Ascension or Destruction by Michael Burke and Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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Global corporate conglomerates have bought and taken control of the majority of mass media outlets. That in turn gives them the power to control all news and information.

This is then disseminated to the general public at large by their deceptive censorship practices.

That means you will only be given the news and information the corporations want you to have. The main reason being their hidden profit agendas; which increase their wealth, power and domination over the world.

Corporations and the top elite have become very powerful. Their reach commands influence and control over the major divisions of the United States government.

Through their use of fear tactics, false propaganda (misinformation) and direct deceit (lies) they manipulate not only America, but the world economy.

C.E.O.s, board members and shareholders of the major global corporations have manipulated many politicians and elections. This is easily done through pay offs and intimidation tactics.


The industrial controlled media invoke fear through their disaster based news. They help scare the citizens into giving up their freedom in exchange for false security.

The mass media‟s exaggerated and false reporting of terrorist attacks, weapons of mass destruction, and the like keep us fearful. They thrive on the suffering of the common man.

If you ask, “What part did the U.S. government play in the 9/11 terrorist attack on the Twin Towers?” The answer from spirit would be:

There is much that has been covered up. There was a direct influence in the attack and it is not by ignorance of pre-given knowledge as many keep repeating. This knowledge was conceived as a method for conveying to the public the reason for the atrocities.

To think that ignorance is a better excuse is unbelievable but many on your plane are much happier with this information than with any other excuse or reason that could have been disseminated. Using this excuse the government should have been fearful, that more public outcry would have been experienced as many would have lost faith.

Many believe any story that is put through the media and repeated like a mantra, over and over again. It becomes difficult to ignore the stories; many will doubt the truth that they know in their own mind, because they are faced with such overwhelming influx of information supporting the cause disseminated by the government.

There is reason to know that there is much done to bring the focus on the people of peace rather than focus on the reasons and motivations for this attack. It is our concern for you that many will be alarmed, and peace will be further from the obtainable future, because of the reasons that can be mentioned to you about this attack.

There are many who are in power and believe that these attacks were by outside forces. They will also cling to these ideals because they do not believe that the government that they work within would be controlled by a group of individuals who are not elected.

There are many who still have morals and values that they hold fast to, but many will need to be broken from this in order for the truth to be found.


First, to say that the reason for these acts is obstructed or hidden is not true. There is much in plain sight that is the reason for these acts. There is money, power, and control by implementing the use of the Army. Control here at home, reasons and excuses for control of the population, rationing, giving up liberties. There is much involvement overseas in an attempt to gain control, in an attempt to gain allies, but these are not allies that we will gain by mutual respect for peace and order.

We will be receiving greater numbers of allies to the U.S. because of the deals and talks hidden from sight, through force and unclear tactics. These are not truly allies as their own interest as well as ours, is what each country seeks to improve, not mutually beneficial.

It is important to know that there was much done to attack the Trade Buildings prior to this seeming terrorist attack, and this is why this area was chosen. It was not necessarily for its symbolism, only those who attempted to wreak havoc on it prior to 9/11 attempted so for its seeming power.

The attacks blamed on those you call „terrorists‟ were done so because of prior engagement in such activities that there is a story to convince you that such atrocities were possible.

There is much regarding the alleged pilots and victims. These are only cover stories.

None were truly on the planes that hit the towers. There are many who have conceived stories to make the scene more tragic, believable, and convincing. Know that those in the buildings were truly attacked, but those in the planes—these are not believable stories because they are untrue.

There was no attempt by others to stop these flights because there were no person‟s on board to stop them. It was not possible to create a control and inhumanely waste the lives of many on said planes. There are many who perished, but any plane that was used on that day did not succumb to death. There was emptiness. There were no deaths from being a passenger on a plane.

There was not an attempt to subvert these attacks because it was necessary for them to take place, to implement more control within the country and abroad. It is not readily acceptable by you for more specific reasons and means. It is important to know that there are some who are involved in government now, who are plotting similar deeds for 46

the sake of convincing the populace of a looming terrorist threat, and an attack will be blamed and they will be accused of it. There is much done in a domino fashion, the American government seeks to implement control, but they also incite further violence because of the fury held by those who are the alleged attackers, though they‟ve done nothing wrong.

There are many who speak against tyranny, and the large populations labeled as terrorists only hold differing views. Much as the world did in the many hundreds of years as this society was building up around the world. It has been the history of man to persecute that which stands out.

