Anthology: Dare to Believe by Alexander Zielinski & Michael Burke - HTML preview

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     The majority of Americans always choose fear; they give up freedom after freedom to secure a little piece of false security.  The government and the military establishment have always played upon our personal fear.  Bombarding us through their controlled mass media outlets with ‘patriotic’ propaganda.  Doing so to incite the citizens into backing their unscrupulous war agenda.

     What was the true reason for the war in Iraq?  There were no ‘weapons of mass destruction’ (WMD) found after the invasion of Iraq.  There was no connection between the Iraqis’ and the al-Qaeda. 

     Question: What was the true reason for the war in Iraq?  Answer: Global corporate and government profiteers!   

     Those who profit from war are America’s true enemies.

     The American public has been manipulated time and again by their corporate controlled government.  The following are just a few examples: 

     (12-07-1941) Pearl Harbor, the citizens opposed entering into war with Germany and Japan.  President Roosevelt (FDR) instigated and then covered up his role in drawing the U.S. into war.  FDR new beforehand of the attack on Pearl Harbor and let it happen.  Death toll 2,403 at Pearl Harbor.

     (11-22-1963) President Kennedy was assassinated by the industrial elite in conjunction with organized crime.  Why?  Because he did not want America to become involved in Vietnam.  War creates wealth for many at the top.

     (8-02-1964) Gulf of Tonkin Incident.  President Johnson used that fabricated incident to escalate our involvement in Vietnam.  Death Toll 58,267.

     (9-11-2001) Terrorist attack on Twin Towers, New York City.  The Bush administration and high government officials were involved.  Americans were behind the attack on America using it as a pretext of invading other countries, so war mongers and profiteers could remain in business and sustain oil


greed.  Over 3,000 died.

     (9-11-2001) Terrorist attack on the Pentagon.  It is important to know that an explosion did occur.  We can say at this time that it was an attack from within the building.  Figuratively and literally.  It was not an outside airplane or missile that caused this destruction.  Simply isolated attacks, individually, would have been tragic, but several incidents only add to the chaos and the legitimacy of the story of terror and terrorists, and fundamentalist ideals as the core reason for the attacks taking place.

     It was not by any of the means or methods or even men mentioned in reports that these acts were carried out.  These were not men who benefited from the attack, the men who carried this out were strong-armed into doing so by higher authorities in the government and those who were blamed were non existent.

     (5-02-2011) USA announces Osama Bin Laden had been killed.  The Obama administration and top government officials were involved.  Osama Bin Laden is alive and was not killed by US Military personnel.  There is much being done at this time to divert the attention of the people on the world scene.  There must be a measurable result from the acts of violence around the world.  If this war is to continue there must be an effort, as the controlling party sees it, to head off any complaint that may appear in the future.

     Sharing this information gives them an advance attack, figuratively, on those who may decide to raise their voice should some measurable progress not have been shown.  There is no need to worry about Osama Bin Laden, his purpose has been served as the United States sees it, and there will be no purpose for him to enter into the media spotlight again.

     His personal effects are being delivered as evidence that he was killed, though there is no proof that these have ever belonged to Osama Bin Laden.  There should be patience by all, the truth will be revealed at a later time.  This information can be read by all but many will not interpret it correctly.

     There is a great warning that should be heeded by those who wish to pursue corrupt power and corrupt control but that message is being ignored.  There is only so much push before others will realize that false information has entered the government’s mind as an acceptable form of controlling or ‘informing’ the masses, the masses that government should have been elected by in hopes of improving the nation.

     There are those in power who seek power and control at any cost.  Just as there are wars with bullets there are wars with words.  This is their initial attack though there has not been one for some time; this battle with the populations is intensifying.  There have been many releases of information that show many governments are not what they appear to be and though this information has not been terribly impactful, it should be heeded that there is more being done to pull the curtain over your eyes then there is to reveal any information.  Osama Bin Laden is not dead; this is an attempt to divert your attention.

    You, those who watched this announcement and receive it, will be quite pleased with the government and a new faith will be instilled in the government and the president.  There is a great push to bring this president back into the white house after this term is finished.  This can only be accomplished through the perception in the masses as though he has accomplished much in his time.

     Many presidents, through no fault of their own at first, have the best of intentions but simply perpetuate the purpose of the past leaders who simply went along with the mass beliefs in government.  Just as there are those that the populations of people go along with—the crowd, the same is true for government, though there are small pockets that seek to gain more power and control.

