Anthology: Dare to Believe by Alexander Zielinski & Michael Burke - HTML preview

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(Q)  Can you please explain what mankind calls an etheric double?


(A)  This is merely your energy, your spirit.  This is what currently fills your physical form and controls it; it is what exists beyond and without your physical body.  It has the ability to leave the body, and explore as it were, the area around it as well as other planes of existence and realms. These are often what a man may experience in dreams.  Women are often rehashing thoughts from previous lives or their immediate thoughts on their immediate life.  This is a natural part of your ‘body’ that many more will come to know and realize and will serve to explain many unexplainable occurrences that are experienced by many who refuse to believe on your life plane.




(Q)  Is global warming a real problem or is it simply something mankind has invoked to cause fear and for profit?


(A)  Global warming is a plan to allow man to realize the impact he has on the earth through commercial means.  There is much to understand that all humans, no matter their intent, leave a trail of debris on this earth.  There is much in that trail that is unnecessary and can be stopped.  Many feel better about recycling or using alternative ingredients. These are helpful but do not stop the overall impact when the better alternative is to find new ways of existence and means to our daily lives.  There is not much that is coming from it now since there is a fighting between science and the reasoning for it.  There are many times it should be experienced and mindful attention paid to the thoughts it creates, not the reasons why this situation is created.  There are many who blame god or some external forces.  There is much that is done naturally to promote this into the natural view but be aware that no matter what man does, nature will cleanse and repair itself if left to its own devices.  There have been many times in the history of human kind that men lived better with nature, they did not pollute for the sake of material wealth.  There was an understanding, a symbiotic relationship.  Give and take, use and then repair.  Today this is not the current overall view.  There are many who attempt to strike a balance but this may not help all those who are not working to even make amends through small tasks like recycling or using less.  This simply cannot continue and the great physical changes to your world will help right these actions which have gone on for so long.  There will be change, but not simply because of your pollution, though it is a contributor.  This is in place to cause a shift in thinking.  A new mental and spiritual age is coming, where items are created with purpose, not to squeeze the populace from energy and money.




(Q)  As the earth is undergoing physical and spirit evolutionary changes at this time, what can humankind do to help and/or assist?


(A)  There is much you can do.  Be aware of the energy around you and the environment that you create with your thoughts, actions, and energy.  This has a greater impact on the whole of man, and the spiritual realm, than what you may realize.  There is a great peace that is achieved by working to understand those around you, their reasons, and the world, and its direction.  Daily meditation is a wonderful experience that should be experienced by all and this will help each in the ways that it should, specific to each person.  Share knowledge, share wisdom.  There are those that will understand and many more will follow.  Some will only understand when there are more public experiences with it.  Some have a herd mentality.  There should be a greater understanding by all to delve deeper into news, information, and more.  Do not take things at face value.  Worry about your world, work to change it.  Worry shall be the motivation.  When there is fear that something is drastically changing beyond control this will cause many to change their view and create peace in their environment.  Work to create change and realize that resistance will first be expected but that there will come a time when the common practice is much different than what it is now.  Some will not be concerned and this is not for them.  When they become the minority there is no reason to scoff at them or return the negative energy in which they shared it onto your beliefs.  Be patient.  Work for understanding and life lessons that are universal to all beings.  Peace to all.




(Q)  What more can you share on root races and what the human race of today needs to know about them?


(A)  These are classes of people that come in waves and generations.  Each person may have a mission and goals to accomplish but an overall group that begins to enter the world has a higher purpose.  Each may be seen as a new age when they enter.  There are always higher goods to be done but these spirits enter the world with much more to work in as a catalyst for previous generations already on the planet.  They can begin seeding the planet with new ideas, new terms, learning and understanding the past and bringing it along to the new ways.  Each may also bring subtle physical differences which may not


seem visible, these are sublet changes in the evolution of man, in part because of man’s control over his physical realm, and others seen from your plane as needed improvements to come with the coming age and changes that will be experienced.  You can see this as marked time periods throughout history when there were major thought shifts, major developments in the society of man and the views expressed by them.  It is needed to be known that there are some changes that take millions of years, all improving the human experience or making it more worth-while to those who decide to venture into it.  Classes of people often do not understand those who came before them and as much as this is a learning process for those who are present, this is also a learning for those who are coming in.  To learn from the old, or accept it.  To experience it, to break free from it and to push on with the new for the better of the humans in this existence.  There are many who have outside influences from other races.  These are called ‘gemantrai.’  These are a combination or by-product of two or more species of existence mixing at any one time. These are not merely intermingling of animals as you might use that as an example. There are also changes and additions of DNA by other species to attempt to improve and contribute for the higher good of humanity.




