A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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Every time our spirit reincarnates it has the possibility of doing it in a better body, because due to natural selection the body that we use and that we could also call a biological machine evolves little by little. The normal thing is that with each new reincarnation the spirit forgets the simple memories acquired in its previous life, but nevertheless conserves the summary of the most important memories that are necessary to evolve, these memories are temporarily deactivated during human life but continue to act on us in the form of skills that make us better, these skills are the product of all previous experience. These skills are not memories of concrete events, but they make us smarter because they are the consequence of having a more evolved spirit. However, after the body dies, the spirit regains its full potential and its memories of other lives, but only when it manages to detach itself from the personality acquired in the last reincarnation, this is necessary to ascend in the spiritual plane.

Through sexual reproduction, human beings can share the genetic advances that each individual acquires. That is to say that if an individual achieves a small advance through a genetic mutation, or the work of our spirit, when he has offspring that superior gene passes to them and because the best genes have a better chance of surviving than the worst ones, with the time, that better gene ends up spreading until it becomes common to all. It could be said then that in each individual a substitution process is produced incessantly by which the most primitive genes are replaced by more evolved ones, this is the reason why there are currently people whose physical features seem more typical of the age of stone that of the time in which we live characterized by a hairy body, prominent jaws and excess of character.

The truth is that every time we logically choose the couple that we like the most, we do so from among the most evolved specimens, in this way and without realizing it, we encourage our children to acquire the best genes, with this system the primitive genes that still exist will go decreasing little by little until there comes a time when they disappear completely. This process of genetic substitution also occurs with species, in fact, the main reason why homo sapiens spread across Europe was simply that the temperate climate in which it had developed for thousands of years in Mesopotamia became common on the European continent and consequently that place became suitable for them.

The planet Earth had been subjected to an ice age for thousands of years that only allowed an ideal climate in the southernmost lands, that is the reason that it was in Mesopotamia where civilization began. For this reason, when the glaciation ended, Homo sapiens spread northward, replacing the humans present there less adapted to the mild climate that was arriving. It is reasonable to think that there were also cases of crossing between the two species, but as in the end what counts is the predominance of the best adapted genes, it was those of homo sapiens that predominated, although due to the crosses this process of substitution probably still continue today. It is also possible that during the glacial period blacks did not exist or did exist in the most equatorial regions of the planet, being the only sit i will warm that opened across the Earth. This means that the first settlers to arrive in Europe after the ice age may have been white, contrary to what is now thought. Homo sapiens was able to overtake other species in its evolutionary process because during the ice age, racial or technological progress was only possible in those lands that maintained a better climate. Unlike Mesopotamia, in the territories that were frozen the number of inhabitants was very small, which made progress difficult both in technological and racial terms, because where there is a better climate there are also better crops and more people which determines that the possibilities of progress and of sharing knowledge are greater.

The process of evolution of spirits is forward never backward, because it does not make sense to mix physical and spiritual evolution, therefore, when a spirit degenerates spiritually the consequences are also in that plane, but it does not have to imply that he has to reincarnate in lower animal species. A man must be punished for his mistakes on the human plane and it makes no sense to think that the solution is to reincarnate as an animal again, because if he acquired the qualities to live as a human it is because he is prepared for it.

At present, it could be said that most spirits are young, that is, they have only been in human life for a short time. This is because the spirits first exist in mineral form at that time are as energy spheres but with some stuff, then with struyen bodies to reincarnate it and pass the plant form, then we make the way animal and finally wait for a chance to reincarnate in human form. But for thousands of years the human beings that have existed on earth have been very few, for that reason, due to the great demographic expansion of the present time most of the people have primitive spirits because they have lived as animals in their previous reincarnation. For this reason, today there are people who have perfect bodies but inhabited by mediocre spirits. To give a similar example, it is as if a young man who has just obtained a driving license is given a racing car, this causes the quality of the device he drives to be higher than his experience. This situation will end when young spirits are adapting to their new situation and when man overcomes his fear of accepting that an immortal spirit dwells within his body.

