A Bit of Metaphysics by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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It is true that food is essential in life and that it can even be an excellent antidepressant, but it is unacceptable that some people use it as their sole source of stimulation. This occurs mainly among retirees who abuse food as a way to counteract their boredom. When they do that, instead of behaving like human beings they behave like simple ruminants who have no other purpose in life than to be constantly chewing. All this absurd behavior is caused by the excessive prejudice that exists with respect to work, as people forget the great antidepressant effect it has, but because of these prejudices, society dedicates all its efforts to seek retirement as soon as possible and as Consequently, it goes from excessive activity to none. In this way retirees suddenly find themselves with a feeling of emptiness and boredom that they foolishly pretend to solve with food. It cannot be acceptable that the life of a retiree is limited to getting up and having breakfast, a while later having a snack between meals, a little later having lunch, then going down to the bar to continue eating, then going home to eat, then having a snack while watching television, then go back to the bar to continue eating, then have a snack, then go out to the street for a walk and as you walk, enter the bars to continue eating, then go home for dinner and before going to bed have something to avoid starving for the night. What seems like a joke is very real in many people, so only when you establish a firm meal schedule is it possible to control your diet. Because ignoring this truth is the fastest way to get sick and die, it is like committing suicide by eating. The fair thing would be to eradicate the prejudices that exist towards work and eliminate absolute retirement so that older people do not have to stop their work activity altogether. Therefore, the ideal would be to create workshops where they could carry out simple jobs for three hours a day, this would be great to keep the mind exercised, spend energy, entertain themselves and feel useful to society, it would be four benefits in one. It seems that humanity has forgotten the great importance of older people in the past, since in all ancient tribes the councils of elders were fundamental in making political decisions, but an excessive appreciation of the youth coupled with contempt to work has provoked that senseless interest in stopping work activity completely at a certain point in life. By doing this, society is deprived of the great wisdom acquired by these people and the great use it would have if they dedicated themselves to sharing it by acting as tutors for young people in any type of profession.

Another effect that causes an inadequate diet is the emotional repercussion, because extreme thinness favors excess nervousness and obesity causes a bad mood and aggressiveness, due to the apparent increase in gravity, this makes a person in that situation feel all tired the day and the normal thing is that he vent his discomfort among those who are closest to him. Therefore, it is necessary to create firm lifestyle habits that limit the calories that are consumed only to those that our body needs. There are also those who say that with age it is normal to have obesity, but that is only a way of normalizing aberration, because it is our right, but also our duty to maintain good physical shape throughout life. Obesity only serves to ruin the lives of the elderly, because it fills them with diseases, forces them to live as if they were carrying a sack of stones on their back and also slows them down. The truth is that the elderly could live almost without eating, firstly because when energy expenditure is small, the amount of calories consumed should also be so, and secondly because the older the age, the greater the difficulty in processing foods especially fats.

One of the characteristics that distinguishes man from animals is that by having more nutritious food, he does not need to spend as much time eating, this allows him to have more time to devote to more important tasks. But we must not confuse more nutritious foods with the consumption of meat, because today all the necessary nutrients can be found without resorting to it. In addition, the sedentary rhythm of modern society determines that the calories that are needed each day are very few, therefore, plant food should be the main component of the diet. In the past, people often did not have enough food to live on and therefore their only goal was to get more food, but in a time of sufficiency like today, the main goal should be to learn to settle for only what our body needs.

It is also disappointing to see some people who, unable to control their weight, choose to flatter obesity as the eighth wonder of the world. This is arrogant behavior and a flight forward, not wanting to acknowledge the obvious. For this reason, I find the relatives of those who suffer from morbid obesity despicable and look the other way before this serious problem, because they should not help them to obtain an excess of food or fat just because they ask for it, their duty is to reject it energetically that if they were drugs, because by doing so they are bringing evil into their own home.

Nor should they be fooled when they are told that obesity is caused by a change in metabolism or by retaining fluids, because the truth is that these people have neither changed their metabolism nor are they retaining fluids, because what they retain is fat for using an improper diet.