(Q)  Isn’t gemantrai the name of a book?


(A)  This is the name so chosen to bring forth the information of spiritual beings and those that people call aliens. This term has many meanings.




(Q)  Is it necessary for man to punish man on this plane?


(A)  It is not necessary for man to pass judgment on another man for many reasons.  Your existence is only temporary, only you will judge your actions, and the actions of those involved may be for the experience that was brought forth for them.  There is much strife on your plane but there is always a need for those in a human existence to learn to forgo violence and hatred when they have been wronged, just as there is a need for those in a human existence to learn to stop hatred and violent actions.  This cannot be experienced on the levels of existence in the spirit dimension where you will return once your time in the human existence is complete.  You can promote peace and make information available to alternatives, but there will only be peace where you decide to create it in your own environment.  You cannot change others, only observe and allow them to be.  You should be peaceful first.  This will radiate to those around you and throughout many planes of existence.  Worry about others, or brining them to your thinking should not haunt you or frustrate you.  There are many who are not interested.  Making information, an alternative view, available to those on earth will allow it to be digested by those who are interested when the time is right for them.  Many come to a lifetime here for nothing but strife, hatred, violence, and evil or wrong deeds; there is no reason to judge them, for they are experiencing just as you have, though there focus may be on different areas than on what you are currently engaged.  You too were once in their shoes.




(Q)  How can humans know when a thought is from your own mind and when a thought is an idea from spirit?


(A)  There are many who will never know.  There are many great things that have entered your plane by way of information coming from a spirit guide or teacher.  There is much that flows between the two worlds as we are only as far away from you as your mind. You may know because of a change in impression or the tone with which the message is conveyed. Often the greatest communicators do not know that they are being guided, given impressions, or helped by a higher power; not necessarily a higher or better power, we say that here to emphasize the change in vibrational energy between the human form and a being of pure energy.  You can understand this change by way of using a telephone to those who have passed into another existence.  As long as the information is acted upon, that is what matters, and often times people lend more attribution to those who are guiding them when it is really on


the shoulders of those in the human life to make the decisions.  We can guide, not force or unfold the life for you.  We can see no further than most current actions though some major events are on your path no matter the changes you make unless severe freewill of you or others on your plane change it.  But there can be subtle correcting to bring you back to it in some manner.




(Q)  Is it possible for ectoplasm to now be seen or used effectively in light?


(A)  Ectoplasm can be used in light; this is coming to the world now.  Manny are developing this or returning to it.  There will be demonstrations of physical levitation and other physical evidences and examples of spirit energy manifesting through a medium in your lifetime on this plane.  Many have forgotten this, and though it may not seem helpful to all, the mere presence of something beyond their physical form may bring them to new understanding of compassion in this lifetime, though it is not necessary to have an interest or awareness of the sprit plane in order to progress in your human lifetime as it relates to your true life in the world of energy.



(Q)  How does light affect my communication with you?


(A)  Light has little effect on this communication though it may help to calm you sitting in dim or darkened rooms.  There will be a time when you will communicate with us without the use of a tool such as writing.  You will be able to clearly see if you chose it. You can acclimate yourself to this by sitting in a dim room and observing the images being brought to you.  This will soon develop into more as you grasp on and allow it to come to fruition in well-lit areas.  Often the sun will affect this ability but you will overcome this.




(Q)  How does suicide affect the individual soul who commits it?


(A)  This is no different an exit from your plane than any other manner of death.  This, as others, is a physical action manifested from the thoughts and stress that persist on one’s mind.  These can be overcome, and if not, there are many counseling sessions and advisements when that spirit returns home so that they can understand what torment they felt they were experiencing.  Often times this is a young soul, not many human life experiences, and this is something they must overcome in order to continue learning in the lifetimes of humans.  This is no more or less negative or positive than any other action taken on the earth plane.  Trial and error, education does not always come quickly, learning by doing.  Living the life is how we come to understand and know it.  Self-inflicted death only returns you home, but know that you will leave again to live in a human form once information has been passed to you so that you can again experience those same conditions and allow yourself to grow.  You choose these things in your path. You can overcome them.  There is no cheating and giving of more information in an attempt to stave off suicide in the next lifetime for not much about the energy existence is at first readily available to you when you return.  There are some ideas and knowledge that is in harmony with all beings who are not completely engulfed in nonsensical ideas on the physical plane, those who have greater information of spirit or those who involved themselves in it may also see it as a tool for overcoming what they fear are overwhelming circumstances, which are only situations to provide a specific circumstance for that soul’s development and to experience that certain set of situations.



