A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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In reality, human life is the sum of two lives, one is the mortal life that our body has and another is the eternal life that our spirit has, both lives coexist simultaneously without our being aware of it, because each one acts in a different plane. When the universe began, there was only a single being formed by a spherical particle, then, this being was divided into different beings, breaking the material link that connected them, because it is through the breaking of that connection that different beings are created since the same being it can have multiple particles directly connected at the same time.

This means that in reality the universe is divided into two parts, one is the universe that we know, formed by particles all of them apparently surrounded by vacuum, and another would be the one that represents the real or invisible universe in which all the particles that form a same being are directly connected. The invisible universe would act as a support for the visible universe in a similar way to how the foundation of a building acts so that it can operate. To prevent the filaments that connect the particles from colliding with each other, the material universe vibrates in two phases at the speed of light, so that in one phase the matter would be empty and in the other matter, thus, a particle of matter could only collide with another if both were in the matter phase, but they would intersect when one of them was in the matter phase and the other in the vacuum phase.

When the initial being was divided, all the new beings that were created were also eternal like him, as they were derived from the initial being, but now divided into multiple particles to form different beings. Once the universe finishes its current cosmic cycle, all beings will come together again to become a single particle and then time will repeat itself again and the same events will occur again, but each being will begin the new cycle playing the role from another life, this means that the universe will not repeat itself completely until all beings have lived all lives.

All spirits have two personalities, one is human, which is lower because it is limited by the evolutionary level of civilization, and another is the higher one that is stored in the spirit, this second personality is higher because although it also evolves with civilization however keeps the spirit knowledge that went into creating both the spirit and the body in which to incarnate it. These knowledge of the spirit remain deactivated during human life and also after the body dies, and are not remembered until the spirit detaches itself from the human personality of its previous reincarnation, this personality acts as a ballast that prevents it from ascending towards the world. In order to achieve this, it is necessary for the spirit to detach itself from this baggage and recognize the personality that persists from one reincarnation to another. Once accomplished, you will be able to ascend into the spirit world and begin preparations for your next reincarnation. Those people who in life did not want to accept life after death take longer to advance towards the spiritual world and therefore usually cause the paranormal phenomena that occur in haunted houses.

From the moment a spirit begins its existence, works to fo rm a body in which to reincarnate is because the creation of this body is a necessary step in order to be happy. During his innumerable reincarnations in the different animal forms, the knowledge he learns is preserved in his spiritual memory in order not to interfere with his bodily memory, because the body is mortal but the spirit is immortal since the spirit is life and the body is only form, because life cannot die, only the form with which it is represented. For this reason, bacteria or some plants such as grass can lack individual spirits and as if they were biological automatons they have only one spirit to govern them for each of their species. Something similar happens with matter, because atoms, rocks or atomic particles are not individual beings either, but each one of them represents only a part of a greater being that is each planet or the material universe itself. This means that on one side there would be the universe with all its stars and planets and that it could be made up of a single being, and then there would be the individual spirits that would reincarnate in animals and man. This is so, because it does not make sense that all the elements or forms that are in the cosmos have individual consciousness, but only those that can offer a satisfactory life or are necessary as a stage for spiritual progress. This means that a rock or a drop of water would have life and consciousness of their existence, but not as ro ca or raindrop differentiated but as part of the planetary being that controls, in the same way, the fingers of one hand are not beings different but just different parts of a person.

The knowledge accumulated in the spirit determines that the beings that have been reincarnated more times in a form are more experts in it, but if they commit an immoral act in a form, the logical thing is that they are punished in it without living again in animal forms inferior as some people believe, because the fact that someone behaves immorally has nothing to do with their ability to handle the human form correctly, just as it is not logical that a good driver is prohibited from driving a car Just because he doesn't know how to cook, because the ability to live in human form has nothing to do with his level of moral evolution. In reality, evil arises from ignorance, therefore, the world will not be able to get rid of it completely until its evolution ends, when that happens, full knowledge of the truth will not allow margin for speculators to continue deceiving the people. Then, those spirits that reincarnate in human form but that come from lower animal species will be safe from falling into evil, because those who receive them will be able to teach them from their childhood the fruit of so many centuries of technical and moral progress, in that moment there will be no more darkness and God will live with men, because in reality God is the truth and in a perfect world there is no room for ignorance.

