A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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In principle, the sexes are derived from the universal male and female values, these two values have the same importance in the development of the universe and therefore the sexes that are derived from them also have the same right to be just as happy. However, it is true that command is a masculine quality because it is evident that in order to govern a complex system it is necessary that there be a means of control that unifies all its elements in a single command and to solve this, nature chose the male sex. This was not done by chance, but because the active attitude is by nature masculine and the passive attitude is by nature feminine and if these functions were granted to women as an experiment then they would gradually transform to become more and more similar to men both physically and mentally, which would be a contradiction, because nature made us different and with different functions to increase the potential that human beings can have as each sex specializes in different functions. Each sex is different because the man the action and the woman the reaction symbolize different things, the man the vertical line and the woman the horizontal, in this way each one is different but just as important. Man obtains his happiness mainly from the solar dimension of nature and woman obtains it from the crystalline dimension, but both have the same right to be happy. If nature had not acted this way, the potentials of the two sexes would have canceled each other by acting on the same plane and evolution would not have existed.

The sexes are better and more beautiful when each one is correctly defined in its functions, because this is the best way to represent the two poles that govern the universe. An example of this we have in hyenas, in these animals the females have assumed the male functions in such a way that even their body has been disfigured, making it difficult to determine what sex each one has, this deformation in this case may have a justification, but it is not something to look for on purpose. It must be borne in mind that any specialization process has its advantages and disadvantages and the fact that men are in charge of management favors their ideas being taken into account, but for women, it means the comfort of assuming a lower responsibility. At present and for political interests, only praise is made of the advantages of being a man, exaggerating the reality of both the past and the present. Because when feminists ask for labor equality, they only refer to equality in salaries or in management positions, but not in functions, where are feminists in public works? They are only seen in comfortable tasks such as union representatives or sitting behind a table, but none are seen picking up the shovel like their male colleagues or in the sun repairing roads. And when they work in the police, why is one not seen in front when they have to fight in the demonstrations? Well, because in these cases they forget the equality of the sexes and let their male partners take the hit. Many demand that they be allowed to enlist in the army in peacetime, but few propose to participate with men on equal terms in times of war. They say We have less strength than men and that is why we do not want to know anything about physically hard tasks!! But, isn't it better to recognize that each sex is different and made by nature for different functions? We have another example in how the parties use gender violence in their favor, because they try to make the whole society assume that when a man assaults a woman it must be considered as sexist violence, but when it is the woman the that assaults man then is only violence without added adjectives. The logical thing would be that if the violence of a man to a woman is always sexist, then, when it is the woman who attacks the man, it should be considered feminist violence, with the political connotations that could also be associated with it. Isn't it more logical for a judge to decide what kind of violence it is, rather than for journalists or politicians to assume the role of judge and prosecutor? Because every time a crime of violence occurs, they decide to classify it when the victim is a woman, but not when the victim is a man and the guilty is a woman. Feminists will say that feminism is good and consequently it cannot be said that feminist violence exists, but that is only their opinion, because there are many who think that feminism, or a certain form of feminism, is one of the worst scourges of contemporary society, because it has condemned many children to not being able to dispose of their mothers because they believe that caring for their children is outdated and prevents them from dealing with typically masculine tasks. All this confusion is the consequence of believing that a woman can only be fully realized by developing masculine functions and despising feminine ones, but that only happens when it is not understood what it means to be a man or a woman.

Feminists say that they want to be a role model for women but living like men, that is complete stupidity, because in the same way that it makes no sense to ask for equality for a duck to live like a swan or for a deer to live like an eagle In the same way, it is absurd to ask that a man and a woman perform the same tasks in life, because although it is true that they both belong to the same species, that does not change that they are genetically different. What does not make sense is that those women who want to be like men try to convince others that this is a way of fulfilling themselves as women. And if men and women are equal, then why do they participate separately in sports competitions? There is no injustice in treating differently what is different, injustice only occurs when treating different than what is equal. But a man and a woman are different, therefore, there can be no injustice in being treated differently in those respects in which they really are. In other words, this difference should be limited only to those aspects of life in which they are different but not to those aspects in which they are not, because sexual differences do not cover everything. To understand this is enough to look like live most animals because nature chose a different task for each sex simply because it is best for them.

Another scourge is the birth rate, because in those countries where feminism is more widespread, it has descended to one child per couple, as if the child were a simple pet, even many women choose to have dogs rather than children, but, as might be expected Feminists and the politicians who support them do not want to talk about these things. At present, much is said about the extermination that the Nazis did to other races, but nothing is said about the extermination that feminists are doing against the birth rate of their own society. The feminists' argument is absurd from its very roots, because you cannot ask for equality of what is different, and a man and a woman are not equal, but not because one is inferior to the other, but because nature has them designed to perform different tasks.

