Anthology: Dare to Believe by Alexander Zielinski & Michael Burke - HTML preview

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(Q)  Please share information for the reason/purpose/consequences for those who   experience the seemingly never-ending sexual urges.


(A)  There are many urges that are natural to human existence and are part of your health books and biology classes.  However there are many other reasons why similar urges express themselves.  This urge is, at its basic level, a desire to create something.  To bring into being something from your mind and body, no matter if it is the words you write, music you write, a painting, something envisioned or created by you, a group started, anything that you wish to create.  Because this energy is not being expressed in these areas it is expressing itself in these sexual urges.  Many are focusing on these areas because there are those around you who also wish to express them in this manner so therefore you are finding the path of least resistance to balancing the energy.  This feeling you experience at time will continue until you create something of your own or focus on something more productive, something that creates a measureable end result.




(Q)  Please share information that should be included in my Reiki I class handbook. What is Reiki? Where did Reiki come from? What does a person have to do to use it?


(A)  There is nothing that the mind cannot accomplish and this is precisely what part of Reiki is accomplishing.  There is no specific Reiki; it is the mind intending to do good for the person or entity in question.  There is no specific healing skill that is acquired through

Reiki, just as there are many religions of the world there are many different modalities and terms for the same action, that action is healing, or the direction of energy, the channeling of energy with healing intent.  Your mind plays the largest role in all of healing.  There is no external force that can intervene to the same degree that your mind is able in order to generate a desired result in the physical body.  We ask you to consider your desired outcome and then see it in your body.  The second greatest physical intervention that you can take part in is the physical laying on of hands.  This energy differs from that of simply mind intervention because, when a different person other than you is used to deliver it, there is now the power of two.  There is the combined mind power and intention to heal rather than before when there was only one mind focusing on the healing quality.  At no time should there be reason to doubt this ability.  Reiki was not born from a mystical being or some divine imparting of wisdom.  There is wisdom that has been brought to this plane by those born into it because they have had this ability each and every lifetime.  There have been subtle nudges to some so that they remember this information and return to it.  There is no great being that is going to tell you how to heal since all of this is merely a matter of; literally, putting your mind over your matter and controlling your matter with your mind.  There is physical energy that comes through during energy healing and the direction of this healing; it is part through the person channeling and their own energy and a large bulk is sent from the world of energy, our plane, through the physical form channeling.  This energy does not differ because of an in between or channeler.  You may ask for this type of healing on your own and receive it. Much should be done to raise a person’s vibration through right thought and


right actions taken.  Do not simply learn to heal and deliver energy to fix acute problems, or other problems that have manifested in a person’s life, learn to create this same peace through your own daily actions and your own words, thoughts, and ideas.  To use this energy, to access it, you will simply need to work with an intention, you need to speak or mentally clarify this intention if you do not feel it necessary but the intention to heal or create repairing energy should be the basis of your actions.  Even those who are not aware of it are doing this.  They are not putting their hands on the body of another and doing nothing, they are doing this because they intend to bring forth the energy, and they intend to bring about a change within the energy or physical body of the person who is seeking Reiki or the energy.  There is no worry for anyone who feels that they must access this information through a higher being, either on your plane in a human existence or by using divine power and by calling on it.  The process in which a person can heal or heal others is simply the act of doing.  Intending to heal, specifically or generally, and then creating yourself as a channel and directing the energy over areas.  It is true, with your intention and with your guides assistance there is the ability of energy to travel in the body or energy field to where it is needed.  Because you place your hands or intention over a certain area does not mean that the energy will not flow to where it is needed if there is an area that is the true cause of the concern or if there is an area of greater concern than where you are focused at the present time.  Focus should be paid to the chakras and the energy system as it is known on your plane.  No matter the concern or ailment these are true energy centers and will aid in the dissemination of energy throughout the body. Directing energy to them will allow and aid and assist in opening them, attuning them, and filling them with energy so that the entire energy system shall be operational and function at the highest capacity, with its greatest good and full potential being used.