The truth behind all this is that obese people gain weight because they are hungrier than normal, sometimes it is due to a genetic failure and others due to simple boredom, but if instead of controlling that hunger using a stable diet they let themselves go Due to the impulses produced by an unbalanced body asking for more food, they will end up developing a morbid obesity that, as with drug addicts, will become an addiction and then it will be very difficult to control. But, if these people get used to eating only what is necessary and following a fixed meal schedule without eating anything between hours, the brain will adapt automatically and will stop sending hunger signals outside the corresponding hours. It should also be taken into account that when a person eats excessively, it favors the premature aging of their organism, because every digestive process also includes a certain biological waste, in addition, fats are difficult substances to process, therefore, it is absurd to take more than we need.

From a metaphysical point of view, I consider it better to divide the day into four meals instead of five or more, because it is necessary to teach the mind that most of the time should be spent on other things and not just eating, and when it increases much the number of meals what is caused is the break of control over diet. In other words, we must tame our brain so that it sends us the hunger signal only at the correct times. If we follow this strict system and only eat at the established times and between those hours we only drink water, then the brain will adapt automatically so that outside those hours, even if we see food, it will not cause us to feel hungry. But that is only achieved if we are firm in that custom. The number four is the ideal because it symbolizes stability, the square or the cold. In contrast, dividing the day into five meals or more is worse, because this number represents among other things heat or instability, which is less suitable when it comes to establishing a fixed and stable pattern. Number five is as if it invites us to overindulge in meals. In other words, to control the calories we consume it is necessary to limit meals to four a day and always at the same times, so that only water can be taken between meals. In the case of young children it is different because as they grow up very fast they need to feed more frequently.

The alternation between meals and the spaces between meals is similar to the relationship that exists between the crest of a sling and its valley, therefore, those who do not respect the separation between meals cause an interference that destroys the body's ability to self-regulate. The relationship between the majority and the exception is also fulfilled in this, the majority that would be the time that should exist between meals and the exception that corresponds to the time we must dedicate to eating. An evolved being must spend little time eating because that way he can have more time to devote to higher tasks.

Living in an orderly manner is not only good for meals, it is also good for other aspects of life, for example, the ideal would be to get up or go to bed at the same time whenever possible regardless of whether it is a weekday or a holiday. It would also be good to organize life so that at each hour of the day we carry out different tasks so as not to get bored and leave one or two days off at the end of each week, because the smart thing is to work to live and not live only to work, because all that that is well must be done in its proper measure.

Also despicable are those politicians who, in order to obtain money, charge a multitude of foods with taxes under the pretext of avoiding obesity, but at the same time remain silent in the face of the serious damage that the consumption of animal fats causes in the population, and all this In order not to harm their own meat industry, these politicians are hypocrites, because they are trading lives for money. It is a mistake to blame salt or sugar for obesity, since they are essential elements for health, what is wrong is abusing them, because with food, as with the rest of things in life what matters is to maintain a balanced attitude, therefore, it is logical that obese people avoid them, but it does not make sense that a punishment in the form of taxes is applied to the rest of the citizens for consuming necessary food.

To defeat obesity and most diseases, it is necessary for our spirit to impose itself on matter and the mind to impose itself on our body, this means that the natural capacity that our body had to regulate itself and that it has lost over the years must be replaced by the firmness of our will to reject all that is insane. Because age favors the gradual deterioration of our organism, therefore, we must compensate for this deterioration by establishing firm lifestyle habits. We must also exercise to keep our bodies athletic and eat a balanced diet. If we act in this way, we have many possibilities to maintain a healthy and youthful appearance throughout our lives.

Another paradox of today is that at the same time there is half the world going hungry and the other half eating twice what they need and suffering the consequences that this causes, that is, some suffer from hunger and others from diseases caused by the food abuse. There are those who say that if all the surplus food were delivered to the countries that need that food, the hunger in the world would disappear, however, although this sounds good, it is completely false, in the first place, because it is absurd to propose that a country deliver its goods to another in exchange for nothing just because he says he needs it, because in order to progress, each person and each country has the duty to adapt to their own limitations. Secondly, because if the most developed countries gave half of their food to the poor countries, then hunger in these countries would disappear, but only for a very short time, because the sudden increase in food would also cause a rapid increase in number of inhabitants which would lead to the same situation again. This shows that the true origin of poverty in these countries is not their difference from rich countries, but the fact that they have more children than they can support. Therefore, it is necessary that these countries establish strict birth control to prevent their number of inhabitants from exceeding their own economic resources, because if they do not, poverty will never disappear, although there are organizations interested in making us believe that if they we give our money everything will be solved.