Anthology: Dare to Believe by Alexander Zielinski & Michael Burke - HTML preview

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     In our physical form we are limited by our ability to experience only five senses; see, hear, taste, touch and smell.  Those have a direct correlation to our conscious and sub-conscious minds.

     The conscious mind gathers information from the five senses and stores it in the sub-conscious mind to be recalled as needed.   Along with all the other information already programmed and stored in our sub-conscious.

     That which you think using your conscious mind is brought forth into being by your sub-conscious mind.

     The super-conscious mind is linked with the infinite spiritual intelligence of the Creator of All.  The super-conscious mind is connected to the physical body.  That connection is by way of the sub-conscious mind, via that of the conscious mind.  In effect the sub-conscious acts to allow transference from one conscious dimension (physical) to another dimension (spirit) and vice versa.

     On the physical level all life is consciously linked together.   That is to say not only is humankind connected consciously to each other, we are linked to the animal, mineral and vegetable kingdoms as well.  We are also connected to Mother Earth and the infinite cosmos, the universe.

     One only has to start ascending to a higher vibrational level to begin tuning into this expanded awareness of consciousness.  Thus we can access the knowledge of our oneness with all creations in the vast universe.

     The wisdom contained therein comes from the past, present and future combined.  Mankind’s linear timeline must operate within the dimensional confines of this planets time and space continuum.

     The Creator of All exists as a multitude of interweaving conscious thought patterns which are ever expanding into infinity.  By creating ‘individual’ thought patterns (souls) the Creator gave birth to like companions.   

     These souls were pure conscious thought forms (energy)


made in the image of their creator.  As they started to expand their knowledge they began to create.  They began moving in and out of different dimensional levels of consciousness at will.

     These souls decided it wasn’t enough to just study and experience that which they had created.  Through conscious thought they made the fateful choice to ‘become’ the creation itself.

     Once they entered into the physical realm they then became separated from the spirit energy (consciousness) which connects them to the Creator of All.

     Souls who were not involved in this type of creating, stepped in to help free those souls who were now consciously trapped inside of their own creations.

     Using the cycles of reincarnation thus provided a way out for those trapped souls.  If you inhabit a physical body you are one who is trapped and working your way back to the understanding of your true origin.

     Some are doing an excellent job of becoming spiritually enlightened in their progression toward ascension.   Where they will break free of the need to keep reincarnating back to Mother Earth, and similar other planets and dimensions.

     Others however have a long road ahead of them as they struggle to stay on their chosen path.  They are still losing more ground then they are attaining at times.

     Yet we are all connected one to the other because we are all part of the Creator of All.   Therefore no soul is left behind; for how can you join with the Creator if a part of you is missing.

     The multi-consciousness of humankind is undergoing a great spiritual enlightenment alongside that of Mother Earth.

     The opportunity is there for those who choose the truth of fulfilling their true destiny, in seeking to once again reunite with their Creator.

     Cast aside and grow beyond your ego mentality of consumerism.  Allow yourself to experience the real you, that inner part which seeks to assist humanity and live spiritually in the consciousness of God.







Chapter 14





     When you think and produce thoughts, whether negative or positive, you are creating them using spiritual laws.  These are in conjunction with physical laws which operate while you are incarnate on Mother Earth.

     Thoughts move throughout the cosmos and are not contained or hindered by solid matter.  They are stored in the Akashic consciousness of the Creator of All.

     Whatever your thoughts concern, the more you dwell on them the more power you give to them.  If you add strong emotional energy (love or hate) they grow even more profound in their essence and can be brought forth into physical reality.

     Changing your thoughts in a positive direction (love) can bring about spectacular results in your life.  Affecting both your physical life and that of your spiritual enlightenment as well.  Dwelling on negative thoughts (hatred, anger, etc.) brings on turmoil and chaos into your physical and spiritual life.

     Your individual thought patterns have created the very life you are currently experiencing.  Whatever life you are living now, positive or negative, you are the sole creator of that existence.   Using your own pure thought patterns you brought forth this life, remember the law of attraction.

     You cannot blame others in your life for the misfortunes that have befallen you.  Karmic debt may be involved and may be the karma you carried from another lifetime of which you, and only you, were the creator of it then as now.

     Change your thoughts and you change your life path.   It’s up to you; no one can do it for you, stop being so afraid of change.

     Spirit energy is never destroyed; it can be transformed into many things on many levels of consciousness.  But never will it perish or fade away.

     Gather your thoughts, narrow them into a positive goal, then focus and visualize them in your mind.   Combine them with positive emotion and transform them into physical reality.


     That is the basic scope of your ability to co-create in the human form within the confines of pure consciousness.








































Chapter 15





     The old organized religions of today are standing in the way of humankind’s spiritual evolution.  Religions which once served the people have failed to keep pace with an ever changing world.

     They once gave service and provided the people with God’s spiritual direction.   Now they have tried to replace God’s will with their will and their control.

