A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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Some people think that to be able to meditate effectively it is necessary to adopt complicated postures or surround oneself with strange objects, but in my opinion all you need is to find yourself in the situation that each one considers most comfortable and of course have time and tranquility necessary to be able to concentrate. Others think that it is necessary to go to monasteries or similar places, but that is the consequence of not understanding that the journey of a philosopher is mental and not physical, in addition, these places are generally influenced by negative energies as they depend on organizations religious. This is because these organizations use dogma as an excuse to prevent freedom of thought, which is just the opposite that a philosopher needs.

I also consider rainy days more useful than sunny days, since the rain produces a relaxing effect that facilitates concentration, in addition, from a metaphysical point of view, rain is related to the philosophy that is the essence of meditation. When it rains or there are clouds, the sky fills with white light, this color is ideal for meditation because it represents justice and the balance of universal values by having the correct proportion of all colors, therefore, it helps us to better understand the true value of each thing. After white, the best color to meditate on is blue, because it is the one that represents serenity and spiritual values.

The sun is more related to matter and the practical realization of things, and rain or water are more related to the spirit and the theoretical analysis of the world around us, both can provide us with happiness equally, but each one in a different way. Sunny days are perfect for realizing the dreams that we plan to make and rainy days are perfect for designing those dreams and understanding the essence of life. Reading a book or watching TV can also help in meditation, because the brain cannot be continuously focused and mixing meditation with entertainment can help to unblock a stuck analysis. For an ideal philosophical analysis it is necessary for the soul to be at peace, therefore, it is necessary to consider justice as the essence of being. In this way, the tranquility of conscience is acquired that allows us to achieve maximum concentration, by not having to worry about the consequences of our actions as they are ethically correct.

There are those who think that inspiration is only possible with the help of superior or extraterrestrial entities, this is not true, but, if that help occurs, I think it is a mistake to think that they are going to give us the discoveries that we can make. The triumph without sacrifice makes no sense, therefore, a higher being can only point us the way but will never do the work for us, they can guide us, but the essential deductive work will depend on ourselves and no philosopher without talent and dedication can never discover great ideas only with the help of higher beings.

It is also true that to meditate it is good to have an introverted personality, because detachment is a key element for the progress of a philosopher. Having this type of personality helps in everything that has to do with the design and analysis of things. On the other hand, having an outgoing personality is useful when it comes to carrying out projects already decided on in a practical way. Each of these personalities leans more towards one of the two polar aspects of life that we could define as masculine and feminine or crystalline and solar, the introvert towards the crystalline and the extrovert towards the solar, or also the introvert towards the horizontal dimension and the extrovert towards the vertical dimension. Normally, personality differences determine that each person has better developed some intellectual aspects and worse others, when these differences are simple they do not imply any damage for those who have them because weakness in one aspect is offset by strength in the other, which balances The balance, however, when the differences are great, can be detrimental since people need all their qualities in order to have a full life. For this reason, those who try to disguise injuries and physical handicaps by defining them as special or different situations are despicable. It is not different who has a serious deficiency, but rather a handicapped person, and it is an act of arrogance not to want to recognize it. Nor does it make sense to use an augmentative qualifier for what corresponds to the opposite, because it can be said that a patient is given special treatment, but it is not logical to say that the patient is special when they suffer from a disability, because with this attitude an attempt is made to hide the truth of his serious deficiency by inverting the meaning of the words just so as not to hurt the vanity of the family. It is true that there are exceptional cases in which people with a serious disability have come to stand out using their other qualities, but that does not change the reality of their serious injury. But, sadly, we live in a hypocritical society in which nobody wants to admit that they have lost something. It will always be better to humbly acknowledge our defects and from there begin to progress before s than to live denying reality.

It could be said that a philosopher is like an explorer of the mind, people with an extroverted character feel more interested in geographical travel and people with an introverted character have more interest in mental travel, they are ways of being different but just as important, for That, the ideal would be for all of us to have those balanced faculties. Unfortunately, very outgoing people cannot stand rainy days, because they do not know more forms of stimulation than those derived from the bodily senses, that is why, when it rains and they cannot go out they feel anguish, because they are not able to use their mind to entertain themselves creating projects or looking for a way to improve your life. Each person is as if he had two wheels that define his displacement, one material and another spiritual, one is the one that represents the planet on which we move with our body, and another is the one that is inside our mind and that we use to moving with thought, unfortunately, many people think that there is only the outer wheel that is why, when they are alone or it rains they suffer, because they cannot make the inner wheel that they have in their mind go. This happens to people who are gross, materialistic, or who are too outgoing.