     There is not enough being done to make these changes.  Once people have been pushed to an extreme there will be many more that rise up, but there will still be many who attempt to cling to the common view that there is no false information from the news reporters and there is no false information from the government figures.  Trust should not merely be obtained through passing of information from one to another because those before you also believed.

     All information should be scrutinized and evaluated so that each may form their own opinion and own views.  What is true for one is not necessarily true for another because of their progress and development.  There is a great deal of information being lost and even more that is being controlled for the sake of manipulation.  There is no need to worry, but more should be done to make this come to the light so that more can see it.

    More people need to take an active role rather than sitting


passively and merely entertaining the thoughts of voicing their opinion.  It is our duty, your duty, to stop this mockery.  There is only an illusion of democracy; there is a democracy storefront with a dictatorship in the back room that merely changes figureheads as necessary to show that people can make a change.

     Notice how little change has taken place in the last elections, within the last few presidents that the United States has elected there has been little change, no drastic measures taken, only perpetuating the same dogma that each has created before him.  There will be a time for change but many people are not coming to it as they should.

    Many also sit silently though they do have this knowledge.  Proper use of authority should be examined as well as the true necessity of authority in the first place.  There should be no giving up of power, in personal relationship or for any other area such was the national view.  Where the society is seemingly dependant on the government for things they should be imparting to one another or for themselves without national edict.

    There is a pulse coming that will change all of this.  Osama Bin Laden was not meant to be involved with the plot of 9/11, this was not his original plan, and he will see this at a later time.  He is being used as a target for brutal retaliation and control in an area where none is needed.  This is for selfish personal gains by those who are in a clandestine group who control power and disseminate information and control as they see fit.

     There is much that is controlled by them; there are not many accidental happenings on the world stage.  The wool has been pulled over the eyes of the average citizen many times before and this has the potential to continue for some time.  There will be a pulse, they will come to a crossroad, and this will happen, the masses will have an opinion, a change in their reliance’s on the group of control.  The control will still attempt to establish its dominance over the population but it will be unsuccessful.

     They will become as the late night television programs, only speaking to those who are inherently attuned to such information.  This era of governing will fall by the side of those it attempts to control.  Change, change is not just a slogan; it will be a series of actual events.  Learning impermanence will help those who may feel that their grasp on the world is spiraling drastically out of control, this is merely a cycle.

     The equilibrium that appears is merely a falsehood, it shall not be maintained.  Go into the night and share with others, at a point when the groups have massed in numbers far greater than you have ever imagined.   It will be time to share this information in the light for all to see.  There will be a rebellion, a regime change.  Through seen and unseen forces, through cataclysms of nature and of man.  These will not be stopped.  There is only a delay because of those who are coming to this information.  There will not be a change in the plans laid out, a delay is all that is taking place, there are many ready for change now but there must be others to aid in this great shift of the world.

     There are many who share inklings of this information but each individual does not know the great numbers of others who they also share ideals with.  There are many who do not hold mainstream ideas but this is not known because of the media control and the populace and its own ability to shun those who are different.  It will take many rising up before a wave of energy is cast upon those who are afraid to share information.  Though they may only come to the light because others have led the way they aren’t less important.  One small step shall begin the journey that ends in giant leaps.

        Many times they have manipulated third world countries by displacing democracy with a dictatorship.  Someone they could then control to maintain their authority and dominance in the affected area.

     Wars generate tremendous wealth for those at the top levels of government and big business.

     These ultra-elite groups are systematically taking control behind the scenes.  Their agenda is to globalize their power over all nations, including that of the USA.  Once they have achieved a dictatorship role in a single global system they will be controlling everything on the planet.

       These wars have made billions upon billions for the top elite who live the ‘American Dream.’  While those of the middle and lower class struggle to survive.   The middle class continues to spiral downward in their pursuit of a false dream they will never, ever be able to achieve.

     The dream itself was a fabrication of propaganda to ensure


the capitalistic machine would be maintained.   The top rungs of society and governmental power perpetuate the false hope to control the masses.

     If we used billions and billions of dollars for peace rather than for war, what would be the outcome for humankind?  Are we afraid to ask for what belongs to the people?  Do we not deserve a government that helps its citizens through love and honesty, instead of deceit and betrayal?

     What happens when a citizen questions what actually transpired during 9/11 and the war invasions that followed?  The elite government officials simply say it’s all just a ‘Conspiracy Theory.’  The apathetic and indifferent public stops questioning their government officials for fear of being labeled a ‘nut case’ or ‘unpatriotic.’  How easily we are duped and manipulated.

