A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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It could be said that life is divided into two main parts, in the first, nature protects us from most evils due to the strength of our youth. But in the second, after 40 or 50 years, that force that nature has to regenerate our body is reduced, so that only those who act prudently achieve health. Those who when they were young were dedicated to abusing drugs or obesity inadvertently destroyed all the genetic reserves that their bodies had to regenerate and now see their health deteriorating rapidly. It is as if nature takes its death toll for death, because those who abuse animal fats end up causing obesity that ultimately kills them. This means that in the end they end up dying for the animals they have killed.

It is not that these people die or become ill for the simple fact of consuming fats, but because the sedentary lifestyle and low caloric expenditure that is common today makes the most appropriate diet is the vegetable type because it contains less fat, In addition, vegetable fats are healthier than those of animal origin. But those people who persist in eating fats that their body does not need eventually end up causing their own suicide. For this reason, those who insist on encouraging meat consumption at all costs are leading society to death.

In this second part of life, only those who act with caution manage to survive, therefore, it is necessary to reject all kinds of drugs, exercise and eat especially vegetables. It is true that some diseases are not caused by negligence in our behavior but most of them are, for that reason, it is important to apply common sense to our actions before looking for a doctor. The order is also essential to have health, because when we maintain an orderly life our mind can do things automatically, this allows us to free space in our memory to dedicate it to more important things. It is true that an excess of customs can lead to mania, but if we observe nature we can see that progress would not be possible if nature did not have the “mania” of always following the same patterns. If our planet did not have the habit of always maintaining the same distance from the sun it would have long since frozen or burned, if it did not have the habit of always maintaining a harmonic tilt or rotation rate, humanity would not have been able to organize crops in a stable way and civilization could not have advanced. For this reason, the human being should establish stable habits such as having the same time to go to bed and get up both on weekdays and on holidays, because in order to be healthy, the body needs a stable system that avoids disorder in our lives. Progress would not have been possible if it were not for the existence of stable laws of nature on which to support progress. This shows that order is not only useful but necessary.

To be healthy, it is essential to take only the calories that our body needs, because food should never be used for entertainment, in addition, an orderly life will always allow us to reach higher levels of development and live better. During youth, the strength of our body saves us from many of the mistakes we make, but in mature age nature weakens and only a firm will to reject bad habits can help us, this is so, because the degeneration of the body that occurs with age in the form of obesity or certain diseases is not always the consequence of age, but occurs because the ability that the body had to regenerate naturally is not replaced as it should by an iron will to maintain the body in the right way. This occurs when the spirit has a lower level than the body that uses what causes it not to know how to replace the lost qualities. For this reason, a body that was perfect in youth can become deformed in mid-life through no fault of age. Only when the person replaces the strength of youth with the will to keep the body healthy and athletic, renouncing the abuse of fats or other unhealthy behaviors, can old age be reached in the best physical conditions, but that, only the spirits evolved are able to understand it instinctively.

It is true that some diseases are caused by genetic flaws or toxic substances that enter our body without our knowing it, but it is also true that many people when young had perfect bodies and in the second half of life they become deformed monsters. When that happens, sometimes the cause is ignorance and the backwardness of our spirit, but other times it is our own pettiness turned into bad habits of life that ends up destroying our health and that perfect body that we had. It will always be better to prevent a disease from appearing by acting with common sense rather than looking for remedies to cure it, therefore, we must respect the right that our body has to be treated according to the use for which it is designed.

So far we have planned life divided into two parts taking into account the relationship between health and responsibility, but, if we divide it into smaller parts, then it could have 4 stages. In the first one that goes from 0 to 20 years we have all the youth but also all the ignorance, which prevents us from extracting the maximum benefit from life, therefore, we want to learn to be adults and live our life independently. From 20 to 40 years we feel young and it seems that this situation will last forever, it is as if time does not pass, we are also cultured enough to get more out of life. From 40 years on, physical decline begins and that makes us feel old, although it is not true, in this period our body loses physical faculties but maintains the same potential because we compensate by adding knowledge. After age 60, the sum of knowledge no longer compensates for the lost physical faculties, which means that old age begins, but we must have the illusion of living and doing activities to keep our body and mind agile, because people who exercise and they take care of their health nature often rewards them with a healthy life and a quiet death when the time comes. But if we suffer from a disease that seriously damages our quality of life, we should not be afraid of euthanasia either, because this way our spirit will be free from a damaged body that no longer fulfills its purpose.

From a certain point of view, life resembles the seasons of the year, because in winter, which is like childhood, we get cold and we want spring to arrive. When spring arrives, which is like the age of twenty, we are delighted with the arrival of a pleasant climate, when summer arrives at the age of thirty, we are fine, but when this season reaches its peak at forty or fifty years of age. We get scared when we notice the first symptoms of physical decline, then we start to think that summer is not as good as we thought and we start to miss winter. When we reach eighty years the heat is already scorching like a midday in summer. With the climate at this time the decline begins until autumn returns and the temperature comfortable, then the temperature continues to drop until the cold returns again and we miss the summer again. This is so, because with the seasons of the year the ideal climate repeats itself twice, unlike human life. This means that both winter and summer are unstable seasons that are not very comfortable to live in except if you live in very cold or very hot places. But, in places with intermediate weather, only spring or fall has perfect weather. With life it is the same, because only in the period between thirty and sixty years old can it be said that life is lived fully, before it is not possible because you have a lot of youth but little knowledge and later not because you have a lot of knowledge but few youth, only in the intermediate period is the balance between youth and knowledge.

Life and the seasons of the year are two more examples that show us how universal polarities are present in all kinds of situations. Winter represented in blue would coincide with childhood and summer represented in red would coincide with old age. Winter is ideal when it is not too cold and summer is also ideal when it is not too hot, this shows us that, as with the rest of things that have polarity, perfection is found at the intermediate point of the two polarities that is represented by the color green.

Nature needs this process of continuous change from pole to pole because only then can it be recycled. Life is like a wheel that begins with childhood and ends with old age just as years begin with one winter and end with another, just before another spring begins. In the same way, reincarnation serves as a means to renew our old body and change it for a new one, because just as the planet continues to live regardless of the death of days or years, the spirit continues to live regardless of the death of the body. , and this process can continue indefinitely in the same way that one year happens to another.