Anthology: Dare to Believe by Alexander Zielinski & Michael Burke - HTML preview

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     For the Aquarian age to usher in a new era of positive light, the corrupt, immoral elite must be summarily dethroned.   If they are not removed from power, all societies will not be able to live side by side in peaceful coexistence.

     Without sweeping change the world as we know it is doomed to war, terrorism and economic chaos.  Mother Earth cannot and will not accept such a situation in the future as she moves through her ascension.

     The wealth must be shared equally among all humankind or war and chaos will never cease. There is a change and shift coming.  You have been reading about this.  Those who want the freedom of mind and spirit will experience it soon.  There is a great unlocking taking place of energy that will allow this to take place.  It is important for soul development.

     There needs to be less focus on that which you cannot bring from lifetime to lifetime.  There is a simple saying which has echoed throughout the ages and in many forms; if you cannot take it with you, why is it worth your time?  There is no need for excessive personal affects when there is much more that is being neglected spiritually.  Items do not bring happiness.  Happiness in action and thought brings happiness.  There is much that can be learned by a life of simplicity, minimalism, and yes, even poverty.  Stress can often be experienced by all of these items rather than bring happiness.

     Entertainment is received by helping the family member, helping someone who, were it not for you, would not have been able to achieve something great, or something simple.  The kindest action is not measured in the grandness that it might create, but from the motivation you used to help that person.  You are able to create peace, please focus on things with lasting results. 

     Those who work together for the greater good will prevail, while those who do not will pay a severe price.  Our power hungry materialism will not be tolerated in the new future Mother Earth is creating.

     In order to bring about change in our world we must change ourselves first.  Inner peace can be found through forgiveness of oneself and of all others.  Examine your life before you dare judge another’s life.

     There is only one Supreme Creator of All which encompasses all universal multidimensional consciousness.  The belief in the Creator, that one source of all life, is what is important to humankind.

     The Creator gave life to all living things, and therefore all creations are to be unconditionally loved.  For all are living expressions of his unconditional love.

     Look to Mother Nature to see the marvelous creations that abound.  Even a common blade of grass is created so perfect, that no human scientist can possibly re-create what the Creator has brought forth.

     We must allow ourselves to open up to those creations, and feel the connection and oneness between us.  Then we can find peace within ourselves. 

     Once we experience this inner joy for ourselves, we then can assist others on their inner path to discovery.

     Ascension is simply the journey you have undertaken in order to master the seven major zones and their sub-zones.

     That revelation then brings you to the truth, that you were never truly separated from the Supreme Creator of All.





























     This is not for humankind to fully understand.  It is a lesson for many to learn in order to understand this great choice.  There should be acceptance of this practice, though the goal should be to overcome the fear, worry and selfishness associated with it by those who are wishing to carry it out.

     God understands when and why some women choose abortion.  Through free will God allows them to exercise their decision as it pertains to their soul path.  God will not judge you for your decision, only you judge your life for the decisions you make based on the lessons you chose to learn and experience.

     Those who are ‘pro-choice’ and those who are ‘pro-life’ are both correct in their decisions they make concerning abortion.  It is a learning experience no matter which path you choose.





     There is much adjustment that takes place in your life depending on your free will so that events that are planned may take place.  That is, not the specific event in most cases, but the event that brings about the desired experience or goal that ‘you’ planned to achieve and experience in this lifetime.

     There are many things that influence free will and influence events in your lifetime.  Many things are planned, simply because they appeared accidental or inconsequential makes them no less important, though they might be.  An accident can bring your attention to an area that you were neglecting, even in terms of thought, though the accident may have some physical impact.  There may also be implications for your emotions.  It is important to adjust your thinking to understand that there are no negative actions.

     There are many things that unfold so that the desired plan, that which you were counseled and chosen to experience with your desire, that these things be accomplished.  You may learn love, for example, through any number of experiences.  So it is not dependent at all times that you meet a specific individual or care for an individual so that a bond is formed or any other part of love or caring for it to be experienced.

