A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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The great problem of metaphysical deduction is the great difficulty it has to see the bottom of things beyond their superficial part, this could be compared to storm clouds when they only reveal a small clearing of blue sky at the end. This forces those who work in metaphysics to constantly repeat the study of the same subject in the hope of achieving full clarification of each subject. The constant interferences of life act in the philosopher like that storm cloud obscuring the vision of the end, for this reason, philosophers are as if they were travelers of the mind who try to fly with their thought towards the essential key of things. When we meditate, we bring out the part of God that we carry within and then we can shape the world around us, and then we become participants in that great work that is the universe. Because in reality, all beings have eternal life in their essential spirit, this means that since the beginning of time we are all contributing to that progress, the fact that we cannot remember it is simply because nature has foreseen that at the moment of reincarnation those memories are temporarily forgotten so as not to interfere with the new plane that is human life. This means that we actually live two lives simultaneously even though the period of stay in the spirit world is shorter in most cases than the time spent in human form. This is so, because it is necessary to dedicate some time while we are in the spiritual world to apply the genetic improvements that from that plane it is possible to make in the bodies in which we are going to reincarnate. Spiritual life is longer than human life, or in other words, the memories we have when we are on that plane are the summary of all previous lives and will last for the duration of the cosmic cycle. When the current cosmic cycle ends, the universe will start over again and we with it because all beings have eternal life.

This means that the period between two reincarnations has two uses, on the one hand it serves to assess the experience learned in our previous reincarnation and preserve it in our spirit, and on the other, to apply the genetic improvements that from that plane were possible to do. This period of time is not greater than 15% of what an average human life lasts in most cases, because it is dedicated only to making secondary adjustments to be applied in the next life.

The days of intense sun can also be a brake on meditative activity, because from a metaphysical point of view the sun is masculine but the philosophy is feminine, this means that to meditate on rainy days, or with clouds and sun to equal parts. The sun gives joy to life and is ideal to make the dreams we have, but the rain is ideal to meditate and plan those dreams. The sun is physical, the rain is mental, the sun is material and the spiritual rain, the sun is sensation and the rain is reflection, therefore, the aggressive projection of energy that exists on sunny days is like a scream that attenuates the spiritual emotions that require sensitivity and silence to arise. But, as important are the values that the sun represents as those that the rain represents to achieve happiness.

The key for a philosopher to understand the universe is that it is limited, that is, it is like an onion that has its basic concepts gathered in its center and as one ascends to a higher level the same concepts become less generic and consequently more complex and specialized, that means, that a philosopher could come to understand very well the basic metaphysical aspects of the universe, but instead the smallest physical details could only be clarified by means of laboratory work. It is also essential to help you in that understanding to know that the essential truths are constant and eternal regardless of the time in which you live, this means that if a philosopher is intelligent enough and has the necessary time to investigate, he can understand all those essential truths. Another fundamental attitude to find the truth consists of trying to understand the essence of the universe without being dominated by the beliefs or superstitions that may surround us, that is to say that in order to progress, logic and the capacity of observation must be used more without discarding any hypothesis since the beginning. Because many human beliefs are based on error and ignorance, this means that to find the light you have to go towards the light yourself. Because when a political or religious power relies on erroneous beliefs, those who benefit from that power tend to reject any change in those beliefs for fear of losing their privileged position, this is how religious or political dogmas begin.

When a philosopher is ahead of his time he is left alone, because the people around him do not understand him, it is not that he is the only being in the universe who thinks this way, it is that by being ahead of his time, his true people no longer It belongs to this world, but is in those worlds that have already reached that level, this is the reason why Jesus said that his kingdom is not of this world. In the end, the philosopher tends to withdraw from this world, but not out of contempt for those around him, but because the only way he has to feel close to his own is by thinking of that ideal world with which he feels identified. However, they can always try to take advantage of this knowledge to teach others the way forward and thus favor this world to be more evolved. This is what probably happened to Jesus.

Unfortunately, the large number of obstacles that philosophers find along the way makes it extremely difficult to see the light behind the storm, which means that very few come to understand these essential truths and even fewer become recognized by society. But, in that case, if society rejects their teachings, they will always have the satisfaction of having made those discoveries and, as far as possible, they will be able to apply them in their own lives.