Anthology: Dare to Believe by Alexander Zielinski & Michael Burke - HTML preview

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     Lucifer the so-called angel or devil never truly existed as an individual or energy being.  Lucifer was not a fallen angel from heaven.  This was just a fabricated story placed in the holy books of certain religions in order to show the difference between good and evil, right and wrong.

     Religious authority used this as a means to control the uneducated and superstitious masses and to ensure that their authority and rules would be obeyed.





     God, the Source of all Life never gave to humankind a set of commandments to live by.  Such commandments would have negated the Soul’s use of free will and limited their ability to create while in the human form.  The Ten Commandments were put into the bible as a control measure by the ruling religious authority of the time in order to control the uneducated and superstitious believers.





     This is simply a detailed plan of the life we wish to experience on our next incarnation into a human form.  It contains, but is not limited to, when and where one will be born


on the earth.  Will you be male or female?  You may choose the type of parents you require and so on.  All major lessons and experiences are worked out and agreed upon with your spiritual advisors before you incarnate.  Yet, with free will, your plan may be altered after you start living your physical life.  Your guide/spirit doctor will still try to steer your lessons into your path to be experienced no matter what course you follow.





     Cancer is a commonly used disease by many Souls to force them to take note of their life.  Cancer can be something an energy being programmed into their human life to force them to confront the lessons of unconditional love as a means to further their spiritual growth, and/or the growth of those close to them.

     Cancer is just one of the many diseases Souls use to pull them out of the complacency they have followed in their life.  Sitting in front of the TV, computer or electronic device all day in mindless pursuit does nothing to help us with the true lessons we came to experience in this dimension.  So cancer and other diseases force you to refocus yourself on the true path you wanted to experience; that of advancing your soul through the lessons of unconditional love.

     Cancer for some is how they chose to exit this physical world.  That type of death will also have a profound impact on that individual’s family and friends.  Giving them the lesson, whether they learn it or not, that they too should not waste their life on mindless pursuits.  Using your free will and allowing your life to be consumed by only sports, computer games or other mindless endeavors, for example, will not help you accomplish the lessons and experiences you chose to assist in your spiritual advancement. 

     So if cancer or some other major disease comes into your life; take stock of what it is trying to teach you and what is truly important that you need to take with you from this life you are living.







     Chakras are contained within the physical body’s gland systems.  Chakras vibrate and spin.  There are seven major chakra centers and many minor chakra centers that splinter off from the seven major centers that form a continuous energy flow when all have been activated and opened.

     The Crown Chakra is found at the top of the head area and harmonizes with the pineal gland, which is in control of the brain and nervous system.

     The Brow Chakra is found in the middle of the forehead where the ‘third eye’ is noted to be.  It harmonizes with the pituitary gland, which is in control of the forehead region, temples and carotid system.

     The Throat Chakra is found at the base of the throat area, which harmonizes with the thyroid gland which controls the throat, neck and brachial system.

     The Heart Chakra is found in the center of the chest area.  It harmonizes with the thymus gland, which is in control of the heart, lungs and both the cardiac and circulatory systems.

     The Solar Plexus Chakra is found between the breastbone and the belly button.  It harmonizes with the pancreas.  It controls the intestines, stomach, eyes, liver, skin and the muscular system.

     The Spleen Chakra is found in the abdomen and harmonizes with the gonads.  It controls the reproductive system.

     The Root Chakra is found between the sex organs and the anus area.  It harmonizes with the adrenal glands, which control the skeletal framework; including the legs, feet, ankles and teeth.  It also controls the spinal cord, bladder and the lymph system.

     These seven major energy centers are linked to your etheric double.  Opening up these energy centers raises your vibrational level to aid in psychic/mediumistic development for those so inclined.





     This type of information comes more from a collective


group rather than a single entity.  The information brought through this type of communication is generally more for the overall well being of humankind as a whole, rather then for a single individual. 





