A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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It is unfortunate that there are people willing to do evil trying to make a pact with evil spirits. They do not understand that in the world of spirits there are also laws that must be followed just as in the world of people and a spirit also has to answer for its actions. Because in the universe all action has its consequence and the fact of trying to use the spirits does not mean that the desired objectives can be achieved or that this is without consequences. Most likely, such treatment will have negative consequences for those who do. Do they think that an evil spirit is going to collaborate with them for nothing, or that what they ask in return will have no harmful consequences? And how do they know that if they invoke an evil spirit to further their interests, they will not also provoke the intervention of another benign spirit against them?

These people do not understand that whoever worships evil is because they have a materialistic, arrogant and crude vision of the world, and striving to follow that path can only bring them suffering, because they condemn themselves to living a gray life because evil is based on a antisocial behavior. They are not able to understand that evil spirits are ignorant beings who are lost between the human world and the spiritual world, because they do not understand that the solution to return to human life is reincarnation and not try to steal the body from the living. Identifying with evil is typical of the naïve, because the fact that someone wants to be evil does not mean that others will allow their excesses. For this reason, to be happy, it is necessary to defend the good, because evil makes the lives of those who allow themselves to be dominated by it bitter and it makes them incapable of living with their fellow men.

In my opinion, believing that spirits can significantly interfere with human life when and however we want is nothing more than a myth, firstly because in order to intervene effectively in matter, it is necessary to have a material body and they no longer have that. Secondly, because if that were true, then no public figure like politicians or actors would ever reach old age, because they would all die young as a result of the spells or spells made against them.

The normal thing is that the spirits of the deceased do not have the ability to intervene in the world of the living except in exceptional or accidental situations, but, even when that happens, it does not mean that they will favor our interests just because we ask them, because In that world, as in ours, there are laws that must be followed and believing that what we ask of them will not harm us just because they are beings from another dimension is a naive belief. Because only mean people and people who have lost their way believe that it is enough to make vulgar sacrifices and those spirits will bend to our wishes. They naively think that in this way they will be able to please the supposed demons, but they do not understand that demons do not exist because the only thing that exists are degenerate spirits to whom these sacrifices are useless.

Those spirits that are interested in making a pact are generally materialistic beings who lost their bodies sometimes in advance and are envious of the living, therefore, they try to haunt houses or try to steal bodies even momentarily to revive thus their previous existence and they do not hesitate to lie offering what they cannot give only in order that their victims allow them to simulate a human life that they do not have. These spirits are not evil by nature but by their attitude, because in the universe no spirit is evil indefinitely, they do not understand that in order to live a human life again they must go forward and progress in the spiritual world until the time comes moment to be able to reincarnate again. Because the world of spirits has its own rules and those who in this world are the kings in the other may be the vassals and those who believe that making a pact with those beings will not have negative consequences just because they belong to a different dimension commit a serious error. The truth is that people who try to make a pact with evil spirits are no better than them, because they are also despicable beings and bad losers who try to use spirits to compensate for their own mediocrity, they are dry-minded people who do not understand that the The reason for their situation is their inability to understand that happiness is only achieved by living with justice and dignity, they think that by doing vulgar rituals they are going to achieve what they want, but they forget that in the universe every action has its consequence, be it in this world or in the other one. They are not able to understand that in the spiritual world, wealth is not measured by the material objects that you have, but by the spiritual merits that you have achieved, this is so, because in that world feelings have as much value as objects in the material world.

In reality, the spirits that haunt the houses are generally ignorant beings, and the longer they take to progress towards the light, the longer it will take to reincarnate again and if they do not understand it it is because during their life as men they refused to accept that the hereafter existed and now that they are in it they do not know what to do and that is why they refuse to leave the house in which they lived. Other spirits do not leave because they think they have a task to do, and there are also those who stay out of fear of reprisals in the afterlife for having committed crimes in this world. But their attitude is a mistake, because the longer they take to ascend, the more difficult their own evolution will be. Therefore, those who try to make a pact with these spirits with bad intentions are wrong, because these spirits can hardly solve the problems of the living when they are not able to solve their own. Because in reality there are no demons if that is why the beings that dedicate themselves to doing evil indefinitely are understood, because evil is only an option derived from error and that is why all beings who fall into evil have the need to return to good. That means that when the devil is quoted in the bible, they only refer to a symbolic character and not to someone who dedicates himself to doing evil permanently, because a devil is actually every being that at a given moment is left dominate by evil, but since evil is an error that makes those who dominate suffer, in the end all beings dominated by evil end up returning without exception towards good.

In reality, biblical devils such as Beelzebub or Satan, are only symbolic characters and were invented taking as a model the ancient gods prior to Christianity. The Hebrew religious leaders did it to reject polytheistic religions, therefore, they decided to associate their gods with evil as a way to keep citizens away from them, so the god Baal was renamed Beelzebub and the Egyptian god Set was renamed Satan. In principle, the ancient gods did not necessarily represent anything evil, but it was considered appropriate to consider them demons because although they were not evil, nevertheless, polytheism was considered a wrong option and therefore evil. Religious organizations are also interested in promoting the belief in the devil as a personal person, because in this way they use fear to try to keep people under control so that they cannot realize the danger they represent, because many claim to represent God but the truth is that they are given over to evil. So ideally it has a religion, but understood as a philosophy of life and the universe, but if n depend on any religious organization.