Although reincarnation serves to provide us with a new existence as if it were the first, however, it has the drawback of being associated with forgetting the events experienced in the previous one, except for the qualities that persist in the spirit. This implies that those who handle the collective knowledge that is taught to children in schools may be tempted to manipulate that information to divert them from the correct path and turn them into simple automatons at their service, for this reason, intelligent children tend to reject educational systems that rely too much on memorizing what they are told without leaving any margin for the development of their own personality. The normal thing is that these children end up losing interest in studies and seek the culture they need by other means. In this situation, those children with a memory capacity greater than normal are unfairly considered gifted, because they learn quickly what they are taught, but the educators do not understand that in this way they are not creating adult men but automata. Nor do they understand that if children limit themselves to memorizing what they are told, they will have the personality that is expected of them and not that derived from their own self-realization, which is precisely what authentic intelligent children seek.

Because what a child needs is to learn slowly, to have time to assimilate things according to their own personality and also learn to differentiate appearances from reality. In this way an intelligent child will take longer to learn than a child with excessive memory, but the conclusion of this process is that in the end the intelligent child will have learned to understand the deep essence of things, while the misnamed gifted child will have learned just the generic and predictable concepts of the world. For this reason, it would be best if the compulsory education taught until they came of age were very flexible, precisely because it was compulsory, focusing only on teaching the most essential aspects, but leaving enough room for children to explore other aspects of life, therefore, it is essential that the time spent in classes each day is not too long. In other words, education to be effective must be inversely proportional to its obligation, that is, the higher the obligation, the lower the requirement and the lower the obligation, the greater the requirement, because it can only be demanding with the studies that we voluntarily choose.

It is evident that the process of death and reincarnation is useful to renew our body and allow its improvement, and it also serves for our spirit to relive the events of life as if they were the first, but the inconvenience of forgetting is that when losing Most of the knowledge acquired in the previous reincarnation we become vulnerable to speculators of information. In other words, both political leaders and religious organizations will try to control the media so that learning is conditioned by their interests. Therefore, it is essential to always preserve our mental freedom no matter how much they try to deny us that right. In addition, society should demand that all religious organizations are self-financing, because as private organizations that they are, their followers should be the ones who pay their expenses and not live at the expense of public budgets as is now the case in many countries.

It is also important to say that reincarnation is not only a means of action for the spirit but also an end in itself, because the spiritual world is abundant in energy but deficient in matter and to reach the maximum of happiness or fulfillment it is necessary that it exist an adequate balance between the two dimensional planes, therefore, the spirit needs to build a material body to serve as a means to express itself in matter. In this way, the human body is the ideal design for the spirit to feel represented in the material environment and the reason for this is that when reincarnated in matter, the sensations felt by the spirit are more intense than if it lived alone in a world spiritual. Because the spiritual world is mostly energy, but it needs to combine with matter to be balanced. In other words, what an evolved spirit needs is not to renounce human life, but to make this life in line with spiritual values and be maintained in this way through successive reincarnations until the end of the cosmic cycle. But we must not forget, that living in the spiritual world is also necessary, but only temporarily until the time for a new reincarnation arrives. This transitional period, the spirit uses to decide which ex perience should retain it for future reincarnations and what should be forgotten, because only the most valuable events are remembered. It also serves to carry out the genetic modifications that are considered appropriate to be made in the bodies in which they are going to be reincarnated, because the so-called natural selection only intervenes in fifty percent of genetic mutations, the other fifty percent are carried out by spirits according to your own preferences and discoveries. These qualities of the spirit are only remembered after the body dies, in order to avoid interfering with the two planes of existence. After death, the spirits must ascend into the spirit world to prepare for their next reincarnation instead of staying in the dwellings where they lived trying to steal the body from the living, because the true way to obtain a new body is to move forward in the spirit world to complete the necessary phases until the time of a new reincarnation arrives. But those who, before dying, refused to accept life after death or reincarnation, when it occurs they feel confused and do not know what to do in the new situation, that is why, sometimes, they try to return to human life for the wrong way to try to steal someone's body. After the death of the body, the spirits begin a different but temporary stage, in which they work to apply those genetic modifications that they consider according to their memories that their bodies may need to live better. Most spirits dedicate only the equivalent of fifteen percent of a human life at most to this, but those spirits who have been designated for the function of coordinating and studying genetic enhancement can dedicate the equivalent of a whole human life before to reincarnate again. The decision of who has to dedicate himself to this task does not depend on an arbitrary decision but is rotational, because we must not forget that although we do not remember during our lives there is another greater life that is the life of the spirit and in the same way that during In life we are learning experiences and performing different functions after we die, we change phase and the memories of spiritual life are activated. In this genetic improvement function, each spirit only takes care of a small part of the work in a specialized way, so that it is possible to quickly achieve a better result. This task would be carried out for the most part by the most evolved spirits, that is, by those who have reincarnated first in each species and consequently have more experience in it. In the case of the human species, they would be those who began to live as men in prehistoric times. These evolved spirits would also have been responsible for the main scientific advances of humanity.