    Obey our religious authority, believe what we tell you to believe or be forever damned to the eternal fires of Hell.  The past and present have shown the world what their religions were all about.   Those who did not conform to their belief were subjected to; holy wars, bloodshed, torture, rape, and large scale genocide, all in the name of God.

     Families, communities, and nations have been turned against each other through organized religions interference.   They have been seeking to exercise their power over the world for centuries.

     The stronger organized religions have become over the ages the more the people of the world have been enslaved and slaughtered.    Believe what our holy book says or die by our hands or by the hands of our God.

     The bible is a collection of stories that may be considered fables or moral stories.  Some were based on actual events while others were simply handed down word of mouth as lessons for those who needed the symbolism.  There are many sections that were originally written by those with spirit communication and even sections that were given to this planet by other beings from other planets and other beings of light.

     There has been much work to control this book and use it for selfish purposes.  Realizing this will remove the controlling hold it has over an individual or a group of people who are following this book as though it were an inflexible document and all binding.

     There was much done to it to change it from its original format which was intended to be a symbolic guidebook and positive reference for the people of that time period.  There are



many who included Jesus because they knew of his power though the threat was added of his return to further ensure that a proper behavior was had from subordinates.

    There are many true stories in the bible of healing, positive affirmations, and other spirit phenomena.  This book allows those who need greater instruction to know that there is a peace far greater than what they presently know.  Though this book is used as such it was not intended to divide and should be used to unite.  Reading it as you would any other book is the way for those who seek guidance.  It is unimportant to sprout a new ritual for reading and following it.

     There is much that is unimportant in the bible but the basic tenants of life and kindness to, from, and between mankind are wrapped onto the pages.  Each shall have their own view of the world, but the bible may be a basic building block just as many other stories serve the purpose of learning basic concepts such as kindness, love, and forgiveness.

     There is no wrathful god to cower down to as this was also added by those who sought control.  Many, when writing various stories that later became this collection, also created more elaborate stories to create an interesting story, from their point of view, while others were simply attempting to show the gravity of the situation.  This book was to give purpose and direction to those who were wandering aimlessly.  It is still useful if those sections which are glaringly untrue to you are ignored.

     Many on certain levels will feel a specific phrase vibrate or resonate with them; these sections are true for them.  Inclusion and love is what should be taken from the bible, not many reasons for exclusion and persecution, this was never the original purpose or intention.

     The Creator of All has provided humankind with eternal natural laws that aid us in our search for spiritual truth.  Religions of the world have taken control of these eternal natural truths to dominate the poor and uneducated masses.

     They judge and condemn others while telling their followers not to judge.  They insight them to bloodshed when others refuse to conform or submit to their religious authority.

     Religions of the world are built upon foundations where falsification, superstitions and fear prevail.  Those foundations have provided them with power and control over the common man.  They said they want to lead us to God but they paved the golden streets with blood, death, chaos and destruction.

     Only you can know what you require for your spiritual advancement.  You chose this life for your personal development with the blessing of the Creator of All.

     By freeing yourself from the mind and emotional control exercised over you by organized religion, you come to the realization you are in charge of your spiritual destiny.

     Break free of the religious corruption that now enslaves your mind, body and soul and return to the Creator of All.  Let him guide you back to where you once again are his co-creator, his loving companion.

     Religious doctrines force their will upon the unsuspecting people.   Telling them they need priests/churches, rabbis/synagogues, clerics/mosques, and the like.

     What they fail and refuse to tell the people is the simple truth.   Through seeking within, they can experience unconditional love and the truths of the Supreme Being.  For God is inside each person and receives us from there.  He is not in some holy place or building they assign a religious name to.

     The Creator needs no religious personage to communicate through in order to make his truths known to us.  You have the inner ability to speak directly with your Creator and his Angels.  Communication presents itself through relearning the natural ability(s) mankind has forgotten over the centuries.

     The time has come to remove religion from the equation.  Humankind must be shown the true path to salvation.  If you harm another you are harming yourself for we are all from the same source. 

     Free your children from a life of spiritual slavery by allowing them to explore their world.  Educate your children in these basic spiritual truths:


  1. Teach them to live a moral life.
  2. To help those who have less.
  3. To be of service to others in need.
  4. To work for the higher good of humanity.
  5. And above all to love all life unconditionally.


     Teach them the simple rules that have been passed down to


mankind throughout the ages; ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ and ‘Judge not, least ye be judged.’  This was given to mankind long before Jesus walked the Earth. 


     Even now we still refuse to follow these simple rules because of organized religions fear based hold over us.

     Do you truly believe the more power and wealth you have the more the Creator of All will love you?  He cares not about how much you have amassed materially.  He cares about how much you helped his children to grow spiritually, and whether you have learned the lessons of unconditional love and truth.  What you have done with your life to be of service to your fellow man and woman is where his concern lies.

     These are the things we came to learn that make us worthy of our Creators grace and love.  How many of these have you mastered in this lifetime?



























