meant that his interest was in the moral progress of society and not in trying to conquer territories with an army. Then they invented the supposed massacre of children caused by King Herod, which is a totally false story that does not appear in any historical document and that was surely copied from the life of Krishna, a mythological character from India who served his interest in a timely manner for divinizing him. Even his birthplace is controversial, since there are those who think that Jesus was also a Nazarite, or was shown that way, because Nazarites grew their hair long as a way to symbolize their religious dedication. Perhaps to the church that did not seem very appropriate and that is why they said that Jesus was not a Nazarite but born in Nazareth.

It can be assumed then that although Jesus was real, however many of the facts attributed to him were not true, which was done as a means to turn him into a divine myth. In this way, the church tried to make the citizens become automatons at its service without the right to question anything, because first they tried to equate Jesus with God which was a huge deception and nonsense, then they proclaimed themselves representatives of Jesus and therefore both representatives of God. This was an act of supreme frivolity, because by proposing themselves as God's representative they tried to equate themselves with him, and with that excuse they tried to force humanity to renounce their freedom of thought to conform to their wishes. That there can be more just or democratic than the right to have an opinion on everything even on religious facts. But the church, like any destructive sect, does not accept any questioning of its ideological postulates and therefore tries to get people to accept its theories without proof, even killing those who deny it. This strategy is something different today, since by not being able to intervene as much as they did before in political affairs, what they do is pretend a false victimhood, to pretend that others are the evil ones. Another nonsense was to attribute a supposed virginity to the mother of Jesus, but what is dishonorable about a child being conceived naturally? It is evident that they only sought to impress the masses with their lies, but, because of them, they caused thousands of people to seclude themselves in monasteries and think that motherhood or fatherhood was in contradiction with Christian ideas.

With the mother of Jesus, the church carried out another case of supplanting the ancient myths, since it promoted their worship in the same way that the Greeks had previously done with female characters such as the goddesses Hera or Athena, in this way, it was removing a form of polytheism to create a new one, by turning the virgins and saints into the new gods. In reality, the worship of these male or female characters is the vulgar way that the masses use to represent the male or female values that are present in all elements of the universe including the magnetic fields or the sexes. But, although these values are important in nature, it is not a reason to create stone idols in human form to represent them, much less to worship them. The church tried to turn Jesus' mother into a goddess, but what would society say if Jesus was shown to be an Essene? They would then have to take away the queen's crown to give it to the founder of this congregation founded in the second century BC.

When the church equates the mother of Jesus with a goddess, at the same time it is equating her with the feminine side of nature, but by doing so it follows that it equates God with the masculine side and Jesus with the fruit of nature union of both polar symbols, this, from a metaphysical point of view is completely absurd, since God can never be a part, but that which is neutral and common to everything, it is also completely absurd to equate the polar values of the cosmos with people, because these values are not individual beings, but qualities present in all things. He still commits a greater outrage when he says that the mother of Jesus is at the same time the mother of God, but how can God have a mother, if according to his own arguments God is the creator of the entire universe?

When the Catholic Church was created it did not have a structure on which to support itself, on the other hand, other religious organizations had existed for thousands of years, so it dedicated itself to copying all its methods and rituals and once it succeeded, it tried to destroy them to hide the fact. This has caused Christianity to become a sum of dogmatic incongruities that have been the main cause of the serious division between science and religion.

Another story were the supposed miracles such as the resurrection of Lazarus, which could be partly true, since in the past it was very common for a coma to be confused with death. Or the case of miraculous fishing, which could have different causes but later attributed to a supposed miracle, because in those times it was difficult to know with certainty which day will be fished more and which day. It seems that the same was done with Jesus as is usually done with kings, because when they make a mistake it is considered the fault of others, and when they have a success it is published as a spectacular miracle. Sometimes, evidence is sought to prove lies, because when a scientist or a philosopher is elevated to the category of "God", then it is preferred to believe the lie if this avoids questioning the character that is worshiped, because they are used as evidence what are only circumstantial facts.

In reality, a being evolved in body and spirit is not capable of performing miracles if by such a thing it is meant to do something against natural laws, but they can have highly developed those qualities that derive from their intelligence or spiritual progress. One of those qualities is the ability to understand a person's way of being just by looking at their face or seeing a photo, you can even get to know what they are thinking but not because you can hear the thoughts but because when you understand Well the human personality is possible to know what happens inside only observing the external behaviors. Another quality is to instinctively understand the best way to combat diseases in everything that refers to their relationship with our own life habits. You can also understand with some ease the best solution for many technical problems that can be encountered during life. Another quality that an evolved being can have is the ability to guess the future, but not understanding this as being able to guess anything, because it is the ability to deduce that we all have but developed to its fullest expression. The great philosophers can also understand the metaphysical meaning that is behind the external image of each thing, this helps them to differentiate the truth from appearances. In reality, all people have these qualities, although some more than others, but it is evident that they have nothing to do with the fantasies that were told about Jesus in the Bible.

For a philosopher, defending justice is not only an option but a necessity, because by dedicating his mind to obtaining happiness only with the fruits of science, the soul acquires the peace of conscience necessary to be able to concentrate by not having to worry about the consequences of his actions, in this way, increases his concentration and with it his mental power. Being fair also serves to discover demons, that is, those who pretend to be fair and are not.