Remember - do not rely simply on Reiki or any other energy to fulfill your health and ailment remedies.  There is a concern that Reiki is not working because problems continue to reoccur.  This is not the fault of the energy.  This can be the fault of the diet or the action that the body is repeating which is serving the ailment or concern rather than the opposite and healthy end result.  Do not blame the energy; the energy cannot make constant repairs when you are doing work to block it.  The energy will always work but it will be undone should you continue to not make strides to achieve a healthy balance in your life.  Reiki is not simply waiving a magic wand.  There are many steps to health.  All of them should be studied to allow for the deepest and most thorough healing to take place as it concerns the human body.  A body is full of energy, energy that flows in and that flows out.  To create yourself as a channel for this energy it is imperative that you clear your mind; you begin first by living daily in actions of true and highest good.  This can be the smallest of actions, you do not need to be saving every human life on the planet, but be aware of your thoughts and actions and how they relate to others.  Be aware that there are others who you are able to assist and provide assistance to without detriment to your own progress.  Learn the right actions and true virtues.  There is no need to worry about things that do not matter.  It is important to learn to heal your own body, mind, and energy before you attempt to heal others.  You can use the focusing power of your mind coupled with healing energy or Reiki to accomplish this.  It is important that you develop a program of intention and mindful development should this be something you wish to develop and strengthen in your body beyond a parlor trick.  An athlete will not constantly ingest those things which are detrimental to their performance, should you wish to develop as a healing channel you should do those things which serve your highest good and your physical body.  Developing as a channel will take time.  The attunement process for Reiki is not imperative though it can serve to open many channels in your body and clear old energy to allow your work to have a greater impact.  It is a jumpstart to success.  Though you are already able to do this, this energy coming to you during an attunement will work to develop these skills in you.  Your intention and desire and motivation are also used in the attunement process.  You are working to achieve a healing function, skill, or capacity, the completion and the process of Reiki class and attunement will serve your psyche and your energy commitment to the progress you desire to achieve.

You can enable healing energy at any time.  There can be a word phrase or other cue to allow the mind to enter into a ready


state.  There will be guides that work with you, no matter if you call upon them or not, and a mental or verbal cue, even as simple as uttering ‘healing energy’ will serve their purpose as well as your own and will indicate the desire to pull this energy into your body and deliver it to a specific area.  Greater emphasis can be placed on speaking or mentally voicing an intention to heal or direct energy to a specific area or for a specific outcome, you can call your guides specifically if you desire. Your intention is everything.  Those who tell you that it is nothing are missing the body mind connection.  Even if they are not declaring an intention they are intending to heal simply by their actions, they hope to improve a condition, they hope to lift the spirits of the person requesting or needing the energy.  The more faculties that you have focused on the task will net a greater result in your healing ability.

It is important that you meditate, even for as little as thirty minutes per seven days. This will allow a strengthening and focusing of your mind.  Calling for your guides at the start of this session will allow them to work with you, to balance your body and lift your skill to a new height an elevated state beyond that of others, so that you may heal more effectively.  You may see this as an athlete practicing; improvement is only seen after the necessary time is developed in accordance with your intention to heal.

It is quite possible though to achieve results and direct energy without taking the time to have mindful study and balancing, simply stating, ‘healing energy’ and placing your hands on an individual will aid them.

Just as prayer sends energy so does your mind, this is the intention; this is the extra unseen work being done to further aid in the process.  There is no wrong way to do this, there is no negative interference that you can cause.  It is important to note that many things can be overcome, many will not be because of the mind of the receiver, and many may not be undone because of the physical body’s need to undergo a change.  Though you may not undo some seemingly terrible experience know that you are channeling healing energy into a body and mind and energy body of a being.  There is still work being done no matter how little is physically evident immediately following a Reiki or energy session.

Your skill will be developed to the level of your input into it.  The desired outcome you wish to achieve will be impacted by your energy input.

