A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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At present, we live in a time of scientific materialism by which it is intended to deny the existence of the spirit, this is due to the existence in modern man of a mixture between arrogance and fear. Arrogance, due to the "high" level currently achieved in the material science aspect that leads scientists to reject everything that is beyond their scope. This inability to fully cover the so-called paranormal aspects, makes them react with a certain contempt as if because they no longer want to see it, that is why it does not exist. A certain fear is also produced in them, because by not wanting to accept that there are things in nature that cannot be measured or weighed, every time they are faced with one of these phenomena they generate anxiety that makes them flee from it instead to face it with courage, they act like that, simply because they do not want to change their attitude. They say they are not biased, but biases are more widespread than you think, and scientists often simply do not want to investigate issues that go against officially established truths. Sometimes they look for evidence to prove things wrong and end up elevating theories to the category of evidence. This can happen when what they have learned in college is in contradiction with the new discoveries, especially when they enter the field of the paranormal, then they simply ignore it for fear of being ridiculed by those who wait for any opportunity to get noticed by making fun of his colleagues. Because what bothers scientists the most is not being able to determine all aspects of a thing and when that happens they prefer to say that it does not exist.

We have an example in the UFO phenomenon, because at present there are already many tests that demonstrate its existence, although the reason that causes it cannot be demonstrated with certainty. But there are already thousands of testimonies that exist at this time from people with total credibility, as is the case of many professional pilots, however, the attitude of official science is to continue ignoring the fact until a flying saucer decides to land in the middle of a university, that is not science but hypocrisy.

Another is the case of spiritualistic phenomena, because there are already many proven examples of their authenticity, regardless of the fact that there are also many cases of fraud. But it is not fair, to consider all cases as fraud, just because there are deceptions. There is also evidence of strange events in haunted houses or exorcism cases that official science does not want to address either. Or the case of the seers who have provided important evidence to solve crimes in close collaboration with the police, where are those who call themselves "scientists" to recognize the merit of these people? Why don't they interview these psychics in universities to explain how they solved the cases, or the pilots who have seen UFOs to study the photographic or radar evidence that they can provide? Because they use science to hide their cowardice.

In the past, it was common to accept the afterlife among primitive peoples and although it is true that the knowledge they had of the world was scarce, however, that does not mean that they did not have their successes and errors like current scientists. Because to find proof of the eternal life of the spirit it is enough to use logic. Materialistic people say that there is only one life that is the present, because they link their life with their body, but if they lose a hand, do they lose their life? Not true, because if you lose a hand you have fewer parts of the body but not for that reason you have less life, because the parts of the body do not determine what life is but only serve it, in the same way if they lose their body, then they lose life of that body, but not the life of its spirit, because that body, like the hand, is only a complement of the spirit.

They say that there cannot be life after the death of the body because after death the consciousness will disappear and only nothing will exist, but that reasoning is absurd, because if life cannot be created from nothing then it would not make sense for them to live in this moment, because before they were born if the matter of their body existed, but they did not exist as people nor were they aware of their own existence, if before the birth of their body they had no consciousness or life because for them there was only the nothing, so by their own argument they shouldn't have it now either. In other words, the situation they pose would be the same before birth and after death, which is a contradiction. They link the idea of life to the existence of their body but, if before being born they did not exist as individual consciousness then the simple fact that a body is created should not make it possible for that body to have consciousness of itself, they would have created a form human yes, but a form without life or individual consciousness. Furthermore, if according to these arguments they obtained their life from nothing by uniting the matter of their body, then how can they affirm that the same thing cannot be repeated again and have life again? The explanation for all this is that if at this moment we have life and consciousness, it is because in reality we have always had it and the fact that our life is linked to our body at this moment is only a circumstantial fact, because life just as energy is neither created nor destroyed, it is only transformed. This is so, because in reality our body is only a form that our spirit uses as a means of manifestation in matter, but it is not the body that contains the life and consciousness of our soul, but the eternal spirit that it carries in its inside.

Life, understood as feeling and consciousness and not as a simple sum of organic particles, cannot have a beginning and therefore cannot have an end, because life cannot emerge from nothing, rather on the contrary nothing and life or matter and emptiness have always existed because they are two poles of the same thing and one cannot exist without the other, and when time ends everything will start over from the beginning. Time can change the forms of matter, but the life present in matter is energy that exists indefinitely outside of time and space.

Unfortunately, the fact that official science does not want to address all these issues, even though there is much evidence to prove it, is a clearly anti-scientific attitude, but posed as scientific.