     Also called a Spirit Doctor only comes to those who have chosen to develop some form of mediumship in the physical world.  His main function is to balance the chemicals in your physical body which will be required for developing and/or sustaining mediumship ability(s).  Adding and/or subtracting certain chemicals to keep your body balanced as you bring forth mental and/or physical mediumship.






     This is a form of mental mediumship (to hear clearly) where the auditory information coming from a spirit being (usually form the mediums Inner Circle) is received by the medium as a voice they hear inside their head. 






     This is a form of mental mediumship (to sense clearly) where information is not ‘seen or heard’ but comes in the form of a ‘feeling or sense’ that the medium picks up on as an overall impression.





     This is a form of mental mediumship (to see clearly) where a spirit being (usually from the mediums Inner Circle) sends thought impressions which the medium registers in their mind.  These thought impressions come in many forms; the medium may see faces, entire bodies, places, objects, events, and/or a combination thereof.





     For those who have encountered ‘Sudden Infant Death Syndrome’ or what is more commonly called ‘Crib Death,’ here is the major explanation for this occurrence.  Once the mother has given birth, from that point up until the approximate age of two years old, the new soul that has incarnated into this world through the baby’s body has a decision to make.  It can choose with its free will to stay and work on the lessons it chose to experience or it can back out of that planned life and simply leave and return to the world of spirit.

     If it chooses to vacate the body, the baby’s shell simply dies.  With no soul inside the physical body, it stops functioning and shuts down.  So if there is no medical reason found for an infant’s death, the soul itself left for reasons only known to it.

     Doctor’s then unable to find a medical cause term it to be a ‘Crib Death.’  The soul leaves the physical body not to punish the parents (even though it may be a spiritual lesson for the parents) but for its own personal reasons seeking the best life possible to help it advance spiritually.





     Death is simply like opening a door and walking through it.  There you find yourself back at your true home, with your true friends, companions and family who rejoice at your return.  You completed that lifetime; learning and experiencing as much as you could or couldn’t, and now you returned home.  You will be waiting to greet those loved ones you left behind on earth when they have finished their lifetime and they cross over.  You will rejoice with them at their special reunion.

     Yes, many people fear death because of their religious faith and/or upbringing.  They fear the ‘Hell’ that was programmed into them by their religious beliefs.  Religion told them they ‘Sinned against God’ and therefore they must be damned to a


burning Hell with Satan torturing them throughout eternity.  But once they cross over and meet with their friends and loved ones, they will then realize there is no Hell or Satan or other such negative things waiting for them.  Religions of the world use such devices to control the people, so they will obey the rules and authority of those holding religious power.

     Humankind created religions, not God.  God, the Source of all Life loves all his creations unconditionally.  But if you wish, it is your right; you have free will to believe in such things as Demons and Devils if you so choose.  Once you die and your soul crosses back over to the spirit dimension and you see that those negative things were simply put there for your learning and spiritual growth, you will be truly elated at that discovery.

     Some people say the loss of a child is the most severe loss one can experience, but that is not true.  Anyone who loses a mother or father, a wife or husband, a brother or sister, a son or daughter, a true friend or companion, or even a beloved pet; that loss to ‘them’ may be the most devastating loss in their life.  Each person experiences the los of a loved one in their own way.  No one can measure how much grief we will go through or for how long it will take us to come to terms with our personal grief.

     Those who die and cross over to the other side are extremely grateful to return home.  No longer bound to a physical body, they no longer suffer from any disease or physical pains of any type or degree.  They are once again whole and full of vitality; where there is no aging process or limitations to experience as they did in the human form.  Unconditional love envelops them on a continuous basis in the spirit dimension.  As beings of pure energy they do not need food, water, shelter or oxygen to sustain their soul or etheric form.

     Since we incarnate to planet Earth to learn and experience many things we cannot experience in the spirit world, each lifetime is very important to each one of us.  These lifetimes we venture into help us grow spiritually.  They help us understand the true nature of God and allow us to become more God-like in our own patterns of growth.