Regarding the advantages of command, it is true that those who have greater power can obtain a greater profit, but it is also true that the risk assumed is greater, in addition, the fact that an entrepreneur can earn double that an employee does not mean that they will be twice as happy. In reality, happiness is not proportional to profit, because the higher the profit, the lower the ability that profit has to provide happiness. This is so, because when the brain does not receive stimuli, anything, no matter how simple, can produce pleasure, on the other hand, when a person has everything and the brain is already stimulated, then it is quite difficult to increase the sensation of pleasure for a lot of money that you have. In other words, money can help to achieve happiness, but it does not determine it, because the increase in wealth does not cause an equivalent increase in pleasure, therefore, to be happy, common sense is more important than money can be had. In the world there are many professions that have a salary higher than the average, but the responsibility they assume and the loss of free time that they have associated means that the salary they pay even being higher does not compensate the effort dedicated, therefore, believe that more money is always synonymous with more happiness is a mistake. For this reason Siddharta Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, left a position of privilege to live as a normal man, because power has some advantages but deprives others and he preferred to leave power in exchange for gaining the tranquility he needed to dedicate himself to his true life passion that was the philo sofía.

Regarding the way in which power is distributed between the two sexes, it must be borne in mind that although here it is considered that the power of command should be held by men, it does not mean that any type is supported of mistreatment of women, because the power that a man can have should be used only to serve his wife, that is, to make her happy and provide her with everything she needs to help her family move forward. Therefore, with this system, the woman serves the man by accepting his command and the man serves his woman by using the command to make her happy. I do not mean to say that decisions cannot be made in common between men and women, what I mean to say is that the value of command consists in preventing a situation from remaining static when two forces show the same determination to defend their thesis. In this case, the existence of a command eliminates the blockage. This means that for a relationship to be effective, it must be fair, reciprocal and democratic.

In the same way, using the word men to refer to men and women in general is not contempt for women but rather a way of advancing, because when a criticism is made it is also said men, although the fault also lies with women. It must be borne in mind that progress does not consist only in changing to improve what we know, it also consists in rejecting what is later in fact discovered to be a mistake, as is the case with bad feminism that they want to propose to us as the only possible.

But, even if power gave rise to injustices, it must be borne in mind that this does not mean that a woman will be the most harmed just because she is a woman, because an employer who is cruel to his female employees will be too with the masculine ones, in addition, if that businessman is married, he will also have a woman who benefits the same as his earnings. Because, when it comes to the family nucleus, the differences in the concept of power are greatly diluted, and the logical thing is that each man takes into account the interest of his wife even if he could make the final decision. And if a man were a scoundrel with his wife, then she must demand her right to separation, without anyone being able to reproach her.

Regarding the power relationship between the central government and its subjects, in this case the government assumes the male role and the subjects the female role, the government takes the initiative of the laws and society assumes a female role by obeying them. . However, that does not mean that the power of the center is absolute, because although each of its members is more powerful than each of the members of society, however, the society is much more numerous and consequently it can use that power to demand that their needs be taken into account , even when it is a dictatorship or an absolutist monarchy, power is never absolute, proof of this are all the tyrants who throughout history were murdered when they believed that because they were kings they could do whatever they want without fear of consequence. They forget that within the power nucleus their influence is only slightly greater than that of those around them, in addition, the power represented by the civilian population is equal to that represented by the center, although many times it acts indirectly. This shows that regardless of the power you have, you should never abandon a judicious and balanced attitude, because between the central power and the subjects there is a balance equal to that between the male and female pole that governs the universe. For this reason, it would be best if all the governments of the world were transformed into democratic republics and that all laws were approved individually by all citizens.

Regarding the relationship between power and wealth, it is true that the greater the power, the greater the possibility of obtaining wealth, but, we must not forget, that power is usually associated with greater responsibility, which it also implies a certain loss of freedom, which reduces the benefit of holding that power. It is also true that to be happy it is necessary to properly combine power and dignity, power is masculine and feminine dignity, and the balance is only reached when both are properly combined.

It must be borne in mind that many jobs are better paid than others, but the responsibility and dedication they demand, sometimes 24 hours a day, mean that the salary does not compensate for the work, especially for those who want to have a life quiet and free time. Although in this as with most circumstances there are also exceptions. Many people with brutish souls desperately search for higher paying jobs, thinking that because they have more money they will be happier, but after getting them they find it bitterly that everything remains the same, because they do not understand that what makes them unhappy is not money they have but their own vanity.