You can do this with mindful intentions or prayer, there is not have to be any specific religious context, there can be no religious context, there can be every religious context. It does not matter your affiliation or lack of one, it is the word spoken, the energy in the thought, the energy; both physical and non-visible, that achieve the desired outcome. These energies mass together to create, manifest and bring into physical existence the desired outcome.  Always working towards the highest good.

This is merely a vehicle for understanding and returning to that which you are already capable.




(Q)  Barry Martin, who uses automatic writing to channel President Kennedy, how accurate are his books and messages?


(A)  Barry Martin is correct; it is the time that is fluid.  The majority of information concerning events is dependent on many factors.  There is much being done to interfere with them, as they were planned, by those on your plane.  This is not a negative impact; this is for the evolution of the planet and the forms of life that humans take.  This interference and raising of their own energy and the slow awakening was not expected.  It is important to know that there is much done using your sources of communication and spreading of information that leads some to believe that their ideas or notions or beliefs are not shared.  It is not true.  Many share beliefs and hold values that are not expressed through these means.  It is important to isolate yourself from these types of information. There is much evidence that no matter your beliefs, you will begin to challenge them should you be open and allow them to impact you.  Do not allow others to cause doubt within you, learn to remove doubt from yourself.  There is much information within his books that should be understood and focused on by those in this time.  There is much in terms of outside influence, protection, and negative impact that is taking place on the planet.  There is much, just as on the surface, taking place.  There are many who enjoy the negative or lower vibration and accusatory and harmful war-like actions.  It is important to


know that you are here to evolve, simply because these beings that meddle are in a different form it does not infer that they are here in a higher vibration or capacity. There are many on other planes that can travel from period to period, plane to plane, it does not necessarily infer a higher vibration or different spiritual progress.  It is merely another life form that may be possible for you to take.  As there are many creatures on the earth plane there are many creatures and forms throughout existence.  It is important to know that the last word on truth is settled with the being receiving the information. Perspective may play a role in judgment but know that perspective and understanding can be changed and opened.  It is the attempt of many to share this information without bias. Speaking the word without certain motivations is difficult on your plane and there has been much to cause mistrust, therefore not a good deal of information is accepted by large populations of people because of their previous mistrusts.  There is a time for preparing and it should be enacted now; preparation in mind, body, and spirit for a change in mankind.  Though, it is not enough to sit by idly and wait for a change, it is important to choose to contribute to the mass change that is currently underway.  Soon the talking heads on the televisions and radio, newspapers, and other media will be a quiet whisper in society.  Currently they flex their grip over you by holding a select group of views and using only specific ideology.  It is important to know that these are not the beliefs of most people and even those who are not experienced in the human form, who have not had much experience in their spiritual path or many years in various lives, all of these will come to know truth, they read many things that are universally accepted and many beings will know this.  It simply takes time to break the masses out of information that has been given to them repeatedly in many forms of conveyance.  This is wrong information.  It is about control.  There will be change but there must be more done to convey the importance of change.  There is no outside menace that will involve itself directly and cause the overthrow of hostile governments.  There should be a stirring, an action within the people who are experiencing this punishment, this negative role of an exalted dictator and the controlled masses.  People must change and speak out.  Even doing nothing is simply not acceptable.  Speaking to others, even in a passive manner, will plant seeds, will share information.  Soon it will be unavoidable the thoughts of man and how wrong they truly are, they will come to know the true meaning of existence. Much is fluid, much based on times and calendars are impacted by actions and the thoughts, minds, and energy of those on your plane.  There can only be a desire on our side to show you the way, to hope the best for you, to show you unconditional love and hope that you share it with your neighbors, but in most circumstances we cannot directly intervene.  Many uprisings are from the initiative of one.  He may have had a slight push because of predetermined beliefs prior to his arrival in a human spirit but there will be much that people come to on their own, even while in the rigid confines and structure that this present society has boxed every single mind into.  There will be a time of greater change, it is important to know that this is ongoing, that it is not subtle and it is not grand, it is continuous.  There will be an expungement from the earth.  Many will not change, many will experience new lifetimes in other areas.  Barry Martin may touch on this, it is his work that President Kennedy influences and is not outwardly available or recognized in mainstream press.  It is important to know that this information is true and correct. Know truth, know that there are some things that are only true for some, only true for certain groups, only true for certain individuals.  Know this is why many things are true for some and not true for others even though they believe them to be universal truths. This does not include earthborn manmade concepts, only those that can be experienced in every form of existence.  Peace to all.  Accept nothing as evidence of itself at first.




