Anthology: Dare to Believe by Alexander Zielinski & Michael Burke - HTML preview

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 Spirit Doctor will show you the Archangel that the dummy was. It is all testing. Not testing to be cruel to you, it is testing to improve you, to improve your spirit. To help you love and understand your fellow man, who is simply another of Gods creations. We are all a part of each other and of God the Great Spirit.



When all is said and done in your life, this life you are living now, and you die and cross over to the spirit dimension, you are given the wonderful opportunity to review that lifetime you just left. No one judges that life except you, not God, not your Angel, no one but you. You are given a Life Review in which to refresh your memory of that life you just finished; it comes forth in a detailed chronological progression.



When you review your life you feel no pressure from others, you do so for your own benefit to see where you achieved and where you regressed in your original blueprint.  Now there are those upon return who simply cannot face their life review and own up to the horrible way they treated themselves and/or treated others while on Earth. Those individuals are then counseled by higher beings that go over their life review with them to bring them to an understanding of where they erred and went astray of the life they had planned. In those instances it may take a long time to bring the spirit being to the point where they can face up to what they have done in the human form. At no time are they forced or punished, yet guidance is given as to what needs to be done to improve their self imposed situation.



An example would be the life of the one known as Adolf Hitler. That spirit which lived that incarnation is undergoing many counseling sessions seeking to improve and overcome the weakness that led it to such destruction while in the physical dimension. Just know those spirit beings who gave their lives in the Holocaust did so freely in order to teach the world a most important lesson. Individual growth knows no limits, it can teach one individual or it can teach many.



God the Great Spirit does not judge you for what you yourself chose. People on Earth say things like, “How could God do this to me?” or “Why has God allowed this evil thing to happen?” God did not do anything to you or them except grant your request to live in a physical body of your own choosing. All major events that happen in your individual lifetime are for your growth and experience, of which you yourself chose to occur, not God.



     There are times during your life that you will hear people speak about the Higher Self. No one can reach their Higher Self until they lose their physical body in the physical dimension and they lose their spiritual or ethereal body in the spiritual dimension. You cannot reach it through yoga, meditation, DVD tapes, books, or seeking inward. Those who say you can are just trying to sell their books or tapes or whatever to make money.



When you progress to the seventh sub-level of the seventh main level and you are now crossing over into the True dimension—where no shape or form or body is necessaryyou are now pure spirit or that which you would call your Higher Self.


















Chapter 21







At this point lets explain the differences between a Medium and a Psychic. A psychic person is one who is limited in what they can pick up from their extra-sensory perception or what is commonly called ESP. Using their ESP they are at no time in tune with or connected to the spiritual dimension or to anyone living in the spiritual dimension.



The main problem with psychics is that they register the vibrations emanating from the individual who has e<