The truth is that happiness and progress are only possible when we consider justice as our main reason for being, but, it is frequent that during the process of evolution, some spirits make the mistake of reversing the situation by taking injustice as the axis of their main behavior, that decision is a serious mistake that makes them suffer, because they forget that the rest of the citizens are not going to indulge their arrogant behavior and their vanity, therefore, in the end they have no choice but to return to the all right. This process of falling into evil and returning to good can be repeated successively several times throughout the evolution process, because in each new reincarnation one returns to ignorance by losing the memories accumulated in the body and consequently the risk of falling back into evil. It is true that the most evolved spirits run less risk of falling into evil than primitive spirits due to the knowledge that they accumulate in their spiritual memory, but the world will not be able to eradicate it completely until the teachings that are given to children are based on the truth, which is not the case now. So when the world ends to complete its current process of changing the culture it will enlighten all as if in a spiritual light is already trying no more risk of falling into error and therefore there will be no rie sgo falling into the evil, because evil ultimately stems from error.

It is also unfortunate that there are people who spend their lives waiting for the end of the world to arrive, understood as a catastrophic end, as if they wanted there to be violence, and when they see the years go by and that day does not come, they decide to provoke it themselves through crime. This behavior is due to the fact that they have a contained aggressiveness caused by their personal problems, but, instead of admitting their guilt or that of their family and correcting what is wrong, they prefer to accuse innocent people in order to turn their aggressiveness on them. This is the same as usual with those who adhere to extremist nationalist groups, terrorists or because they use politics as an excuse to take violence inside them, but the truth is that they do not attract politics but the violence. These people are evil and that is why they look for a way to commit crimes without being blamed, because a decent person, if he thinks something is wrong, uses the methods that the law offers to solve it instead of joining vulgar gangs of criminals.

In reality, all political groups have some reason, because the division of ideas by parties is something artificial that does not correspond to the truth since it is neutral to all of them. It is also true that many times governments favor the radicalization of nationalist groups when they do not treat all their autonomous communities or provinces equally, if they really want a country in peace it is necessary that they accept this truth, because it makes no sense to create rights to some who at the same time deny others on the basis of supposed historical rights, because in an evolved country the first thing is not history but justice and it is frequent that these supposed historical rights are used to cover up simple discrimination. In any case, no one has the right to use violence to defend political ideas and when that happens, the most common is that it is used to cover up their own evil.

Other people think that both good and evil are necessary but this is an error, because progress and coexistence are only possible when good is defended, because in reality evil is only the consequence of error, that is, the error of consider injustice as your reason for being rather than a simple exception. In reality, progress is only possible when the good is the main standard of conduct and those who do not understand it are condemned to a gray and antisocial life. These people think that evil is necessary because they confuse the poles of nature with good and evil, but they do not understand that the positive or negative poles or masculine and feminine are both benign and necessary but instead evil is not, because it is only the consequence of the error. It is true that evil is opposite to good, just as the positive pole is the opposite of the negative, but while the poles are benign and both are necessary, on the other hand, evil is opposite to good, but it is also the enemy of good unlike what it occurs with the poles of nature that act in a harmonious and benign association. This difference is due to the fact that evil is actually suffering that derives from error and ignorance and therefore is not necessary. The universe needs to regenerate and return to ignorance, but it does not need the evil that stems from error.

Evil represents a form of opposition different from that used by the poles of nature, because in this case good represents what is correct to do and, on the other hand, evil represents what, because it is wrong, should never be done, therefore, when the world ends its current process of evolution will disappear from the earth and the world will have peace and happiness forever because all citizens will be fair. This means that in the future polarities such as day and night, cold and heat, man and woman will continue to exist, but on the other hand, evil, even if it is opposed to good, will disappear, because being the consequence of the Ignorance and error makes no sense that it continues to exist in an evolved world. Because the simple fact that one thing is opposite to another, as occurs with polarities, is not a reason why it should be done, and in life there are many things that should not be done even as an exception, simply because they do not make sense.

The evil occurs as a consequence of what we could call a negative reward, that is, when a person commits a crime and is not punished or is punished in a mediocre way, then the offender thinks that his conduct is worthwhile because the reaction against it has been too simple compared to the seriousness of the crime committed, then he considers increasing the degree of violence in his next action, and if this time he is not punished either, he comes to believe he is more intelligent than the law and considers committing more serious crimes such as murder. In most cases, this behavior ends when they are arrested and sent to jail, and in those cases in which they are not discovered they also do not benefit, because their antisocial personality makes them incapable of living with anyone. Because despotic people it is as if they have a dry and brutalized soul that makes them unhappy, so they try to compensate by stealing from others or trying to get higher paying jobs. However, they are not able to understand that no matter how much money they get they can never be happy, because the cause of their ills is their petty behavior.

Unfortunately, this type of behavior usually begins when parents are too permissive with their children and allow evil to grow in them. This can also happen when two people live together, one of them very dominant and the other very permissive, then the dominant person, if he is evil, can try to occupy the space of the other by behaving like a dictator and if the permissive person does not stop that behavior From the beginning the evil of the dominant will increase and the situation may end tragically.

For this reason, it is necessary to consider justice as our reason for being and to seek happiness through the fruits that science, technology and peaceful life can offer. In addition, those who act with justice can increase their concentration and intellectual strength, by not having to worry about the consequences of their own actions, since they are based on good. At the end of progress, when the earth completes its process of evolution, evil will disappear, because it only appears when the mistake of considering injustice as the reason for being is made, this error causes the imbalance of the soul and with it suffering occurs, But, as the society of the future will know the truth, it will always live in balance and there will no longer be a place for error, then it will understand that only when justice is the axis of our being will peace be achieved that guarantees happiness until the end of time.