(Q)  What is the basic process that occurs when a spirit guide in one dimension transfers information to a medium in our dimension?  How many spirits must be involved to form the energy required for this process?


(A)  The energy required varies depending on the manner of the manifestation.  There are many present but not all contribute in the same manner.  Much is done to prepare an entity for transference of information prior to the transfer


taking place.  There are energy adjustments and chemical alignments necessary for most communication.  Many can return to your plane without much assistance and complete this tasks, others need to have this work done at a later time or a retuning because of the detriment caused to the body by living this physical existence.  No matter if it is done on the earth or it is done prior to birth, the same work is done, again, in addition, this process may be restarted or recalibrated due to the spirit’s ability to manipulate the body negatively through physical means.  There are separate entities which will work with each being in order to deliver information.  Often times there is not one singular person or entity conveying this information.  Many of those on your plane who are capable of giving information may assign a name to the messenger, or they may assume it is their highest or closest companion from this world as you live in yours.  They may use this name but this is not the sole entity that brings information for them to share.   During communication there may be the use of the guide to relay the information or the information may be direct from the chosen entity.  Often a guide or spirit advisor from the questioner will provide information.  The process in this regard depends highly on the vibrational level of the channel as well as the congruence between the sprit guides in question.  Some may be harmful or otherwise incompatible with the channel; these will not be allowed within proximity of the channel, though they may converse with the spirit guides or observers of the channel.  The energy may come from our plane or it may come from yours, in most events there is a combining of energy.  More energy is needed depending on the method of communication manifestation that is being used.  Each requires different energy and different types.  There may be a greater need for energy drawing from your world, or from ours.  On your side this can from other willing physical living participants, or the ambient energy that is existent in air, earth, water, the natural life giving elements.  There is much that you do not know about this and we will do our best to share and enlighten you.  Though you must understand that there are many terms and processes which may compound your confusion or illicit such a reaction from your curiosity that there will be only further questioning to a point where no discernable information can be gathered by you because of the subtle processes used and their explanations.  Know there is much to transfer energy, all actions and thoughts are energy.  They are transferred quite similarly as you would transfer a telephone call to another part of the world.  A connection is created, a vibration must be raised in the channeler and the ability to focus on the task being conducted is important.  It is important to maintain the human body of the channel. Much information is shared when the difference in energy is similar or reaching a closer point.  There are those on this side, our side who can make this difference less and less with little effort, and for some it takes many entities working together to bring about this lowering and raising of energy to facilitate a closeness in mind and harmony and resonance so that the thought transfer can be conducted and maintained.  Various means of communication all take part in the same way, through it is the physical body that may interpret it as hearing, feeling, or seeing, simply because these are the areas which have been focused and energy directed.  There are other specific types that may be accomplished but all work on the same basic principles.  A channel is created, then a thought, the energy travels that communication pathway to the human body, containing a spirit in the human existence, and the information is shared.  In the same manner, trance will take place but rather than share your thoughts with that person expressing the skill to channel information and messages, the thought is not transferred, the physical energy of the entity is traversing the pathway and inhabiting the physical body, or they are able to use the pathway to send their energy through, as a telephone may be picked up and listened to and spoken to, this is true for manipulation of the pathway to deliver information.  There is no need to worry about your communication.  It is clearer; there will be an impact on your energy field to allow trance communication to take place.  It may be possible to complete this skill at a later date, while in the absence of any other human, and verified using a recording device.  This can build your skill and efficiency. Later you will have this ability to share with others.  You are close to this now.  There is much being done in your physical body and energy field to align your energy and physical makeup to allow this to take place.  Questions could be asked now during your development but it is imperative that the mind not overshadow the physical or energy bodies and that the mind not jolt the physical body and


