A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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What is the difference between good and evil or justice and injustice? In principle, to be happy it is necessary that our moral attitude includes justice as the main behavior, because in a world in which social relationships are essential to be successful, being fair is always or almost always fundamental. In other words, although on exceptional occasions we may consider it appropriate not to be fair, however, justice must be the axis of our habitual conduct. This means that being fair or unfair could be part of a variable scale that we could place in a hypothetical horizontal plane in which justice would be located on the right and would be represented by the color blue and injustice would be located on the left and would be represented because of the red color. This dimension would represent the things that are logical and therefore it is good to do but only in the correct measure, therefore, with regard to the relationship between this plane and man, the correct thing is that justice represents the main behavior and injustice only the exception. Justice could also be represented located at the stable base of a pyramid for what provides us with security, and injustice would be the unstable peak from which it is easy to fall, therefore, it should be frequented less, but assuming that they are considered acceptable exceptions to justice.

This means that only those exceptions to justice that are within the law, such as salary differences, would be acceptable, but it would not include the commission of crimes or something similar. The possibility of considering unfair behavior as logical on exceptional occasions is raised only for those who consider this theory to be correct, but, in my opinion, it is better to defend justice always and without exceptions. Let's not forget that in today's world most people are sometimes unfair even though they don't want to recognize it and therefore, this scale of potentials would be applicable to them, this is what could be defined as police justice, that is, they would normally be fair, but as a consequence of the action in self-defense of individuals or that derived from the police. Some may think that it only makes sense to defend justice when exceptions are admitted, because it is the only way in which there is no comparative discrimination with respect to those who do not accept it, since in this case the benefit is immediate unlike those who expect that compensation for their actions in the future through the cyclical nature. In other words, the fact of being fair does not entail any disadvantage in terms of obtaining benefits in the present compared to those who are not, because in this case, justice is done to avoid conflicts with the law, but also They accept exceptions in those situations that are not in contradiction with it.

But, there are also those who defend total justice and without exceptions based on the concept of Karma, that is, in believing that we live in a cyclical universe in which everything is renewed and everything is repeated and consequently all beings will one day arrive at Living in all situations, in that case, being unfair sometimes would not make sense because over time you would suffer the consequences of your own actions. But, there is also a third option that says that although the concept of karma is true, still being unfair would sometimes make sense, considering that the hypothesis of karma is too distant and abstract to be the only thing that should influence our behavior moral. This would be based on believing that present material reality could favor those who agree to be unfair at times beyond the compensation that karma can provide. But, those who defend justice without exceptions could argue that those who accept the exceptions of justice also risk suffering the consequences of self-defense derived from their actions, which together with karma would balance the balance. This is a controversial issue that only the science of the future will be able to solve. For this reason, when in doubt, I consider it better to defend total justice and without exceptions.

Until now, I have referred to how the relationship between justice and injustice is regulated and my conclusion is that in order to live with the rest of our fellow men it is necessary to defend fair conduct as the main moral norm regardless of whether they are admitted or not the exceptions. It is also important to note that the relationship between these two potentials would be made in the horizontal plane, which is what regulates what would make sense and therefore it would be good to do, but only to the extent that we could consider logical. But we must not forget that only what makes sense should be done in an exceptional way, but everything that is absurd must always be rejected.




It is evident that in order to be happy it is necessary to be clear that justice must be the axis of our moral behavior, whether or not exceptions to this rule are accepted. This means that if exceptions are accepted, they must always be secondary, therefore, when someone considers changing the situation and turning injustice into the axis of their behavior, there is an inversion of polarities that gives rise to evil, that is, Evil does not only represent a magnitude of the unjust behavior of the horizontal dimension, but it is a different state, whereby injustice becomes the axis of behavior, which leads to an inversion of polarities that causes the suffering of those who he does so, because he becomes antisocial. In a hypothetical cross of dimensions the evil is located below and represented by the color black the good would be located above and represented by the color white. In this case the black color represents the error and as the error causes suffering, the logical thing is to always reject everything that is wrong. The white color at the top represents what should be done because it makes sense. But, let's not forget, that all colors are benign in their essence and the association between black and evil is valid in this situation, but not in all. In other words, those who accept having injustice as their main behavior enter the red dimension, on the left side, which represents instability and chaos and therefore they are directed to collide directly with their fellow men, this behavior is a serious problem error and that is why an inversion of polarities takes place that translates whoever does it to the lower triangle of the square of dimensions to become part of the dimension of evil that is the one that contains everything that should not be done because it is wrong not even as an exception.

For this reason, those who say that evil is acceptable only because it is the opposite of good are wrong, in the same way that the positive pole is the negative pole, because when we speak of good and evil, all those things that in the universe have polarity and are benign are located in the horizontal plane of the cross of dimensions that is the one that represents the things that make sense, but instead the evil is located in the lower part of the cross, which is where the backwardness and ignorance from which evil stems. That is, the fact that one thing is opposed to another does not mean that it makes sense, because the magnetic poles or the sexes are both benign, but evil is not, because it represents that which is always rejected because it is wrong. In other words, the positive pole is opposite to the negative pole, but both are benign and therefore friends, on the other hand, good is opposite to evil, but it is also its enemy, as it is derived from error, that is why it is It is always necessary to reject it as it is detrimental to the progress of humanity. In fact, the cross dividing the vertical dimension of the horizontal is repeated twice so that the red, blue or green can be given in both the horizontal and vertical, but when it comes to explaining good and badly these colors are only in the horizontal plane and the vertical plane is occupied by the colors black below and white above. This case is different, that serves to represent the progress from the delay, the err or ignorance and represented by black color, to progress, and good light, r epresentados by white color. This means that when we talk about good and evil, everything that is good is found in the horizontal plane of dimensions, regardless of whether they are later divided into opposite poles located to the right and left, but in this case the dimension vertical would be occupied by evil below representing backwardness and ignorance and above would be good representing everything that being logical is good to do.