     There are times when it is very dependent on the person because of their path and yours and how they interrelate.  But many goals and experiences will be brought about by the circumstances no matter how your free will has intertwined with your plan.

It is of utmost importance to keep your mind open and clear and not worry on how the event was formed, but to understand that causal reasons, those important beyond the physical world, examine those that you will carry with you after your physical death.  Examine these reasons, the motivations and the areas being affected.  These are what often determine growth or an area to review for some potential lesson or meaning after you have come through physical death.

     It is not necessary at all times to feel as though you experienced a specific incident and then reacted poorly to it, though you may not understand the process now, you will understand, or you still may not, upon your exit from this physical dimension.  Your reflection on this situation and understanding the correct or universal response that may have been more positive is as useful as if it were your initial response.

     Typically, it is not known by you whether this also was the required response for the growth of yourself or others involved, though all actions should be considered and reviewed on terms of how you feel much later, after the incident.  Were you better off because of your reaction to the accident or were you feeling as though you reacted negatively towards yourself or others involved.  These are important if you are considering growth and evolution in your lifetime and beyond it.

     Please understand that it is important that all individuals know of lifetimes, or what is termed an incarnation; there is much said to deter any thought or thinking as if there is no life beyond that of the grave.  That there is no impact, as if this is the only life they are ever given to live and experience.  It is important to know that you will live many lifetimes, and upon return to your true home, you will have the opportunity to review each previous lifetime, to examine and understand in order to aid in advancing your spiritual growth.

     There are also many things that may not be depending on


this knowledge for you, but to understand this is to remove one’s self from the hold, control, ill focus and motivations that many hold.  Process information as you receive it, but it is never impossible to examine a chain of events or a situation while you are involved in them.  When there is a pressing situation at hand you can learn to recognize the correct behavior.  Many may call this listening to their inner voice or angel, but being developed enough to understand your own intuition or guidance is important.  It should be noted that all should attempt to withdraw from all outside stimulation at least one solid hour per week, and this is known as meditation, and there are many benefits to this being completed.  Pleasing the self is not as important as developing the self.  Waking hours are spent too often on that which causes the mind to be idle.

     There are no accidents, so if your loved one died from what someone would call an accident, just know it was a planned event by that individual.  Not to cause pain or suffering or to punish someone who is left behind, but simply en ending to a lifetime in which they had completed their chosen lessons and experiences.  The lessons they could not or did not learn in that lifetime will be reviewed by them on the other side and they will then program those missed experiences for their next lifetime.  There are no lost opportunities for a Soul’s advancement.





     ‘AIDS’ for example is kind of like when Adolf Hitler of Germany allowed millions of Jews to be destroyed during the Holocaust, it serves a dual purpose for the benefit of mankind.  Not only does it teach a global lesson about the destructive nature of war, it also teaches individual lessons for those living in the physical world, and it helps Mother Nature balance and de-populate the Earth.

     If there were no diseases and disasters on Earth, humankind would not have the opportunity to reach out, to be more loving, more understanding toward each other in times of crisis.

     When those Higher Beings in the spirit dimension observed that humankind in the beginning only perceived ‘AIDS” to be a ‘gay’ disease, then it was decided for the benefit of all humankind to allow this disease to spread.  Women, children and so-called ‘straight men’ became infected in order to gain the attention ‘AIDS’ was to have fostered in humankind to begin with.  In order to force individuals to react and evolve in order to advance in the way of building spiritual character, which leads to a better understanding of unconditional love.





     There are many reasons and many forms of addiction, but there are many who do not seek to remedy the underlying cause, but simply seek only to address the outward expression of the addiction.  For many, not all, to identify the true cause may be simply to ask yourself what it is you are trying to avoid or escape from in your life. Once you realize the true cause and stop the addicting behavior, you must make a positive change to remedy the original cause, or you will open yourself to new addictions.

     Addiction is simply a signal to a person to let them know there is an area of their life, be it concerning health or an energy imbalance, that a problem exists and that they need to take action to correct the imbalance.

     An individual can trace back to the source of their problem, on their own, and even without assistance, to develop a plan to eliminate the addiction as they come to understand the true reason for their addiction.