(Q)  Can suicide be a lesson for individuals who are associated with the soul that committed suicide?


(A)  Yes, but more often it is a lesson for those spirits close to that particular entity.  This is a lesson in understanding and helping them to cope.  As parents, they have had direct contribution to the circumstances now presenting in a suicidal person’s mind.  They, as a group, must overcome these things and restore love.  Though it is also quite possible that the soul in question overcome these things alone and learn to live


without a certain support system, for we in human form are only responsible for our own development.  We can help others, but no one can make you come along the trail.  There is a loss experienced when a life is taken by one’s own control and that experience can be for those left in the workings of that lifetime.  There are many possibilities where watchers and teachers and observers can intervene but if a soul is so traumatized that it cannot continue and is not adjusting to the human form or its experiences, then it will be permitted and lessons in which that spirit may have brought lessons to others will still take place but by other means.  Simply juvenile problems that cause suicides are no less important or traumatic than those causes which others may also seem important.  The overall problem is lack of understanding of this entrapment in a human form for learning because of the forgetting of one’s true existence.




(Q)  What is the basic operation of Karma on our dimension?


(A)  Karma is simply the balancing of energy.  Laws put forth and even studies by Einstein may be considered universal laws as well as those he used as the foundation of his principals.  Energy only changes form, it is never lost.  There is always a reaction, in the same amount of energy, to that which is done by you.  It may not be in the same form, but it is still experienced, sometimes scattered, sometimes in one action, but it is always in the same measurement of energy.  This ensures direct learning by what one’s own actions are creating.  This is direct information on what one is doing but also by what one is thinking.  Like attracts like, a law of attraction is not merely a passing fad.  For what you do there is always a vibration with that of the similar.  There is a change coming where people will come to understand that energy must be balanced.  In this lifetime and with other lifetimes, though many are attempting to work out karma in current lifetimes, there is much that is done from one lifetime to the next to balance the energy that is doled out and experienced to ensure that there is a balance.  This does not always mean seemingly good is always balanced with what is called evil or negative, but that there is a set purpose for energy and a set level of energy.  Karma can be said to simply be the explanation and title assigned to that which is natural and universal, and even explained by your scientists, but this applies to much broader scale and to every aspect of life than what they currently know, but are coming to know.  There is a need for change in this thinking.  Some need to balance the experience with the opposite action by comparison. Others experience it and move forward but experience more because of the energy in their thoughts and actions. 



(Q)  Are we always subject to Karma?  Is it possible to rise above its influence?


(A)  It is always possible to create a new direction.  There are those who have created atrocities against life and may move from that quit quickly and do much good to balance the world in which so much negative energy was directed.  However there are some who will be seemingly trapped by it because they do not experience that act and then learn to move away from it.  Some repeat acts because they enjoy it but are counseled upon return to attempt to allow them to gain the knowledge that was contained within that action. There is much good in all, that is to say, there is the potential for the good in all to shine forth, but there is not always an influence of good.  It is possible to create what you wish to experience but know that certain trials will be experienced if you planned them before your experience on earth.  Emanating good will give you the impression of release from this karmic operation.  Though know that you attract what you do; you attract by actions and thought.  Know that you may commit a terrible act and you may see that in order to balance it you must be on the receiving end.  This is the case in some form, but know that you may have already done so in another life, or that you will in the next.  There is balance to everything.  A label of karma only explains the nature of balance in the universes and those planes the creator has developed.




(Q)  Are Akashic Records throughout all universes and


dimensions or does each have its own way of mapping out what occurs within its boundaries?


(A)  There are many areas where Akashic records exist, or are created, but there is only one central location where all beings can find and locate and browse them at their leisure. This reading can occur for learning purposes.  There is much that is done to create learning and this is a tool.  No deed or action is unrecorded; this is not for punishment or celebration but to learn from actions and situations which other life forms have found themselves involved.  There is a great passing coming to you where there will be a change and more information will be available to those who seek it.  Much of the information in the Akashic records can be viewed or read by those on your plane with the assistance of their guide or light being.  There is no need to worry about their contents for they only record unbiased information; there is no opinion in them.  All actions on all dimensions are kept within.  There are those that an entity may not understand because of the higher realms of beings that are creating them with their actions.  These are not to be read by those who are not yet ready to understand them.  There is a veil at times that is only lifted when a being has progressed to a level of spiritual understanding in order to know the things they are reading with better clarity.  Think of this in a similar way as you progress from infant to child throughout your lifetime in a human form.




(Q)  Why do people experience Déjà vu?