Similarly, the color red represents energy that is benign, but it can also represent risk and accident that is undesirable, in this case, it can also be used to represent injustice that becomes evil when it becomes the main characteristic of the behavior. It could be said then that when a person acts with balance and decency, the colors that represent their personality are white or blue, which symbolize justice and spirituality, although it can also have other colors in a more exceptional way, but when a person converts the Injustice in his reason for being his personality is represented by the color red that represents materialism, instability and the risk of accident. Materialism and the color red are also frequent in communism and extremist capitalism, which shows that they are not as different as they want us to believe, because deep down, both have the same desire for excessive power. But, as I have already said, the color red is benign in its essence, what is wrong is to make it the only thing that represents us. The truth is that most extremist movements tend to use political arguments as an excuse to do evil, which is what they really seek, therefore, you have to try to find the balance in everything. Although it is also true that when a situation deviates in an extreme way, it is necessary to use an equal and opposite force to rebalance it, but only in the amount necessary to regain balance.

When the person adopts injustice as the main behavior, he begins to suffer the consequences of his mistake, then the color that represents him becomes black, because red only represents risk, but when it dominates the human mind it creates an imbalance that causes it the suffering represented by the color black. As I have already said, both the color black and the color red are fundamentally benign, because most of the things that represent them are, however, the fact that these colors can represent injustice or evil explains why it is represented to evil beings or demons with those colors, because, although people do not understand the reason, they instinctively see materialistic people as if they were surrounded by a red aura and evil people surrounded by a black one. For this reason, those who dress only in black or get their skin dirty with tattoos are claiming evil, which I think is naive behavior. When a person is in balance, the colors that his aura transmits are mainly blue or white, although it can vary from the other colors except black depending on the circumstances, but those that are dominated by materialism or evil they are always surrounded by the color red or black. It must also be said that the aura I am referring to is not necessarily a physical energy, but a psychological sensation that occurs when we deal with people with that behavior.

Although demons are only symbolic characters, however, they become real when someone is dominated by evil, but, that situation can be reversed when the degenerate person understands his mistake and returns to good. The color red represents energy that is good, but if that energy is used in the wrong way accidents can arise that cause suffering and consequently cause evil. The color black represents darkness, and from darkness ignorance can arise, but if due to ignorance error arises, then suffering appears which also represents evil.

For this reason, those who say that the society of the future cannot live without evil are wrong, because if we consider that this occurs when someone degenerates in their behavior as a result of error, then it makes no sense to think that in an evolved world in the that vanity and despotism have been eradicated may continue to exist. Because in reality evil is the consequence of an imbalance of moral conduct caused by ignorance, but when progress ends, the world will be cultured and consequently perfect. Because culture is like a light that dispels darkness and where there is no ignorance there is no room for error from which evil derives.

Nor does it make sense to say that evil is necessary as a means of comparison with good, because when evil appears it is because we have made a mistake in our moral behavior and therefore it is enough to remember the consequences of going in that direction so as not to do it again. . For this reason, in the schools of the future, moral teaching will be fundamental in the educational process, to prevent the mistakes of the past from being repeated.

This means that in the universe there are many things with opposite polarities, but for the most part they are benign and necessary because they make sense, but when we refer to good and evil it is different, because although they are opposite, it does not mean that they are also necessary or benign, because in this case evil only represents that which, because it is wrong, is rejected, therefore good represents that which, because it makes sense, is acceptable.

The explanation of all this is that in reality the universe does not need evil, which is only a source of suffering, but instead it does need to return to the beginning and ignorance to be able to recycle itself, but, it is from that ignorance that the evil, therefore, evil is not necessary, but the ignorance from which it is derived. In other words, evil is then an accidental derivative of the need that the universe has to return to ignorance in order to recycle itself. Because the universe needs to forget to be able to start again and it is that forgetting that makes ignorance possible, but ignorance in itself is not bad, because when we forget we can get excited again with the new, however, remembering is also useful for to be able to ascend in an evolutionary process, therefore, the key is to find the balance between both situations. Therefore, it is not ignorance in itself that generates evil, but the fact of making mistakes in our path and choosing those options that make us suffer, but if this happens, we can always learn and not do what is happening again wrong.

It can be assumed, then, that the confusion of those who think that evil is necessary occurs because they confuse evil with injustice, because while injustice is in the horizontal plane of the cross of dimensions that represents what it can have In this sense, on the other hand, evil is found in the lower part where there is that which is always rejected. Therefore, confusion occurs when not understanding that injustice can make sense in an exceptional way, but those who consider injustice as the norm of their main behavior make a mistake that causes an inversion of polarities that moves them out of the plane horizontal where the acceptable things are and sends them to the lower side of the cross of dimensions where the evil and the rest of the things that are wrong are found. This dimensional cross can also be considered as an X, because in reality it is a square that contains an X inside and in turn each of its four sides can be divided by a cross that divides the square into two lines, one vertical and one another horizontal thus creating eight divisions two for each color. It must also be said that although when viewed from the front in the square of dimensions the red side is on our left, in reality that color represents the right, what happens is that when facing us it is shown the other way around.

Surely, most readers will not be able to understand what is written here, that is the consequence of living in a world in which only material things are valued while despising spiritual things, but I believe that in the future, the world will understand their mistake and you will realize that happiness can only be achieved when the two dimensions are given equal value.