     (For those individuals who still feel they cannot face up to what is the true cause of their addiction may seek short term help from the medical community.  Just remember, pills only mask the symptoms and do not correct the true cause of the addiction.  Medications themselves can become an addiction.)





     Your mind is the key element for using affirmations.  Repeating positive words or short phrases on a regular basis condition your subconscious mind to act upon that which you are trying to achieve or correct with your body/ mind.  Examples of positive affirmations for better health would be;


(“I have a healthy and complete body”) or (“My body heals on every level”).  You may apply affirmations to any positive area of your life, and remember not to use negative words in your affirmation such as; No, Can’t, Stop, Won’t, Not, etc.





     All souls, which are energy beings, were created by the ‘Source of all Life’ which those on earth call ‘God.’  God gave us free will so that we could learn to create as he does.  Advanced souls created places like our universe, which have many planets of varying degrees throughout, in order for souls to go and experience different lessons to further their spiritual development.  (Note:  The word ‘spiritual’ or ‘spiritually’ have nothing to do with the human concepts of manmade religions and their corresponding dogma).

     If you inhabit a human form right now, you have incarnated to this planet called Earth in order to experience all the many facets of love.  That is what this planet teaches.  True, unconditional love takes many lifetimes for the average soul to master, and that is the journey you are now on.  During each human lifetime, you incarnate with lessons and experiences you need for your spiritual growth.  Some lessons you accomplish, some you do not.

     Being born in the form of a baby is how souls enter this physical dimension.  You enter with no memory of past lives or of your true spirit home so you are not distracted while working through the present lifetime.  Without the physical body, your soul could not experience the negative side of life.  The human form is able to experience pain and suffering; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, whereas your soul is not capable of experiencing these negative lessons.

     When you have come to the end of the lifetime you chose, then it is time to return to your true home world through the avenue called death.  Death simply allows your soul to detach itself from the physical body you had chosen for your learning experiences.  Fear not death, for your soul experiences no pain or injury when your physical body dies.  It is truly a very joyous occasion when you return to your true home, where friends and loved ones await your arrival.

     Your soul, which is energy in its purest form, takes on an ethereal form when it leaves the physical body.  This form resembles the form you last held when you were earth bound, except it has no defects and displays itself in near perfection.  Most forms return in appearance to an age when they were most vibrant during their earth life.  This new ethereal form is required in the world of spirit just as you required a physical form while on earth to house your soul.  Later, as you progress spiritually you will reach a point where no form will be required to contain your soul; you will be seen as pure energy.

     Since you are pure energy in essence, you require no food, drink or air to breathe when you are back in the spirit world.  You do not suffer the aging process as your soul is eternal.  This ethereal covering does contain higher emotions, but not like the lower animalistic emotions you now experience in the human form.  Linear time and physical space are not present in the spirit dimension.

     Souls who incarnate to earth and take on the human form all dwell on the same level.  That means individuals on earth cover the full spectrum from the brightest/smartest people on the high end of the scale, to those who are idiots/morons on the lower end of the scale.  All living together on the same level as they each seek to experience their chosen lessons. 

     In the spirit dimension there is a separation.  Your soul will live in one of the seven major zones of consciousness with other souls you are in harmony with.  These seven zones are based on how enlightened or spiritually advanced a soul has become.  The law of attraction applies; like attracts like.  As you work to ascend through the sub-levels, each is more sublime then the preceding one.

     Each one of the seven major zones has seven sub-levels to it.  These zones and levels are vibrating and spinning at a higher frequency as you ascend through them.  The average soul who is now reincarnating between the spirit world and the physical world (earth) resides in the 3rd major zone, and dwells on one of the seven sub-levels of that major zone.