It is not merely those societies within the world that the U.S. feels are more controlling that attempt to do this. In every area of the world there are many reasons, there are many people that attempt to stamp out differences. Often times this same act occurs indirectly because the populations have been molded to believe the popular consensus.

It is important to know that the rights and thoughts of the individual should be maintained after their own critical thinking, and careful evaluation brings them to a specific thought or belief. Standing for your beliefs is crucial and important to many who return many lifetimes over, for simply living life as an idle person and not actively seeking truth of any true nature.

It is important to know that there will be many who come to know the true nature of these attacks, and the true grandeur of the stories and telling of cover stories by government, not just within the United States.

The true nature of many things will die with the last life that was involved in the atrocity; know that more information can be revealed later as more will become acclimated to the possibility of this alternate view, as they see it. It is important to know the truth.

The U.S.A. consumes over 25 percent of the world‟s oil supply. Our corporate/industrial companies are counting on our dependence on oil. It gives them the excuse they need to perpetuate war on any nation/government for their greater profit margins.


The top coalition of global companies is not going to allow America to seek other forms of energy development. Not as long as they control the government and the oil imports.

The oil supply cannot keep pace with the demands of an ever increasing world population. Oil supplies have already hit their peak producing range in most oil producing countries.

By 2025 the oil supply will reach its zenith in oil producing nations. As world production of oil starts to diminish and world demand keeps increasing, global warfare will ensue.

Mayhem and chaos will aid in destroying our modern world society brought on by their greed. How many will survive the transition from an oil based world economy to a non-oil based world economy?

Big corporations are trying to bring about global capitalism to our planet. They seek total control and eventual domination of all old world colonial markets, thus effectively controlling all nations and governments to some extent.

Capitalism does not function any better than Communism or Fascism. All those systems bring chaos, disharmony, poverty and death to all who are brought into it, except for the elite.

The world cannot sustain capitalism without cataclysmic results to the population of the earth. Trying to export capitalism to the global community is a death sentence for all of humankind.

This „World Order‟ they seek through their capitalistic control and war machines will reap a death sentence that few will escape. Those who do escape will be enslaved to 48

serve the new masters of the earth.

Democracy has become so weakened by corporate/government greed, sooner rather than later, the world will see it disappear.

That which will spring up in its place will lead to catastrophic wars and genocide on a large scale.

Stop and think, help put an end to the continuous lies and propaganda that the nations and corporate elite are force feeding their citizens. Stop the constant bombardment day in and day out of all the negative mass media news. Its main design is only to create fear and panic.

It‟s time the 70 percent woke up and started to use one of the most powerful tools they have, the right to vote! Vote out the corrupt politicians who allow the corporations and powerful lobbyists to buy, control and influence them. Even our right to protest is being curtailed.

Politicians turn against the very individuals they are sworn to protect, the people.

A fearful nation is one where the very foundation of democracy is easily circumvented. Those powerful individuals in the government and the military industrial complex must be brought under control. When big business and government are allowed to conspire together all suffer. At that point not only does justice no longer exist, they destroy the very fabric of which democracy itself was created upon.

They seek wars and incite the people through „patriotic rhetoric,‟ using false mass media news stories and events in order to generate outrageous profits for themselves.

Soldiers are sent to fight in these „profit wars‟ under the false pretense of defending national security interests – defending democracy, our way of life, and freedom.


Our young soldiers come home mentally/emotionally broken or in black body bags.

The death toll of our young men and women increases steadily. At the same time those corporations and industries involved with the military watch their profits soar. Corporate leaders see our young troops as expendable, as long as they keep generating wealth.

We are bombarded on a daily basis with negative news. Their intention and desire to keep us panicked and overwhelmed costs us dearly.

The more fearful the citizens become the more willingly they are to sacrifice their rights and freedom. The citizens are pushed further into poverty and chaos while the corporations grow fat off our stupidity and apathy.

Complacency by the citizens of the world, and most importantly those of America, are allowing the global corporations to destroy democracy. The resulting karmic debt to all those involved and to those nations will be immense indeed.

Mother Earth, as she continues to gain momentum in her ascension, is aware of the greed that fuels the global corporate elite. She shall use their own materialistic greed to vanquish them and cleanse herself of these destructive individuals.

Mother Earth will unleash the negative energy that the global corporations have created through their overwhelming voracity; that karmic retribution will indeed incite a war of apocalyptic proportions between her and mankind.

Global coalitions in conjunction with corrupt governments are lying to their citizenry.

The citizenry may be apathetic and/or indifferent enough to believe the mass media propaganda and lies, yet they cannot lie to Mother Earth, or to the Creator of All.