Anthology: Dare to Believe by Alexander Zielinski & Michael Burke - HTML preview

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slower pace.  Meditate only once a week and for only 15 to 30 minutes.  Don’t force yourself, let things flow smoothly along at a pace you can handle.


     Each individual is different in what they may experience during their meditational development.  Take note of the basic causes’ of the eight listed items below.  They are usually a result of your spirit group either adjusting your chakras’ and/or adding chemicals to your physical body.  Do not be alarmed, simply relax and allow them to proceed.  Some individuals, not all, will experience one or more of the following.  This being based upon what type of ability(s) they are manifesting:


     1.  Sensation of spinning and/or floating/levitating upward.

     2.  Temporary memory loss.

     3.  Images/visions inside the mind’s eye.

     4.  Headaches (associated with the third eye).

     5.  Stomach aches (due to chemicals being added).

     6.  Pinpricks (around the head and/or neck area).

     7.  Seeing waves/clouds of one or more colors.

     8.  Voices/sounds heard inside the ears/head.


Note:  Some individuals never experience or feel any of these during their development.  Each person is unique and will progress in different ways.  Don’t compare yourself to others, each has his/her own path to follow in life.


     Jesus once said, “He who believes in the works I do, will do even greater works.”













Chapter 20








It could be said of the spirit dimension that it fills the boundless amplitude of space as rationalized by humankind. The earth is encircled by the seven main levels and their corresponding seven sub-levels just as all the planets contain their own individual spirit dimensions which are higher or lower in their rarefied oscillation levels. All these spirit dimensions meet and blend together, so when you master one spiritual dimension you are then prepared to enter into another spirit dimension on another planetary level if you so desire.  Many souls travel to other systems in-between incarnations to earth. For a better understanding, just think of these dimensions as being a state of consciousness rather than a physical place.



In the physical dimension humankind on Earth utilize their senses which in turn make all physical objects seem real to them. This is the same for those in the spiritual dimension where their spirit body is functioning on a higher vibrational level. That which is beyond our senses is real to those who are not held down by Earths denseness in a higher vibrating dimension. Beauty in higher dimensions is almost impossible to compare or imagine for those dwelling in the created low vibrational dimension of earth.



In the spirit dimension sounds, colors, and even fragrant smells can make up a spirit beings name, or combination of names. There are highly developed spirit entities that are seen simply as multicolored rainbows because of how much they have progressed through the higher levels of the spirit dimension.



There are those in the spirit dimension which can lower their vibrations to where they can penetrate into our physical dimension. Everything in our world, including us, give the appearance of a shadow or reflection to them, to where they can perceive us, yet nothing impedes their movement as they pass through our dimension. There are also those who can walk among us for a limited time and appear physical and real to our senses.



Communication in the spirit dimension is accomplished by spirit beings sending and receiving pure thoughts. Thoughts in their pure form are not misunderstood. They convey the exact intended message as it was meant to be. Unlike the spoken word in our physical dimension which is commonly misunderstood in its meaning and content and therefore causes all kinds of problems and confusion.



The cycle of incarnations, or reincarnation as some call it is merely the process chosen by many spirit beings as a deeper way to advance or progress. One can progress just the same in the spiritual dimension without ever incarnating into a physical body in a physical dimension. It is up to the spiritual individual as to which path they choose.



Speaking of cycles, just know there are many different types of cycles connected to the Earth. Spiritual, mental, emotional and physical cycles; each individual is capable of experiencing these in the physical dimension. These experiences for the majority of humans are the same experiences that humankind has been facing for centuries. Yet, you now live in a different era of time, a different environment of advancement of humankind itself. The experience is still relatively the same basic experience you came to learn; how to get along with your fellow human beings, how to survive, and how to help one another or how not too.



Therefore, basic experiences run in cycles. An example would be that of a Caveman challenging another Caveman, fighting over an injured animal, both feels it is their property and that they have a right to it. That same learning