When an evolved spirit is reincarnated, it immediately receives the superstitions of its time, but through the strength of its spirit and the wisdom it contains, little by little it forges a more cultured personality, that is what is called innate intelligence or intuition. , which we should not confuse with having a lot of memory, which is what commonly happens with poorly called gifted children. That intuition is the consequence of the gradual influence of that higher being that is inside that struggles to go outside. In this struggle, the higher spirit tries to take control of the mind dominated by the superstitions of a lower world. The so-called clairvoyance can also be the consequence of the influence of the spirit on the body, but with some differences. Because the normal thing is that a superior spirit possesses a high level of intuition that is very similar to clairvoyance, but clairvoyance understood as the ability to see images when touching objects is rather due to a failure in the anchoring of the spirit to the body. In other words, this quality is characteristic of the spirit, but due to an accidental situation the door that the two dimensions close is not properly closed, which allows a flow of information between the two dimensions greater than normal. This situation offers the seers some qualities, but also deprives them of others. Because, for human life to be lived fully, it is necessary that the two planes do not mix. It is good and necessary that spirituality is present in human life, but not because of a failure in the mechanism that separates both dimensions, but because people make material life in line with spiritual values. Because to be happy, is n ecesario both the world matt ria l as spiritual participate in the same proportion.

The spiritual mind can be much more cultured than the human mind, but it is only activated when the spirit detaches itself from the human personality. For this reason, those who, after the death of the body, refuse to ascend to the spiritual world, do not achieve the full potential of their spirit. But, when the ascension process is complete, the spirit can spend time in the spiritual world dedicating itself to improving the genes of the species to which it belongs, adding those changes that, according to what it has experienced in its previous reincarnation, it deems appropriate. After a transitory time, the logical thing is to reincarnate again, and if the spirit belongs to a plant or animal, then it must continue to evolve until it reaches the human species. In this way with each new reincarnation both the spirit and the body are constantly improving and they will not stop doing so until they are both perfect.

A person is as if he slept twice, one is the one that occurs when we go to bed and another is when we die, but on neither occasion does the mind stop its activity. During sleep our brain is still active, but it recovers from the fatigue of the day because it works in a different way and uses that time to assimilate what was learned on that day. And during the interval between two reincarnations, our spirit is dedicated to taking stock of the lessons learned throughout life. That means, that the periods of sleep or stay between two lives are not wasted time, but that our spirit uses them to be prepared for the next day or for the next life.

In reality, a being in its original form is formed by a reduced group of particles of matter different from those known from the periodic table, these particles belong to and form a single being by being directly connected to each other. This being is what we call soul and its main function is to feel and issue l ace or orders of our desires in its most essential form. This being or soul, in turn, is covered by a group of particles more similar to those known and that have been obtained from planetary matter. With the union of the soul and these particles, the so-called spirit is formed, which sometimes appears in the form of a spectrum or phantom and allows a slight influence on matter. Only on exceptional or accidental occasions can spirits influence beyond simple superficial effects, because spirit is mostly energy, but with very little matter and force is the consequence of properly uniting energy and matter. This is precisely what reincarnation is for, to provide the spirit with the amount of matter it needs, because only when there is an adequate balance between matter and spirit can happiness be achieved. Normally, when a person dies, his spirit moves away from the place where he lived and enters the spiritual world, but sometimes he does not leave, either out of fear of that new plane of existence or because he believes that he has unresolved pending issues.

Sometimes, fans of spiritism unintentionally attract evil spirits that in order to return to the place where they were invoked, they fix on some object a location marker that allows them to return without the need for a new invocation, this is what is called possession of a object. When those spirits place the location signal on a person, the so-called diabolical possession is produced, these entities are generally degenerate beings who do not want to leave this world and mistakenly believe that their only possibility of returning to human life is to steal a body, then they pretend to be demons to scare those who try to cast them out, but demons do not exist in the way that people believe, because nobody is always evil, these beings will one day understand their error and return to good. It is normal for a spirit that lives in a primitive world like ours in which lies and truths are mixed to go through a process of falling into evil and returning to good several times. Only when the planet finishes its evolution will all the beings that populate it know the truth and there will be no more risk of falling into evil, because evil actually stems from ignorance and in an evolved world and there is no place for it. Because you can be ignorant at birth, but if children are taught the truth from the beginning and are given the necessary moral values, they will become educated adults and evil will no longer be able to act in them.