     So no matter when someone dies and returns home, just realize it was their decision to leave at that point in time and to leave in the fashion that they left.  How old they were when they died and returned home was their choice.  Some souls need only a short lifetime to accomplish their goals.  The method they use to return home is their choice; to die in a plane crash, a vehicular accident, to be murdered, to take their own life, to die from old age; your exit from this physical world was decided by ‘you’ before you were born.  These avenues of death were chosen by the individual Soul themselves and no one in their family or friends caused or aided in their demise, other then what the individual Soul allowed.

     Some worry that physical death is a painful experience.  Fear not, for the Soul feels no pain as it leaves the human form to return home.  Only the physical body that your soul resides in can feel pain.  Many times the soul leaves the body seconds before death overcomes the physical form.  For example, if you chose to leave this world through a devastating car crash, just before the impact that will cause your body to die, your soul removes itself from your body so that it does not experience the pain or trauma of the death.  Your soul will simply find itself standing outside of its previous home observing the final events of that lifetime playing out before it returns to the spirit dimension.

     So do not dwell on how someone leaves this world, for they did not experience any pain or suffering unless it was something they wanted to experience for their personal spiritual advancement.





     This is the soul form in your human body remembering or reminding or allowing the physical body or mind to remind itself that there is already a familiarity with the events taking place.  This can happen for many reasons.  You may have already seen these events or situation take place by peering into the lifetime you are in before you were brought into it, or you were given the opportunity to see this situation as your physical body was at rest, or you knew that the situation was coming about, no matter the decisions you made, and therefore there is a knowing that is already present.

     This is a sensation that is interpreted by the physical mind, yet it has no concept since most remembrances or


familiarizations have a firm grasp within the mind.  That is to say, you remember going to the store yesterday because you were there though you are thinking about it today.  The mind cannot always grasp that which is ‘otherworldly’ in nature and has many ways to interpret that which is not physical.

     Déjà vu as you will call it is a guidepost allowing those with a knowing, the understanding that they are on the right path, though déjà vu does not have to be understood or experienced to be on the correct path or making ‘right’ decisions in this lifetime.

     It is simply that life form’s body and soul giving the head nod that signals the familiarity with this particular circumstance.  Not all will experience it though because not all are sensitive or in tune with their sensations, nor will they admit to it because their lifetime of learning does not permit them to.





     Depression, like stress, is an action on the physical mind in an attempt to rid the soul of an action or set of feelings, which do not agree with that physical or energy of that individual.  There is often no way perceived for that individual to remove the thoughts or negative energy, but this depression or anxiety is the only physical way the human body knows how to cope with what actions or thoughts the mind is repeatedly engaging in.

     These are caused by actions that are against the individual’s true and higher self.  Positive change must be made in order for the depression to move away and the individual to move out of it.

     There is no pill that will bring this change; this must be physical, emotional, mental change and changes often in beliefs and views that the individual holds true on this dimension.  There is no reason to feel less welcome with others, or to yourself, because others feel you are depressed.  If you are depressed by past actions, then you are to learn from these actions and move beyond them.

     If you are unable to cope with past actions it is important to move beyond them and make changes to undue that action from ever taking place for yourself or for another person.  Depression should be seen as another motivation for change but many people are comfortable to sit in it because society has the mentality that a pill will fix their life.  Even though their mind is not ultimately affected by that pill which affects only the physical make-up of the chemistry of the body; action and true change from within will move you out of the self imposed depression. 

     Whatever situation or person that has caused you harm or mental anguish, do not be concerned with measuring up to others expectations.  Make positive changes in your life for your benefit and do not bend to the will of others simply to appease them, thus pushing you into depression by going against your higher self and the lessons you chose for this lifetime.