There are those who affirm that Jesus was senio, if this is true, perhaps he joined this congregation because he thought that there he would have the necessary tranquility to deepen the study of metaphysics. But the fact that he joined that congregation and believed in some of its ideas does not mean that he had to give up his freedom of thought, because it is precisely this freedom that makes religions progress. If this were true, perhaps he lived for a time in the monastery that they had in the Qumran desert, hence the quote in the New Testament could have arisen that Jesus was tempted in the desert by the devil, perhaps when he commented this he was referring to the doubts that occupied his mind during his stay there. It is also possible that John the autistic B belonged to this congregation, the Essenes understood the cleansing of the body as something that should be followed by spiritual cleansing, therefore, in their monastery they had a specific place for baths. It is said that the Essenes also studied medicine among other activities, perhaps this is where the myth arose that Jesus could cure all ills. Later, most of this congregation ended up disappearing because of the persecutions of the Romans. Jesus was interested in a spiritual realm and not in a material realm as the church wants us to believe, so we must take into account his ideas and not the false miracles and stories for children invented to confuse our reasoning.

With the invention of a false date for the birth of Jesus, the church completed its conspiracy against freedom of thought, because it placed that date in the winter solstice festivals that had been celebrated since ancient times to celebrate the new year, eventually people ended up believing that these holidays had always been Christian. Thus it was possible to turn the life of Jesus into a fiction quite remote from the real events. Today, the church uses the name of Jesus to go against his purpose, which was to promote freedom and good. Similarly some destructive cults and NGOs use compassion only to gain power and wealth. It is true that it was the apostles who began to turn this humble prophet into a myth, but they did it to prevent his message from being lost and not out of simple greed as the church does. Unfortunately, today there is a great division between religion and science precisely because of the lack of will that society has to clarify all these truths, because science does not have to be in contradiction with religion if it arises without pre-established dogmas.

The Catholic Church committed the crime of turning a man into a god in order to present itself as his representative and thus deny men the right to think freely. Now we have the duty to return to Jesus the right to be a man with his virtues and his defects and thereby return to humanity the sacred right to think freely, without those henchmen of Satan telling us what to do.

Throughout history, there has been a paradox in religions, because on the one hand their philosophical content has generally been beneficial, because it collects the positive feelings of humanity and also provides a metaphysical explanation of the universe, but without However, this contrasts with the evil attitude that has often occurred in religious organizations that manage these teachings, the explanation is simple and it is that those who lead these organizations have used them as a horse of Troy to do evil. , because they have used the good contained in the moral teachings of these religions only to cover up their own evil, therefore, it is essential that humanity understand the importance of moral teaching, but away from those organizations that only try to hijack our freedom of thought.

In my opinion, the enemies of Jesus were not the Romans but the Hebrew religious leaders, because they feared that their innovative ideas might cast doubt on established religious power. A proof of this may be that the apostles used the story of Krishna to fill in the gaps in the life of Jesus, which indicates that at that time Indian philosophy was already known in those places and perhaps could influence the development of Christianity or in the philosophy of the Essenes. Therefore, those who say that Jesus was just another Jew are wrong. It should be borne in mind that both the Buddhism and ancient Judaism were probably derived from Zoroastrianism, so it is reasonable to think that both religions have much in common. Today, the same situation is repeated as in those times, because the Catholic Church demonstrates the same dogmatic totalitarianism that existed in Israel during the life of Jesus, that means that if he returned at this time, the same would surely happen to him because of those who claim to represent him.

It is possible that Jesus and John the Baptist were Essenes and had been sent by their congregation to carry out missionary work, this would explain why when the Romans arrested John, Jesus took charge of continuing his work, this suggests that for that then Jesus would already be a prominent member of that congregation, so his age would probably be older than is believed. For this reason, it can be said that the great incongruity in the stories of Jesus' life practically shows that although his life was real, after his death totally invented facts were added in order, on the one hand, to show him as a supernatural character and thus favor the interests of the church, and on the other to give a supposed explanation of everything that was unknown about him.

Now, we have the opportunity to reject all the lies that we have been told about his life and accept his humble message devoid of fantasy. Because the true greatness of Jesus is not his supposed miracles, but the beauty of his message. People have to understand that what characterizes talented prophets or philosophers is not the realization of surprising or supernatural things, but their great culture and knowledge of the metaphysical truths of the universe. The true miracle is to understand that within each person there is a spirit that has eternal life and progresses without ceasing in each of its reincarnations, that progress provides us with qualities that, although they are extraordinary, have nothing to do with miracles, because these qualities are only those that are derived from intelligence and spiritual wisdom and help us better understand the world around us to be happier. A philosopher may have a great knowledge of metaphysics because that is his job, but they have nothing to do with false miracles invented solely to impress the masses, because the masses are much more attracted to material benefits than for spiritual truths. Therefore, if we seek the truth, we must listen to the message of Jesus and despise the myth that the church wants to make of him.

The universe, in some things is large, but in others it is simple, in some cases it is surprising, and in others it is boring, but it always abides by natural laws even though those laws are not fully understood, therefore, we have a duty of learning to differentiate surprising truths from simple lies.