(A)  Déjà vu is the spirit form in your body remembering or reminding or allowing the physical body and physical mind to remind itself that there is already a familiarity with the events taking place.  This can happen for many reasons.  You may have already seen these events or situation take place by peering into the lifetime you are in before you were brought into it, or you were given the opportunity to see this situation as our physical body was at rest, or you knew that this situation was coming about, no matter the decisions you made, and therefore there is a knowing that is already present.  This is a sensation that is interpreted by the physical mind, yet it has no concept since most remembrances or familiarizations have firm grasp within the mind.  That is to say, you remember going to the store yesterday because you were there though you are thinking about it today.  The mind cannot always grasp that which is ‘otherworldly’ in nature and has many ways to interpret that which is not physical.  Déjà vu as you will call it is a guidepost, as you have read, allowing those with a knowing, the understanding that they are on the right path, though déjà vu does not have to be understood or experienced to be on the correct path or making ‘right’ decisions in this lifetime.  It is simply that life form’s body and spirit giving the head nod that signals the familiarity with this particular circumstance.  Not all will experience it though because not all are sensitive or in tune with their sensations, nor will they admit to it because their lifetime of learning does not permit them to.




(Q)  What purpose does Déjà vu serve?


(A)  It serves no ultimate purpose other than those who experience and will admit to it, will come to the conclusion that there is a life beyond the physical lifetime you are currently in and that there is more than simply the physical.  How could you have a familiar feeling of a conversation, event, or circumstance that you have not physically been to?  Your etheric body will release itself from your physical body and experience many things while at rest; this is another way a familiarity is brought about.  There is much to be learned by human forms so that there is less fear over ‘spooky’ subjects or that which religion has deemed dogmatic.  There are many in the U.S. that are coming to these ideas, but there are also many countries throughout the world that these topics are part of their culture and that have never left.  These are currently held beliefs that were never squashed by some overpowering religious force that attempted to stamp out alternate beliefs.  These are widespread beliefs that more and more are coming to, and awakening to, in the United States.






(Q)  Are Angels, Archangels, and the like just names we give to higher beings or do they exist in their own right?


(A)  There are many divisions or castes of beings though the names simply give recognition to the type of work they do.  Some have specific goals and specific areas in which they work.  There are so called Angels and many Archangels are higher beings returned to this other plane to help, others can travel between planes and provide help. There are many you can call on though many will not come because of name, simply because of the assistance or guidance needed.  There is a special type of being that is called an Angel and this is a specific function for them.  They do not guide in the same way as most other spirit guides or workers do, they have ascended much higher, they may be compared to the religious view of  gods simply because of their ability to intervene and offer assistance and ability to help many at once.  How do you think the world came to be?  The angels sent me here.




(Q)  What is the main purpose or reason that we experience dreams?


(A)  A dream can be many things and many times people discard them, this is why the ‘dream’ is not remembered.  You must teach your physical mind to remember them after being taught for so long that they are unimportant.  There is a chance for your body to relax and rest and repair and this allows the spirit, the real you, the energy, to leave the body and examine and learn, to bring back knowledge, to meet with advisors, or simply to stretch while returning home for a brief time, to be away from the depression, as you might call it, as we refer to the drop in energy vibration between your physical existence and that which we, on this side, experience in our non-physical form, beings of pure energy.  Dreams also create a release, or are a release for the at rest mind where it is cycling through the events that a being recently experienced.  There is no inhibition to prevent the mind from focusing on certain aspects; happy, positive, or negative and hidden while you are at rest.  There are many thoughts or actions that you may want to ignore in your waking life, the mind has the ability to uncover these, since you are not aware at the time, and bring them to the surface, in an attempt to understand or simply to access its library of information while there are not other thoughts or physical actions being managed that will clutter this thought.  Many experiences are simply you leaving your body, or the body attempting to understand the sensations the spirit has undergone. Attention should be paid to dreams and the state of dreaming.  You are experiencing your home, other actions that you will take or have taken, or your mind is helping you to understand the events of the day, or of the past.  There is much symbolism that can be confused but rather than directly interpret them you should focus on how they make you feel at first glance, the underlying motivation, the reason that this is being experienced by you at this point.  Look at what things you may be missing or overlooking.  If not, you are able to come back and do it again, in a lifetime or in another night of rest.  Important things, messages, will always come to the surface, no matter how murky the waters, it will all float to the top, eventually.




(Q)  Why have physical phenomena such as levitation, full materialization, and other things become so rare on the earth plane?


(A)  These are not as rare as many might believe. There is a time when this will be common place, much in the same way as any communication between planes.  You should understand that there is a culture present and mind set which punishes those who experience this.  There is also a mi