     As an example let’s say as a soul you were living in the spirit world on the 3rd major zone, on sub-level number 4 of that major zone.  You incarnated to earth and you chose to be born as a female.  You lived that life and achieved most of the lessons you wanted to learn and experience.  That programmed life lasted eighty-eight years, and then you died and returned to


the world of spirit.  Let’s say during that lifetime your soul advanced spiritually, which means upon your return to the spirit dimension your soul now advanced to the next sub-level of consciousness it had earned.  Instead of returning to the 3rd major zone, sub-level number 4, you would now ascend to the 3rd major zone, sub-level number 5.  If you had not made any progress in that lifetime, you would return to sub-level 4 from which you came.  Now had you used your free will and changed your basic programmed life to cause great harm, chaos and/or death which was not a lesson for you, then you would return to a lower sub-level or even return to a lower major zone.

     Once you spiritually grow and progress through all the seven sub-levels of a major zone, you then enter the next major zone and work your way through those seven sub-levels.  For example, when your soul progresses from the 3rd major zone, sub-level number 7 of that major zone, you would then enter the 4th major zone, and start out on sub-level number 1 of that major zone, and then start working your way through that major zone’s sub-levels.  When you reach the 7th major zone, and the 7th sub-level of that major zone and have become spiritually enlightened and have mastered all that is contained therein, you are now ready to ascend to Gods next phase of your soul development.  When you leave the seven major zones your soul will no longer need a covering or form and you will emerge as pure energy, a beautiful bright light of varying degrees.  At that point you would never again enter a human or ethereal form again.  A whole new adventure awaits your soul.

     To help with your human understanding, the earth is encircled by these overlapping seven zones and their sub-levels of consciousness, just as all the planets contain their own individual consciousness of higher or lower vibrations.  All zones of consciousness meet and blend together, so your soul is then prepared to enter into another consciousness on another journey of learning if you s desire.  Souls are always being encouraged in a positive manner to progress forward to be more God-like for their own self awareness.

For further understanding; each individual universe or dimension has its own Creator.  Each area of planetary living has been located in such an area that each domain is watched over, tended to, and life and energy brought forth into it by a Creator for that specific realm of existence.

     This is not to say that there cannot be more than one entity infusing power, and direction into the life and realm of existence.  But there is only one single being that is responsible for its ultimate direction no matter what other entities or life forms may inhabit it or cross from other dimensions to assist with that dimensions existence.

     There is, for your human understanding, only one God, the ‘SOURCE OF ALL LIFE’ that then observes these Creators and guides and assists them as needed.  This is much the same way that many groups of people delegate power to accomplish a common good on earth.  No one person on your plane can watch a massive area or oversee the production of a very complex event or item.  This is the same for existence as you know it.  There are many assigned to watch over your area, there is only one to direct and become responsible for its purpose, its mission, but then there is the ‘SOURCE OF ALL LIFE’ which is then responsible for all life and all dimensions. 





     The Akashic Records map and record each activity that occurs in each life forms experience, not just humans, but all life in every way; if there is what you call consciousness, there is a record for it.  There are records for each lifetime and records that are followed as a plan, and as a recording of what has taken place.  There are records for planets, though many are being created as we speak to you now, and serve more as only the recording, and less of a plan as there is much left up to the individuals in an experience at any given moment.

     There is much to be known about these and how they relate to each universe.  Each universe or dimension will be able to be experienced by you.  These are not separate records.  All are contained in one area.  You may have the same access to them as any spirit or energy being.  Each is located where all can review and research past lives and events of any in existence.  These records are not private, but are for education, and learning comes from others and their actions.  The knowledge will grow by expressing that, which we cannot, by way of viewing actions, and thoughts that were taken by others in the experience they had in their given lifetime.

     There is much to be learned by this great hall of records, but understand that what goes into them before you arrive in human form can be changed, after your birth and life start, all becomes a recording of what actions were taken.  Each lifetime is categorized and each separate spirit can view each incarnation they have ever had, to view and track progress or trends in the way that many keep records in your world now.  There is much need for understanding and reviewing these records.

     These records are becoming more easily accessed in your dimension, but there must be some discretion by the entity that brings it forth and the requester.  Not all information is helpful in a lifetime, though if an energy being in human form is asking for them, there is a clear possibility that he or she is able to cope with previous actions.  Be them positive or negative.