Ascension or Destruction by Michael Burke and Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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The laws of nature are brought forth by the Supreme Creator of All. In essence they state that all creations upon the earth must adhere to these basic natural laws. These simple laws assist humankind through their flight or fight response and through their reproduction instinctual behaviors.

These basic tools of nature apply equally to all species with the one exception being that of humankind. They must answer to a higher standard due to the law of free will.

Souls, while incarnate, do respond to natural instinct because they are housed inside a physical body. Souls have something the lesser species don‟t posses, the ability to create on a spiritual level, which then translates into the physical plane.

As you have read in earlier chapters we have free will and it is our right to create. We do this through our powers of mental (thought) activity, whether it is positive or negative in form.


Thoughts do have power and can be used for the good of ourselves, family, society and the world stage around us. But sadly our thoughts can be used to harm and cause great suffering to ourselves and to others. Free will teaches that we can treat others as we wish to be treated, with love and honesty. Or what we refuse to share will be taken from us through karmic retribution.

Think deeper before using your mental force, especially if you combine it with strong emotion (anger, hatred).

If you mentally, emotionally, spiritually and/or physically harm another you are simply harming yourself. For we all share the same spiritual life force and are all subject to the same karmic effects on this plane. What you sow, so must you reap in kind.

A soul cannot use their free will to interfere in another soul‟s spiritual journey, even if it is deemed a positive intervention. Only when a soul asks for help can another soul render aid thus negating karmic effect.

Free will allows a soul to choose to be in harm‟s way. Individuals have the right to follow such a negative path if it is of their desire or choice.

You cannot live another souls lifetime for them, they must live it themselves. We have no right to change or disrupt the path they have decided to follow in this lifetime. If they seek assistance then you may help them.

A soul may choose a lifetime of sickness, handicap and/or disease in order to rid itself of past life karmic debt. You must not interfere with their free will to live such a life.

If you interfere anyway, you may stop them from completing what they chose as their spiritual path to enlightenment, and you invoke karmic retribution upon yourself.

The Creator of All wants his soul companions to use their free will wisely so that we 52

may bring forth true and positive awareness (consciousness). This will contain the very essence of pure love and wisdom in our selection of possibilities.

Many souls are destined to cross paths with another soul for the opportunity of learning a specific life lesson. A mutual meeting agreed upon before your physical birth took place. That is not free will but known to us as destiny or that which was preprogrammed to occur.

Destiny brings us to a specific time, place and/or event, and then stops there. Whether the lesson is learned or not to be learned, it is then up to those souls involved to use their free will which will decide the outcome.

As a soul, before you incarnate, our subconscious is pre-programmed with life events we wish to experience. This is done with the intention of advancing our spiritual awareness.

These life events are destined to play out during that lifetime we chose to live. Once the event unfolds we can experience it as it was programmed to be or we can alter the experience.

The decision is ours and ours alone to make. Spirit companions can offer guidance during these life events but the decision can ultimately be made only by us, for it is our life and our pattern of spiritual growth that will be affected.

Concerning life lessons – souls journey to this dimension to experience the many diverse facets of true unconditional love. Many of these lessons come in the guise of disease/illness, war/genocide, rape/assault, murder/suicide and the list goes on.

Many souls program these types of life lessons to experience the true nature of love 53

and how to understand it on all levels.

Unconditional love can be learned on any scale. On a small scale, you might experience love through cancer or heart disease. This not only teaches the individual soul about love of oneself, but draws in family and friends. Thus teaching all involved about unconditional love through loss.

On a large scale, many souls freely give their lives to teach love through such events as plane crashes, global disease, genocide to name a few.

Love has no limits when it comes to teaching souls about its true meaning. You have heard it many times before, and it is still as true today as it was through the ages – fear is simply the absence of love.

Were you to truly comprehend the essence of love, you would never experience fear again. The Creator of All is trying to impart this to each soul, so that they may continue on their journey home to take their rightful place by his side.

Tests come in many shapes and forms. To give you an example of a true test of love think about this for a moment before you respond: God loves all his children no matter from what country, culture or race they hail from. All are loved and cherished as his creations and he holds no one above another. All are seen as equal entities in his eyes.

Praying to God to strike down one you consider an enemy is asking God to kill one of his own children. Would you pray to God to kill one of your own cherished children?

No prayer is ever answered by the Creator of All if it involves him being asked to destroy one creation at the behest of another creation. God loves all his children, not just his American children.


Murderers, child molesters, rapists, etc.; do they deserve to be punished for the rest of eternity? Damned to Hell?

If you answered „yes‟ you have failed the test of understanding what true unconditional love conveys.

If you truly believe in your heart that God loves you more then he loves those spirits of Saddam Hussein or Adolf Hitler, you need to read your holy book again. If your beliefs are contrary to those expressed in this example, you have truly misunderstood a very important message from your Creator, or your holy book was designed as a control measure through organized religion.

Our Creator of All loves those spirits just as much as he loves you! Open your soul to love and forgiveness or you will have to experience many, many lifetimes to learn the simple truth that we are all connected through the Creator of All to one another.

Try to think on a deeper level, examine more closely, and see things through the eyes of our loving Creator. There is no right and there is no wrong; replace fear with love.

You will see all that happens is for the advancement of all creation.

Most individuals who hate or despise others do so because they don‟t love themselves or they are experiencing karma.

You cannot harm or punish another without harming or punishing yourself. That goes for all of God‟s creations (animals, trees, etc.) upon the earth.

The time will come when humankind will comprehend what the Creator of All has given to them – the means to experience the spiritual lessons of unconditional love through a physical form.

These lessons come by way of disease manifested through individual and community, 55

by personal and public lessons of war, murder, and rape; by global lessons of hunger, genocide, and the like. The lessons are meant to teach you to rise above such negative energy and see the truth and love behind the actions.

Once we comprehend the true meaning behind these lessons humankind will once again become enlightened. We shall step out of our self imposed darkness into the everlasting light of God.

Let go of the fear and let unconditional love show you the true path. The path that leads us back into the arms of our dear Creator of All!