Anthology: Dare to Believe by Alexander Zielinski & Michael Burke - HTML preview

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Walking and physical activity on a daily basis, especially activity where the body is in contact with the outdoor elements, not indoor, are vital to energy vibration. Laughter is the best medicine because of the energy being expressed and the energy being felt by those who are in a group experiencing this.

Fear is the only thing that stops humankind from


becoming truly great on this planet. Stop fearing everything and start expressing love in all its forms; from the simplest kind act given to a total stranger, to expressing love on a larger scale. Try it; you have



nothing to lose except the fear that you yourself have created in this lifetime.





     If you and the person who just died did not have a very good relationship while they were alive, you may have mixed feelings about their death. Whatever transpired between the two of you while still alive, you may still harbor anger and/or hatred toward this individual. Your feelings now that they are dead may cause you regret or guilt that you could not or did not rectify the problem between yourself and the individual.

     What transpired between you and the now deceased individual may have been, for example, as basic as just not getting along, loss of love, not seeing eye to eye on most things, divorce and/or the like, or it could have been much more profound involving, for example, incest or rape, or something extremely negative or hurtful which caused you or them mental, emotional and/or physical pain. You may be the one who hurt the other, or you may be the one who w