     When it comes to nourishing the human form, be sure to consume things that are natural, non-synthetic and were created for healthful operation of your body.  Be sure you understand there is much on food labels that are masked and concealed so that a consumer may not at first glance know what is truly contained within the product.

     You need to look very closely to see what you are ingesting.  Some foods considered healthy by society will not always turn out to be so.  Many processing methods now used in the food industry remove the needed nutriments the body requires for optimal health, by modifying food items in negative ways that were never intended for human consumption, yet used for monetary gain by the food industry.

     Many additives and chemicals are added to processed foods which cause long term health problems for those who consume such items on a regular basis.  Read carefully what is listed on food and drink labels before you allow those unneeded items to cause a negative impact to your overall health.

     Changing your diet can have a tremendous impact on your physical well being.  Add more ‘raw’ fruits and vegetables and ingest less heavy meats to improve your immune system.






     A dream can be many things and many times people discard them, this is why the ‘dream’ is not remembered.  You must teach your physical mind to remember them after being taught for so long that they are unimportant.

     There is a chance for your body to relax, rest and repair and this allows the soul, the real you, the energy you, to leave the physical body and examine and learn, to bring back knowledge, to meet with spirit advisors, or simply to stretch while returning home for a brief time.  This allows you to be away from the depression, as you might call it, as we refer to the drop in energy vibration between your physical existence and that which we, in the spirit dimension, experience in our non-physical form (beings of pure energy).

     Dreams also create a release, or are a release for the at-rest mind where it is cycling through the events that a person recently experienced.  There is no inhibition to prevent the mind from focusing on certain aspects, positive or negative, and hidden while you are at rest.  There are many thoughts or actions that you may want to ignore in your waking life, the mind has the ability to uncover these, since you are not aware at the time. And bring them to the surface in an attempt to understand or simply to access its library of information while there are not other thoughts or physical actions being managed that will clutter this thought.

     Many dream experiences are simply you leaving your body, or the body attempting to understand the sensations the soul has undergone.  Attention should be paid to dreams and the state of dreaming.  You are experiencing your true home, other actions that you will take or have taken, or your mind is helping you to understand the events of the day, or of the past. 

     There is much symbolism that can be confused but rather than directly interpret them you should focus on how they make you feel at first glance, the underlying motivation, the reason that this is being experienced by you at this point.  Look at what things you may be missing or overlooking.  If not, you are able to come back and do it again, in a lifetime or in another night of rest.  Important things, messages, will always come to the surface, no matter how murky the waters, it will float to the top eventually.




     This material is produced and drawn from a physical medium usually while the medium is in a trance state.  This substance is used by those in the spirit dimension to bring forth physical phenomenon such as full materialization, partial materialization, levitation of people or objects (such as trumpets) and the like.

     No special diet is required for the medium to produce ectoplasm with the exception of adding beef to the diet, which assists the mediums chemist (spirit doctor) in balancing the chemicals needed to produce ectoplasm already found in the human body.

     Ectoplasm can be visible or invisible to the human eye and may also be made to appear in any of the primary colors visible to humankind.





     EVP is simply where energy beings use such devices as telephones, computers, cell phones, tape recorders and the like to communicate to those in the physical dimension.  Radios and televisions set on unused channels are used to transmit EVP by energy beings as well. 





     There are energy beings that cannot experience emotion as you in the human form would interpret it in your current existence.  There are many who simply interpret a vibration, or a color, or who have none of these and may only communicate, though communication is through various means, there is no emotion as you understand it now in your physical body. 

     Many do not feel with the same methods and senses of measurement that your body or soul uses now.  You in the human form use verbal inflection, feelings and emotions to communicate between each other in the physical dimension. 

     When you leave your physical body and return to your true home in the spirit dimension you will no longer suffer the


misinterpretation of the spoken words or actions as you do when in the human form.  Energy beings in the spirit dimension send and receive thoughts, which in there pure form is not misunderstood.  Thoughts convey the exact intended message as it was meant to be.