Chapter 16






     The misconception in the Bible that the Creator of All condones ‘an eye for an eye’ has caused many to support capital punishment (death penalty).  The Bible was meant to be taken symbolically, not literally.   The punishments forthcoming are to be dealt with by karmic justice, not by mankind’s fallible justice system.

     The karmic debt for those who participate in state, federal and/or military judicial executions is very negative indeed.  Especially for the executioner, and all others involved in the death sentence process.

     It is one thing to pronounce judgment against an individual, and sentence him/her to life in prison without the possibility of parole.  It is totally another matter to pronounce judgment against an individual and give them the penalty of death!

      Only the Creator of All can mete out such a sentence and he refuses to do so because he loves all his children (souls).  He allows them the chance to change what is in their hearts and minds while still in the human form. 

     Time in prison itself can transform even the most lost and hardened soul.   Time itself can provide them with the free will choice to transcend hatred.  Turning it into love and understanding of oneself, and of their fellow man.   But a sentence of death stops the process of inner reflection and enlightenment.  It stalls the spiritual growth of all humanity.


     There are five basic reasons NOT to employ the death penalty:


1.   Innocent Lives;  during the last 38 year period over 200 innocent people were wrongfully convicted to death row and later released.  How many others were executed before the real truth could be found?

2.   Not a Deterrent;  all states that do not sponsor capital punishment have the same average or even                                     


      lower than average homicide rates than do the states with capital punishment statues.  Life in prison is equally, if not more effective than a death sentence.

3.   Minorities/Poor; racism and bigotry bias plays a major role in deciding who is charged/sentenced in death penalty cases.  Especially if the victim was White and the defendant was African American/Hispanic.

4.   Cost;  the monetary expenditure to try, convict, sentence, appeals process and maintain an individual on death row is astronomically costly.   As opposed to trying, convicting, sentencing and maintaining a person in prison for life.  The money saved by life imprisonment sentences, rather than that of a death sentence, could be used for real reform and rehabilitation.

5.   Human Rights Violation; over 68 percent of all the nations now on planet earth have abolished the death penalty. This is due to international standards on human rights.  America is one of the top five nations still executing their citizens along with China and Iran. 


     Think long and hard before you condemn an individual to death.  Do you truly think a loving and divine God would want YOU to destroy a life HE created?

















Chapter 17






     Ascension simply describes the journey a soul undertakes after it has mastered all there is to experience in a particular dimension.  Then it is prepared to evolve to the next higher level of consciousness, moving another step closer to the Supreme Creator of All.

     Soul consciousness comes in a variety of forms.  All the creations living upon Mother Earth have varying degrees of spirit awareness.   Included also are the planets, moons, stars, comets, galaxies, universes, and the like.  They each contain spirit awareness, yet they do not have the ability to co-create as we do.

     We are unique ‘souls’ for we were created in the image of the Creator of All and given free will and the ability to be co-creators in our own right.

     This universe we now occupy and all that lies within has reached its zenith.  It no longer can grow in its current consciousness.  It has begun evolving to the next higher level of awareness for its evolutionary journey.

     In order to fulfill its destiny it must continue to expand from the original foundation it was created from.

     What we are now concerned with is Mother Earth, and those souls in human form, who are actively working on their spiritual ascension.

     As the enlightened warriors keep incarnating into physicality, they bring with them new abilities for the human forms they inhabit.  These abilities will help the human form to keep pace with Mother Earth’s evolutionary process.

     Many are awakening to the changes within their physical bodies.  They feel the vibrational forces speeding up and vibrating at a faster rate.  They too can manifest new abilities during this transitional phase if they so choose.

     We’ve already noted some of the abilities these new incarnating souls will be manifesting in earlier chapters.   

     Basically the same mediumistic abilities Jesus used while


incarnate upon Mother Earth.  Those abilities consisted of levitation, healing, and clairvoyance among others.

     No miracles, just abilities mankind gave up for materialistic desires, yet they are being reintroduced once again.  You can manifest some or all of these abilities if you apply yourself.  Read on to learn how.




































Chapter 18






     There was a time when the human race did not exist and there were only energy beings.  A division of energy much as your systems delegate power with each being responsible for a tiny part of the greater picture.  And each energy being overseeing a few more to uplift and bring forth a knowing and experiencing to regain control of one’s own mind and spirit, away from things that we do not yet understand at this time. 

     We are all part of a greater being.  This being allows us to share energy and information and allows experiences to be shared.  Just as germs assist a body they can hurt it.  As we progress, so does the Creator, the Supreme Being from which all energy and life flows.  Love is eternal in energy form.

     The enlightened soul inhabiting a physical body and living on Mother Earth knows there is no such place as Heaven or Hell.  Only in the organized religions of the world do you find such references.   They are by design used to control the uneducated, poor and superstitious populations around the globe.

     Once our soul has learned and/or experienced what it came to accomplish or failed to accomplish, it discards the physical body.  We simply arrive back in the spirit dimension and take on an ethereal body similar to the one we used on earth.

     Except this ethereal form has no defects and displays itself in perfection and suffers no ill effects of the aging process