Although it may seem surprising, depression can also help meditation, because it increases mental concentration and allows us to see more clearly the mistakes we make, but it can also cause the conclusions we draw to be more pessimistic than reality. Excess optimism can also cause a risk, because it makes us lower our guard and predisposes us to accidents as it is an unstable state. These examples show us that it is best to act with moderation in the face of the problems that life can show us, because an extreme attitude can make sense, but only when it is necessary to rebalance another extreme attitude in the opposite direction.

For a philosopher, it is as if the passage of time hurts, because what he is looking for is the part of the universe that is outside of time, that is, the immutable truth that exists constantly at any time and place. This is the reason why he tries to isolate himself from the world, because the continuous changes that time produces disturb his perception of what is outside of it. Because the universe is divided into two equally important dimensions, one is time, which represents the continuous change of matter, whose behavior is similar to the way in which electricity flows from one pole to another in a battery and that we could consider belonging to the horizontal dimension, and another is the part that is always constant and that represents the essential and immutable truth that controls the physics of that battery or of the universe and that would correspond to the vertical dimension. In this case, the horizontal dimension is warm and unstable and the vertical dimension is rigid and stable. To do his job, the philosopher needs to separate both dimensions to discover what are those immutable truths that exist eternally and from that knowledge use them to improve our lives. Those universal truths are still and at peace indefinitely, unlike the dimension that contains everything that is mobile and variable, that is why, until he finishes his research, the philosopher needs isolation to seemingly stop time in his personal sphere, In this way, by reducing the changes, you can concentrate on the study of the immutable reality that manages the process of evolution of the cosmos and that is outside of time. However, for a philosophical investigation to advance, it is also good to dedicate some time to other types of activities other than meditation, so that the brain rests and can return to the task with renewed energy, this would be a valid exception to that rule.

These two dimensions are those that regulate the way in which energy is related to immutable laws, in this way, one is the one that determines the evolutionary changes in which the energy of the stars is transformed into evolution with the participation of the spirits and beings that populate the universe, and another is that which refers to the immutable and eternal truths that determine the universal laws. The existence of this constant reality is what allows the philosopher to travel with his mind through time and space. This way of traveling has as much or more value than geographical travel and is undoubtedly the closest thing to seeing the face of God, because with his research, a philosopher is able to find the keys that sustain the universe and use that knowledge to improve the world around us.

Unfortunately, only a few people throughout history come to understand for themselves the metaphysical depth of the universe, because life circumstances such as work or raising children make this work difficult, moreover, even in the case of only a few of them achieve public recognition. But that should not be a cause for sadness, because in reality, each person is as if he were a terminal of that great machine that is civilization and therefore, it is not necessary that all dedicate themselves to the same function. This philosophical work could be compared to what computer programmers do, because when they meditate, with their dreams they build a better world for the rest of society, because what they do is not only imagine, but work to understand the philosophical keys and technologies necessary for the world to evolve, and that is possible, because in reality , that future world in which philosophers dream already exists in theoretical form, because progress is derived from the laws of nature created long before that man existed, therefore, they only have to discover it and give it to the rest. When philosophers meditate to deduce progress, they need to rely on the laws of nature that already exist, and at that moment they become part of God, because through them nature makes those dreams come true.

All the discoveries that philosophers and scientists make are then transmitted to other citizens through education, so, although most people cannot dedicate themselves to research, that does not prevent them from benefiting from it.

Because life can be lived in two ways, one is the practical way in which the body is used to experience everything that the world and our senses can offer us, and another is the theoretical one in which you enjoy studying and discovering how improve civilization. The correct thing is that the majority of citizens live in the practical way and only a minority dedicate themselves to the theoretical, because the progress of science is slow and the human body is ultimately a machine made to experiment. However, that does not prevent us all from dedicating some of our time to delve into the fascinating world of metaphysical deduction. In fact, the correct thing is that most people spend 85% of their time on practical experimentation with the things the world has to offer, and only 15% on mental analysis. In the same way, it is necessary that 15% of citizens dedicate 85% of their time to meditation, research or the invention of new things. This means that the practical activity represents the majority, horizontal and crystalline dimension, and the theoretical dimension represents the exceptional, warm and vertical dimension. This is the right thing to do, because the function of research and invention is a secondary task that is not essential for life, but it is necessary to improve our lives and create progress, however, this task will practically cease when the world finishes completing its technological development. Evolution is not a continuous or indefinite process as some think, because its mission is to complete the technological and moral development of man so that he becomes an evolved being of the cosmos.