The truth is that the fact of not being fair always does not imply being evil, because evil only appears when injustice becomes the axis of conduct and not as a simple exception. In my opinion, most people use what we could call justice with exceptions, this implies having justice as a basic norm of conduct, but admitting exceptions in certain cases, although this is not usually recognized. The fact of not accepting justice as the only moral behavior, determines that it is much easier for them to fall into evil than those people who choose to be fair always, and if we pose evil as an imbalance of behavior that is defined by having injustice as the main behavior, then it is obvious that they have to return to good to be happy. Because balance is achieved by being fair always or almost always.

However, in the event that someone decides to choose total justice as the only moral conduct, there should be no problem of any kind, because in human relationships coexistence is fundamental, this means that an untenable situation can only be created when someone chooses injustice as the main conduct. Because injustice represents the color red, risk and chaos and justice represents the color blue, stability and order, therefore, those who choose to be unfair are always placed in chaos and consequently are destined to collide with their fellow men and suffer for it. This would explain why most philosophers defend justice, because only when the mind is at peace and has a clear conscience is the stability necessary to be able to concentrate, this is necessary to be able to ascend towards the spiritual world. Furthermore, from a dimensional point of view, the spiritual world that governs philosophy is found in the blue dimension, which is the opposite of the red dimension that governs injustice. Therefore, the further they move away from injustice, the greater their stability will be and consequently the greater their concentration. For a philosopher, being fair is not only an option but a necessity, because in addition to providing an impartial view of the world around him, it allows him to easily discover those who pretend to be fair and are not.

But, in the event that the theory of the exceptions of justice were true, then, to be fair would always also be a mistake, but the consequences would be infinitely less damaging than if it is stated the other way around. Because those who choose to be unjust as a mode of normal behavior are placed in the red dimension, which condemns them to permanent confrontation with the rest of the citizens and to suffer the consequences of it. But, those people who always chose to be fair, would be completely in the blue dimension, which would imply having all the stability, but perhaps as a consequence their life would be more boring, although they would have a quiet life assured. This means that an unfair behavior would only make sense if it is done as an exception, in this way both dimensions would be combined in a balanced way. In this case, fair behavior would be the norm and injustice the exception, but they would find their balance because each would act on a different plane. In this way, justice would act mainly on the horizontal plane and injustice would act mainly on the vertical. The plane that governs human behavior in regard to morality is horizontal, therefore, it is necessary that justice be the basic norm of conduct.

If the exceptions theory of justice were true, then people would only find emotional balance by being fair as the main rule, but also by agreeing to be unfair in exceptional situations. This is necessary, because the human being is made to relate to their peers and those who pretend to be unjust would always end up turned into despots or tyrants, which would lead them to jail or to live a lonely, sad and bitter life. But, at the opposite extreme and assuming that this theory were true, those who chose to be fair always, would have a quieter life, but perhaps more boring than those who were not so strict in this. It is also possible that they had a certain inferiority complex, seeing that those who admit exceptions to justice would achieve added benefits in the present that they could only reap in the future through the cyclical nature of the universe. This means that those who defend being fair but admitting exceptions would do so within a police approach, that is, they would only agree to do those forms of injustice that do not cause comparative damage in the present. In other words, they would be fair as the main rule to avoid having conflicts with the law but would allow those exceptions that did not imply conflicts with it. In this way, the fact of defending justice as the main rule would not imply a comparative disadvantage in the present with those who were not, because they would be fair in everything that could provoke a reaction against the law, but not in those exceptions that they did not.

These forms of permitted injustice would have nothing to do with crime, but would mainly be found in the benefits that are acquired through business or political positions, as these are more remunerated than those of the normal population. Evil, therefore, would only appear when someone makes the mistake of choosing injustice as the main form of conduct and not only as an exception, which would be the right thing to do.

It should be borne in mind that these assumptions would only make sense if this theory is true, because only what is logical should be done as an exception, therefore, when in doubt, I consider it better to defend total justice, because, Although it is true that by performing unjust acts it is possible to obtain some benefits, however, there is also the risk of suffering a reaction against it. Furthermore, those who defend total justice can always be happy through the fruits of science. In any case, this issue is not at all clarified and only the science of the future can solve it. This shows that defending justice as the main moral conduct is the best option whether it is raised with exceptions or not, therefore, it would be best to teach it to children in schools.

Nor should the defense of the exceptions of justice be confused with the defense of private companies, because a person can defend total justice and the existence of private companies at the same time, this is so, because the decision of how to act morally it is something individual that each one has to decide for himself. In addition, the existence of private companies is useful for society, because competitiveness favors economic progress, but as long as the rights of workers are respected. It must also be said that although private companies are necessary at this time, in the future, the economic system will change to become more participatory, so that the power of companies can be more distributed among all employees. When that time comes, the salaries will also become more similar, but not as a result of a political imposition, but because being a more peaceful society, those who held power would no longer be so afraid to share it with their employees, because in a Evolved society fear of poverty would no longer exist, as employment is guaranteed by the state for life.