     The citizens don’t question what is printed or broadcast through the mass media.  They read the headlines and form their opinions and judgments from that without reading the entire story.  Then fail to question what doesn’t make sense or seem right to them.

     If you wish to know the real truth you must go outside of the American media to the foreign press.  Most outside media are still unbiased and are reporting the facts without censorship.   But even their governments and corporate leaders are starting to weaken to global pressure.

     The only way to defeat terrorism is through education, basic justice for all citizens and a raised standard of living for all nations.

     The super-corporations manipulate the military industrial complex through the guise of freedom.  They move forward with their plans of a new world order which provides them with wealth, prestige and authority.

     How many civil liberties must we give up to insure false security?  The Patriot Act has taken a heavy toll already on American citizen’s loss of freedom and liberties.  How far are we willing to allow the ultra-elite to enslave us using our own fear against us?

     How long before the elite collapse the FDIC and Federal Reserve systems to further their cause?  Sooner than you think for who will stand in their way?

     America is no longer the ethical and moral leader of the free world as it once was.  It is now the main cause of global terrorism.  It continues to allow the corporate/industrial/military establishments to run amok.   They function without government intervention or control.

     The Roman Empire was in decline from immoral and unethical decay through its negative leadership, and then it self-destructed.

     The American government is now in decline from immoral and unethical decay through its corporate/military leadership.  Are we now on the brink of destruction?

     Terrorism brings on war, poverty and environmental decay.   What does unconditional love bring to humanity?  Think about it, and then answer with your heart and not with your fear!
































Chapter 11





     Concerning an individual, none can receive healing until the soul itself is prepared to accept the healing.  No matter how great the healer is, or how strong the healing energy is, nothing will be healed until the soul is willing.  This may be due to a karmic lesson the soul is learning/experiencing, etc.  This is why some individuals cannot be helped.

     Others who have not chosen such a lesson can experience what some might call (wrongly) a miracle healing; healing completely and totally those diseases Western Medicine cannot heal through their conventional methods of prescribing surgery and pills.  Western Medicine is always ready to cut into the flesh or trying to control the illness with medications, extending their profit margins throughout the life span of their unsuspecting patients.  Mind is the true healer on this plane.

     The healing energy that is necessary for human change will be provided here in its simplest forms.  In order to understand the two basic methods of healing we will be focusing on self-healing and hands-on-healing.  Just know there is no difference in the type of healing used.  Often there are other factors that create differing energy creations through various types of healing.  But this can have the same impact no matter what modality is selected for healing to begin or what method is used to request it.

     More is done through the mind in these areas than what is currently acknowledged.  That is not to imply that there is no energy that is being sent or that there is no direct influence when healing is being sent.  A large factor in the healing or repair process of any ailment is due in a large part on the mindset that the receiver is currently residing in.  If their mind is accepting of the healing energy, the physical will respond.  If they doubt, or disbelieve, they themselves block the positive energy flow and thus experience no results.

     The following will provide the basic foundation of knowledge for those who are new to energy healing.

     Remember using the word ‘spiritual’ does in no way imply a connection with any organized religion or group thereof.  One can be an enlightened spiritual person and have no ties to any church, mosque or synagogue.

     There are three main areas that affect health, those being the mind, the physical body, and the soul/spirit.  The mind of the individual is the dominant force which controls the body.

     Positive thoughts (love, beauty, peace, etc.) help to promote good health.  Just as negative thoughts (anger, hatred, jealousy, etc.) promote unfavorable health.

     Excessive negative thoughts cause almost half of all physical health problems on this plane of existence.  Our thoughts do have the power to create positive and/or negative affects in our physical lives.  All true healing comes from within the individual, not from without as western medicine might imply.

     What we do to ourselves through good or bad eating habits has a profound effect on our physical body.  Through abuse or addiction our bodies also experience negative consequences.  For example the misuse of illegal drugs and/or prescription drugs, alcohol, abusive sex, and tobacco products to name a few main ones.

     Healing energies can be manifest through many forms; Hands-on, Color, Magnetic, Distance, Crystal, Music, Auric, Spirit, Reiki, and the like.



SELF HEALING:  Everyone has a companion/guide from the spirit dimension assigned to him/her during their lifetime on earth.