It's nice to think that in this world there are people whose free time is spent not only watching a movie or taking a walk, but also trying to understand how a black hole works or what the mechanics of the spirit are, the truth is that when we meditate We become creators and at that moment we become part of God, because we become participants in the progress of all humanity.

When the world finishes its current process of technological evolution, all that knowledge that is actually light, will illuminate the minds of those terminals that are citizens, and then everyone will be able to understand it as if they had created it, because although the Life circumstances or their intellectual limitations do not allow them to find this knowledge for themselves, however, they will be prepared to understand and assimilate it, as long as it is explained correctly.

Each citizen is like a terminal, because it is impossible to gather all the knowledge in a single person, therefore, each one has only a part of that knowledge, which gives rise to the appearance of specialties, therefore, the total knowledge of a civilization is only acquired with the sum of the knowledge of all citizens. U n philosopher tries to change buy nder all knowledge globally to discover what science have in common, but it determines that it can only do so in their generic aspects , it could then be said that their specialty is the study of the metaphysical foundations of the universe usually.

For a philosopher finds light necessary to live with dignity and justice, because justice and light are related, and who has justice as the core of their behavior also has light com or guide their way, this is so, because light leads to knowledge. Because only those who are just find the peace they need to be able to concentrate by not having to worry about the consequences of their actions. A fair person can progress more in scientific research than those who are not, because it only considers obtaining benefits through the fruits of science and not through unworthy behaviors, because these behaviors would cause conflicts with their peers, which would reduce their ability to concentration and consequently would harm the quality of your investigations . Nor should we forget that in the spiritual world emotions have as much value as material things in the material world, therefore, those who renounce ethically correct behavior in order to achieve material things impoverish their spirit and condemn it to emotional poverty. In order to meditate, a philosopher needs the stability provided by a life based on justice, because justice belongs to the horizontal, crystalline and spiritual dimension, which is necessary to be able to progress.

Those who judge the worth of a writer based only on how strictly he follows the spelling rules are also wrong, because when it comes to a philosopher, it is necessary to emphasize that meditation is not done with written words but with thoughts. Writing is a physical act, while meditating is a mental act, that means, that a philosopher can be a great specialist in the development of ideas, but not in the field of grammar, because it is based on written rules, in addition, A philosopher is characterized by being a creator of dreams, that is, a man dedicated to questioning everything, including the rules of spelling, therefore, whoever makes the mistake of judging someone only by the way in which he adheres to the rules, forgets, that those rules may also be wrong.

The real dilemma of a writer when it comes to spelling is that every time he reviews a book he modifies it by trying to improve it with the risk that this entails causing new errors, therefore, the only way he can avoid it is have someone else do it for him before posting.

Many people think that philosophy is only secondary, but they think this way because they do not understand that it is present in everything, from marital relationships to politics or habits of life, so spending some time in meditation is always useful. It could be said that philosophers are the designers of the world around us, that allows them to differentiate the truth from appearances better than other people.

In order to progress, a philosopher has to be somewhat nonconformist or undisciplined, but not because of doing wrong, but because his duty is to seek the truth, and only those who are naturally prone to doubt are in the right conditions to discover the falsehood that around us.

Philosophy is like energy, because as she can not depend on itself to be complete, because you need Demostra r is the practice applied to everyday life to see if it is correct, and energy needs of its union with the matter to produce force, because both energy and matter when they are alone are useless if they are not combined properly. In the same way, the spirit is also mostly energy, therefore, it needs to unite with the material body in order to achieve happiness.

The truth is that most of those who live on this planet are not real men but evolved animals that want to be men, only when we ask ourselves what the meaning of the world around us is and we come to understand it do we become real men, but unfortunately they are few do. One of the greatest defects of contemporary man is that he allows himself to be too dominated by prejudices and passions, instead a true man tries to find the truth above all else. The ability to differentiate appearances from reality will only reach its maximum expression when humanity completes its process of evolution in technological, biological, intellectual and moral aspects. The main difference between animals and man is that animals represent the path, whereas man represents the end of the path and also the goal of all evolution.

A philosopher is like a mother, because a mother tries to make her children grow up healthy and live longer than her, in the same way a philosopher tries to make her teachings outlive her, but unlike a mother her chances of achieving it are much smaller, because Throwing higher teachings amid primitive minds is like throwing seeds amidst rocks.