Once the human species completes its evolution, it will no longer be necessary to apply new genetic changes and the time spent in the spiritual world between each reincarnation may be shorter. During life we cannot remember this knowledge because otherwise the correct process of evolution of human science would be disturbed. It is as if in each person two personalities existed at the same time, one the human and ignorant personality and the other the more cultured spiritual personality that is only activated after death. But, as the human dimension is different from the spiritual one, it is necessary that this progress be made by its own means and without external interference until it equals spiritual knowledge over time. Not only is it important to reach the goal, it is also important to walk the path with patience, because sometimes the realization of a project is more exciting than the project already carried out. It is evident that when man completes his evolution he will be happier and will be able to avoid everything that made him suffer during his evolution, such as climatic disasters, but everything has to come in time without excessively precipitating events. For this reason, the evolved spirits or extraterrestrial beings that may be on our planet can help, but without this implying a direct interference in the process of human evolution. However, accidents sometimes occur during the reincarnation process that prevent the door that closes the two dimensions from being completely closed, this happens especially in childhood, but when it continues until adulthood, the so-called phenomena of clairvoyance or the cases of people who can remember their previous life. Clairvoyance is a special state of mind that allows people who possess it to rise above matter and see beyond, because the spiritual world is less dense than the material. This quality can be achieved through spiritual progress, because advanced beings know that we must give the spiritual world the same value that we give the material. But it can also occur as a consequence of an anomaly or an accident that causes the spirit to be little subject to the body, this can produce some inconveniences for the normal development of life, but it also allows to have a vision of things in life with a depth that can only be reached in a spiritual state. It could be said then that clairvoyance is a form of intuition, but focused differently from how it is normally expressed.

It can also happen that a person with sensitivity or clairvoyance sees things or people they do not know when touching an object that belonged to those people, in this case, in the development of these visions, spirits do not intervene because what is seen are past events due to that the object acts as a link. This is possible, because when a person lives with an object, he transmits hidden qualities that remain and that a seer can notice. When this person with clairvoyance touches these objects, his mind generates sounds or images that reconstruct the events in which the person who used these objects was present as if it were a film recording. An event with a great emotional charge can also cause an occasional clairvoyance to people who normally do not have that quality, this clairvoyance would be triggered at the moment in which these people touch the objects related to that event.

The spiritual world is more difficult to understand than the material world, among other reasons because matter weighs more than spirit, which determines that spiritual things remain separate and elevated on a different plane with respect to the material world, even though they are perfectly coordinated, but, since from the moment we are born everything that surrounds us is matter, many come to believe that it is the only thing there is, they do not understand that within each person there is a spirit and for that reason, they come to believe that their spirit is her body. They do not understand that it is just the other way around, because in reality, everything is spirit and everything has eternal life, because the matter of our body is part of that great being that is planet earth or the universe. This being is also a spirit, but it is not reincarnated in another body, because the matter of the earth is its spirit and its body at the same time, however, we perceive it easily because the matter that forms it is so condensed that people think it is just inanimate matter, but in reality, it is a great condensed spirit as alive and conscious as we are. This is due to the spirit of a person remains almost immaterial and a den very low sity to reincarnate is a body formed with stuff that gives us this great spirit. In this way, by uniting the energy of our spirit with the matter of our body, the necessary balance is generated to be happy. Therefore, one day, in a future universe, we will be able to return to this being the favor that he does us in the present, and then we will be the ones who take care of coordinating the universe as he does now, when that happens, he will be able to reincarnate as a man and live the life that we have now. This is so, because in the universe all spirits are the same in their essence and all have eternal life, this means that during successive cosmic cycles we will all have to go through all possible situations, one day we will be up and another we will be down, One day we will be great and another we will be small, so we must be humble and never allow vanity to dominate us. Man will only be perfect when he accepts that spiritual values have to be at the same level as matter, because, although spirit is not visible because it is more subtle, it nevertheless has the same importance as matter in the development of life and happiness.