     Your companion will not interfere with your life unless you ask for assistance.  On rare occasions your spirit companion may intervene in your life plan.  Say for example you have not fulfilled your main life lesson(s) during this current incarnation.  Someone else’s free will is going to cause your death, or you have become ill to the point you are going to die.

     In that case your companion in spirit will intervene in your life without you requesting their help.   They may deem it necessary to alter things or provide healing energy to stop your death from occurring.  That’s if it concerns your imminent death.

     Otherwise your companion will simply observe your life


without you being aware of it.  You have the right to be as sick as you wish.

     Should you request help with an illness, work problem or whatever, then your companion shall provide the needed assistance.

     One of the things he can assist with is healing energy if you request it.  In performing self-healing upon yourself you commence this by sitting or lying down in a comfortable position.  This is simply to help relax your physical body and your mind.  If possible, limit the light and noise that surrounds you during this healing time.

     Mentally call your spirit companion.  For example say, “This is (insert your name) and I am calling into the spirit dimension for my companion.  Please come forth and place a shield of love, strength and protection around me straight from the Creator.  At this time I’m requesting that you please bring forth some healing energy to help me.”

     State what the healing is for; such as arthritis, or to recover from some type of surgery, or help with some form of disease.

     Now if you can reach the afflicted area simply place one or both of your hand(s) over, on or near the area of the problem.  If it is an area of the body you are unable to reach then simply sit or lie down and relax.

     When you are prepared mentally call upon your companion to bring forth the healing energy you seek.  Close your eyes and visualize the affected region or injury site becoming filled with a bright healing light.  See the affected area or region of your body becoming complete, healthy and whole again.  See any disease in your body being overcome by the healing light.  Feel your body being fully restored and energized.

     You may decide how often you need to repeat this process, depending upon how much healing you require.  You can ask several times a day, once a day, every other day, once a week.   Whatever feels right for you as an individual.

     Don’t give up too soon if you feel nothing is happening.  Your physical body needs time to correct itself and to make changes within it.  Patience is a hard lesson to learn in the physical dimension.

     Now for a warning: When you do get back to a better level of health, you must change the negative pattern that caused the problem.  Whether it was brought on by a spiritual lesson, or by a physical manifestation.  If you return to doing the same old stuff that caused you to become diseased or ill, then you may suffer a relapse.  You are in charge of your life, and only you can live it!

     Remember some diseases or handicaps are placed in your life as a spiritual lesson for your personal growth.  The individual chooses those types of lessons and spiritual healing may not have any lasting effect.   Because the individual programmed it to appear in their life as a learning experience for the individual and/or for those connected to the person.

     So if you seek healing, your spirit companion may not be so quick to intervene until you have understood the lesson you chose to learn.

     Until your soul  has complied with the natural laws and has learned the lesson you seek, healing in whatever form delivered has little chance of success.  Open yourself to the infinite possibilities of change.



HANDS-ON HEALING: (This is mainly for those who wish to become energy healers.  Those who have a strong desire to be of service to humankind.)

     Just remember you never send or give healing to someone who hasn’t asked for it. You must allow them the decision of invoking their free will.  Some people don’t want help or assistance for whatever reason they choose.

     Not all healing concerns a person’s physical health.   Parts of it are about finding out ‘why’ a certain disease has come to you.  Is it a spiritual lesson?   What must be experienced or learned before it can be healed or not healed?

     Healing energy passes from the spirit dimension to the physical dimension.  This is accomplished in the following manner.  A spirit being who works through you sends the healing energy into the physical dimension through an instrument.  You the healer are that instrument.  They can send the energy without using you; it just makes it easier and more intense if they use you as a direct delivery system.

     The instrument being in the physical world allows that energy to pass through them into the person requesting the healing.

     As the instrument you are the go between that connects the two dimensions.  The instrument does not ‘heal’ anyone.   You


simply act as the conduit through which the spirit energy moves from one dimension to another.

     You give your permission as an instrument for your spirit companion to transmit the required energy through your body.

     Remember not to send any healing energy to whoever is requesting assistance.  Allow only your spirit companion to send and deliver through you that energy, or you will cause illness and weakness in your own physical body if you are not shielded properly.

     Part of the energy used by your companion, at times, will come from your physical body.  Therefore without shielding yourself some of that person’s negative energy may recede back into you, thus bringing on illness.


     Until you have mastered and perfected your own personal technique of shielding yourself, follow this procedure:


1.       After you have met the individual requesting your help and