Those people who in life have a materialistic personality and deny the existence of life after death, when they die, many end up turned into evil spirits, because they naively believe that their only way of coming back to life is by stealing someone else's body. These evil spirits put a location signal to create a very close bond with their victim and, although it is impossible to steal their body, it is possible to interfere with their mood to the point of modifying their behavior, but that also depends on strength of the will of those he tries to use. Sometimes, when a person dies, at first his spirit does not remember his previous lives and that is why he behaves in the same way as it was in the life he just left, only when he detaches himself from that personality and progresses upwards does he manage to return to a balanced behavior. Because being ignorant is not the same as being evil, ignorance can degenerate into evil but not necessarily. Once the spirit remembers its previous lives, it detaches itself from its human personality and assumes its spirit personality, which is the consequence of all the progress made in its previous lives. After reincarnation the most generic spiritual memories are deactivated, to allow human life to be fuller, but the most valuable skills acquired throughout its existence are preserved. The fact of not being able to remember previous lives when we reincarnate is not important, because when the world finishes its process of evolution, culture will be common to all and science will offer all the answers, being able to equal or exceed the knowledge that we could save in our spirit.

In reality, the spirit is a sphere of energy that is housed in the brain and activates the neurons through subtle energy impulses, however, it is foreseen in advance that when the body dies, the spirit will adopt the shape of the body in an apparent way, so that the soul does not suffer when its previous aspect is destroyed. The immortal spirit needs to reincarnate in a mortal body to be happy, but not as something temporary, but indefinitely, because by immersing itself in the matter that represents the world and its own body, it becomes vulnerable to the circumstances that surround it, this determines That the experiences are more intense as events do not depend only on his own spirit, but also on the planetary being and the rest of the beings with whom he lives. Because it is with the union of the energy represented by the spirit and the matter represented by the body that the being is able to get the maximum benefit from life. Through the death of the body, the spirit can forget and relive the emotions again. For this reason, reincarnation is necessary, because happiness is not achieved by abandoning matter, but by making life in matter in line with spiritual values.

The body is mortal and the spirit immortal, the body is weak and the spirit strong, the body has to be vulnerable because unlike the spirit it is made for a limited time, in addition, it is through its weakness that its sensitivity is increased, and its main function is to serve the spirit as a means of connection with matter. In a certain way, the body and the spirit represent opposite dimensions, the spirit the vertical and the body the horizontal, the spirit is strong, invulnerable and immortal, while the body is weak, vulnerable and mortal. But the sensitivity of the soul is inversely proportional to the solide z or invulnerability of the means used to demonstrate, therefore, the spirit needs to reincarnate in a fragile and vulnerable body because that way is greater sensitivity and consequently also their happiness. E l spirit alone can only feel the 15% of sensations and the body being more sensitive can provide 85%, this means that only with its binding is 100% sensitivity ne reaches cesita to feel all the sensations necessary to be fully happy.

In reality, the fact that the spirit is invulnerable does not prevent it from feeling, but that capacity to feel cannot provide the maximum of happiness if it is not with its union with the body, both aspects represent the two poles of nature the spirit the red and solar dimension and the body the crystalline and blue dimension and only with their union the balance represented by the green color is generated.

The importance of spiritual philosophy is to recognize that life is eternal and that we are all creators and can participate in the design of the universe and our own lives, but to achieve the maximum of happiness it is also necessary to have a body in which to be able reincarnate. Primitive worlds like Earth are full of conflicts and problems because they are in a process of continuous change that aims to complete the development of civilization, therefore, humanity will not be able to get the most out of life until to finish that process.

It could be said that the world will have finished its evolution, when human civilization reaches the same evolutionary level as the body it manages, because the scientific knowledge of the human being is much lower than that which is contained in his own body and that is the result five billion years of biological evolution. It is also necessary for man to recognize that within his body there is an immortal spirit that has worked for a long time to build it, because the process of evolution is not only a physical effort it is also spiritual, therefore, only when humanity give the same importance to spiritual values as to matter, you can complete your evolution and achieve peace. People believe that a child is made simply with a sexual act, but they are not able to understand that this is only the simplest part of creation, because before it was necessary for spirits and nature to work for billions of years years to create those bodies.