A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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A primitive spirit runs a greater risk than an evolved one of falling into evil due to its ignorance, but the fact of being primitive does not imply that this is its natural state. Because ultimately, evil is nothing other than an imbalance of moral behavior that occurs when someone makes the mistake of assuming injustice as the main behavior, this makes him unhappy and consequently sooner or later he must return to good. This means that it is possible for a spirit to go through a process of degeneration and recovery of balance several times during its different reincarnations. This can also happen with civilizations, because in periods of economic prosperity, vanity tends to grow, which in turn unleashes economic mismanagement that leads to the collapse of the system, then the population must regain moral values and good management if they want to return to progress. The fact that a person is unbalanced in his moral conduct is sometimes favored by too consensual treatment on the part of the parents and other times it is simply due to his own ignorance. A genetic failure or a disease can also favor someone to have an aggressive personality or an excess of character, but this, in no case forces them to be evil, in any case, only when you return to balance is it possible to be happy. During each new reincarnation the spirits accumulate experiences in their spiritual memory, but these memories do not interfere with human memory so as not to damage each plane. This means that when a spirit is reincarnated the memories of previous lives are saved and are only recalled during the period before and after each reincarnation. What instead is remembered are the spiritual qualities that contribute to the progress of your intelligence. It can also happen that a person is evil and at the same time intelligent, this is because the final intelligence is the sum of the qualities of the spirit, the acquired culture and the quality of the body in which one is reincarnated.

Each time a spirit begins a new stage in a more evolved body it becomes more vulnerable to the attack of evil, that is to say that each time a spirit changes from an animal form in which it reincarnates to occupy a more evolved one, it becomes vulnerable to the Ignorance by not knowing the proper handling of this new form, and then the mental confusion that ignorance generates makes it more exposed to the attack of evil because evil depends on ignorance. At present, most of the human beings that populate the earth have little evolved spirits due to the great demographic expansion of the last centuries, this means that most of the spirits that today inhabit the human species have just arrived from animal species lower and due to their poor knowledge of the human form are more exposed to confusion and error and therefore to the evil that derives from them. For this reason, there are people who have a perfect body but intellectually they seem quite below what would be expected, that is to say that the evolutionary quality of the spirits is inferior to the quality of the bodies they handle. These spirits are, on the one hand, superior, because they have contributed to building the bodies in which they are later reincarnated, but at the same time they are inferior, because the human species is new to them as they proceed from animal species and consequently their difficulty in understanding their handling encourages them to make mistakes. In addition, it must be taken into account that since human society is immersed in a process of evolution there are many things that still remain to be learned, this means that the backwardness of the spirit is added to the backwardness of human culture.

This is taken advantage of by all kinds of social parasites that try by all means to seize the media to control the human mind. This is the reason for the tough confrontations between political parties, or the great proliferation of religious organizations and destructive sects. People generally do not want to seek the truth out of simple laziness or lack of time, therefore, they assume the postulates of political parties or religious organizations, but these organizations do not seek the good of humanity but their own interest, because evil spirits feel unhappy because of their antisocial behavior and mistakenly believe that through power or money they will be able to solve that inner emptiness they have, that is why they fight to get those more paid positions. The population should tell politicians that if they really defend democracy, they should show it by handing over the decision of each law to the people. And they should tell religious organizations that if they truly defend justice, they should show it by ceasing to hide behind the dogmas or idols of saints and virgins, and give citizens back their right to think freely and without coercion.

Spiritual and material progress are two different forms of evolution, this means that the fact of falling into evil does not imply that it is necessary to live again in animal forms as some think, because although their moral behavior is wrong, that does not prevent that he has reached the evolutionary level necessary to be able to live as a human being. Because the logical thing is that if a spirit has degenerated living as a man, then also as a man it must return to the correct path. Most of the spirits that currently inhabit the human species are primitive due to the great demographic expansion of recent times, that means that if these spirits had to abandon the human form every time they make a moral mistake to reincarnate again As animals, then there would be no other spirits that could take their place and then couples could not conceive, because for a child to be born it is necessary for a spirit to be reincarnated in its body, and on earth only a small part of the spirits Humans can be considered veterans in this way. Nor would it be reasonable that an evolved spirit split into two to solve the problem, because then the spirits who are now reincarnated as animals or plants lose their just right to ascend and reencar Narse as people. In the future, when technology completes the process of evolution and humanity becomes an adult society in the cosmos, the intellectual backwardness of the newly arrived spirits can be compensated by the high level of science, which will compensate for their ignorance.

Another problem for the development of the intellect is death. This is necessary to be able to apply genetic advances in our new bodies and also for the spirit to forget its previous mistakes and it is easier to be born again without prejudice from other lives, however, the fact of losing our memories is also taken advantage of by the speculators to try to use that ignorance for their own benefit, which is why politicians and religious organizations show so much interest in controlling the education of children. To have a good education in schools, it is essential to include moral teaching among its subjects, this education must be done rejecting dogma so that it is possible to unite science and religion. Religion must be based on truth and freedom of thought because religious organizations use dogma to manipulate people into their interests.

It is necessary to put an end to religious dogmas and promote freedom of opinion, so that everyone can contribute to improving ideas and philosophy. We must end the infallibility of religious leaders, which is nothing more than a mockery of the truth. We must finally end the monopoly of the truth, so that no one can claim to possess it ahead of others. Because science and religion cannot come together until society rejects the dogma that acts as a brake on scientific progress. It is good to have faith, because faith means to believe in what is considered reasonable, but dogma is based on trying to impose ideas by force, denying others the right to think differently. In other words, dogma is used as a means to obstruct the right of citizens to contribute to the progress of religion by contributing their ideas and changing what is proven wrong. This is an act of great frivolity on the part of religious organizations, which try to root for their prejudices and have a monopoly on the truth, and from there create a parallel government and obtain power and money with it. Therefore, it would be best if all religious organizations disappeared from the earth and religion, already in line with science, was taught in all educational centers.

The death of the body also means the disappearance of most of the knowledge acquired in that life, however, the most fundamental are preserved in spiritual memory, and even if we do not realize it, these knowledge will also participate in the definition of our personality in future lives. Although with death generic scientific knowledge is lost, it is not important either, because this knowledge is transmitted by human science from generation to generation and can be learned during the first years of life, in addition, when the world finishes its evolution, both knowledge present in the spirit as those transmitted by science will reach their fullness and at that moment the world will have reached perfection.

Although it is true that the technological and biological progress of the human being are quite related, however, at this time the evolutionary level of our body has practically reached perfection, but only in those people who carry the best genes and free of genetic diseases, Because while the body has been evolving for 4.5 billion years, human technology has only been doing it for a few thousand. For this process of physical evolution to be possible, it is necessary that the spirit intervenes in the same proportion as the natural selection proposed by Charles Darwin. This means that once the rapid process of technological evolution that occurs today ends and the physical and technical level of humanity are equal, then it can be said that the complete realization of the human being will have ended. This is so, because progress is the sum of three forms of progress, the physical, the technological and the spiritual.