make it completely aware of what is taking place.  Intend for your communication to take place, allow and give permission for those you wish to allow their energy to enter and those who are permitted to communicate with you should be given your permission to do so.  There will only be a select few, who can communicate through you, though they have information from many sources, they are not limited.  These entities will begin to attune themselves to you and have begun to work on this process in subtle ways within your energy system.  It is important to maintain the diet to allow proper nutrition for this to take place without the distraction of the energy contained within these foods.  Many guides and companions, working towards the same mission, will accomplish the same task, all is energy, and this is the manner in which it is transferred.  It may be many times before the energy is transferred successfully but this process is the same for delivery of any manifestation. Physical manifestation is, again, the transfer of energy, though a different type.  They are being used, the energy of the channel, to bring forth the entity so that they may manipulate the physical energy of the human body and extract from it what is necessary to create a physical apparition.  Each time a communication or manifestation takes place this communication channel is created.  You can see it as a tunnel or a tube between two separate destinations, depending on the work that has been done to maintain this channel or tube, the information coming through will vary, this too is depending on the mind of the individual channel and what they hope to achieve, what they have worked to achieve, and what they will allow to achieve.  All is, as always, dependent on the mind.




(Q)  How was the earth first populated?  How was the earth first populated with the human form we have presently?  Was there an outside influence or population that impacted the earth and its type of population?


(A)  This is an ever changing dynasty in terms of life and existence on the plane in which you currently reside.  There have been many forms.  Though many are not truly dependent on the spirit that inhabits them there have been changes to allow for greater interrelationships between the life forms and for subtle returns to the higher planes that are accessible by all.  There are many things that have contributed to the expansion of the race of human beings that are currently on the planet.  You are not here for punishment, you are here for growth.  The physical properties, the chemicals, your DNA, are made up of many different living things.  There have been outside influences to all of humanity and to specific races.  Many differences you see now in humans and their origins refer and include many interferences or bindings’ from beings outside this planet you currently reside.  Many of these interferences were to attempt to eliminate things that were defects caused by your own manipulations or thought processes.  It is not important to know the complete history but to know that you are a conglomeration in this form of many inputs and outcomes that have been experienced by men since they were first inserted here and filled with the energy being needed for growth and expansion.  It is possible to say that those here need more growth than others but this is untrue because all are growing, there is no top at which you begin laziness and idleness because you have stopped working, there is not a point at which work is done, and there is not a point at which you cease a purposeful existence.  There is a time when there will be more information shared about this.  You can find some of these texts in your world presently but there is much information that was unfiltered and unexplainable by those receiving the information so it will not be as clear as you wish it were to have been received.  It is important to know that you are not alone.  No matter the type of being or entity, or even with comparison to those on your plane that are living things, all share basic building block concepts to allow the physical form to be produced.  There are many creatures on your plane that were brought from other areas to allow assistance and guidance and understanding to be experienced.  These have been experienced by many as other worldly creatures though all are from the creator be they directly from that creation or from the manipulations of off earth beings who have brought a creation to it.  All share the same building concepts. There is not a change in entity complexity because of the physical appearance.  Many are the same.  Many are able to communicate with you.  Just as there should be no hate or worry between life forms on our planet there should be no


worry of those from beyond it. Many have come to help you.  You are the planet that we are all waiting for to catch up. It is possible to consider that greater improvements need to be made here but improvements need to occur throughout all of creation that is or ever shall be.  There is no need to worry on the purpose of your existence, you are here experiencing.  You should find joy in things and attempt to share into the world that which you know to be good.  It is not important to expand your knowledge in the ways of healing arts any further;